3/22/05 - I attended my orientation meeting. It was very informative and made me even more excited about my journey. I have a LOT of paperwork to fill out so I had better get started!

3/30/05 - I just mailed my information to St. Mary's. I included a letter and a detailed diet history. I figure the more information I give, the better my chances are at getting approved quickly.

4/06/05 - St. Marys just called. They scheduled me for my nutritionist appointment and my psych evaluation for April 13th. It can't get here fast enough!

4/13/05 - I just got back from my appointments. They went well! The social worker was impressed by how much info I sent in. She did recommend therapy after the surgery and even mentioned therapy before surgery. I told her that I didn't think I needed it before surgery, but thought that it would be beneficial after surgery. I think a lot of things may surface as I go through the dramatic weight loss and I think therapy will help me deal with it. No one I know personally has had WLS, so this will help me greatly. I scheduled my Labs for April 19th at 8:30 (it includeds the x-rays and pulmonary tests) and I have another meeting with the social worker that day to go over my assignments. I have to answer a lot of questions and do a Genogram. Most of the time, it takes 2 to 4 weeks before you can get in to do all of this, but I got an appt in 6 days! I've already started but I have got a lot more to do!

4/15/05 - Of course the nurse called and said that they had accidently double booked the day for my test so they had to reschedule. And, of course, I couldn't get back in until May 2nd! I did however keep my April 19th appointment with the social worker to turn in my "homework." Grrrrrr.... Why did I answer the phone???

4/19/05 - My meeting with the social worker went great! Everything is on track!

5/2/05 - I had a bunch o' tests today. Everything went fine except the pulmonary function test showed possible obstructive lung disease, or asthma. I don't have asthma. But, I did wake up with a runny nose that day. Let's hope that it what is was. I can't get in to see the doctor for my final clearance until May 17th. After that, they will send my info to the insurance. I hope it goes fast!

5/9/05 - Well, I just got off the phone with a nurce from the bariatric center. She said the chest xray showed a possible benign calcified lymph node. I am very woried about it. They scheduled a cat scan for 5/11/05. I am going crazy here...

5/17/05 - I had my date with the doctor today. Everything went well! I liked her and we got along great. After the office gets Dr. Royalty's dictation back, they will submit to my insurance! I really hope they approve it fast! OH YEAH! My Cat Scan came back Normal! WOOHOO! But, I do have a fatty liver, but the doc didn't seem to worried about it. She said that it was common in MO people with Type II Diabetes. I also met with the dietician. She just wanted to give me my huge handbook and get me started on recording what I eat. I also saw the exercise evaluation people today. I am to start walking 4-6 times a week for 30 minutes. I am then to slowly add minutes until I get up to 45 and can walk it at a pretty good clip. Even though I have arthritis, I can still walk pretty decent - Just after 15 minutes or so of walking at a fast clip, my knees and hips start to give out and my sciatica acts up. So, it is going to take me awhile to figure out my comfort zone.

5/25/05 - I had to run in for my AM cortisol blood test. I also met with the social worker who suggested I get therapy due to my lack of a support network (I live 8 hours from where I grew up. Both sides of the fam is back in good Ol' West Virginia!) I agreed. She said that she would put in my notes to the insurance that I was willing and open to therapy. She said that a lot of insurances like to see that because that generally means that the patient will have a better outcome, or so she says. I am going to call the therapist tomorrow and start seeing her. Hell, it can't hurt! They should be submitting to my insurance this week. Keep your fingers crossed that they will approve me ASAP!

06/02/05 - My paperwork was faxed to the insurance today! Let's hope it get approved soon!

Here is my Diet History that was asked about on the boards...

Stacy Engle’s Weight and Diet History Timeline

1995 – Spring
Gained 30 Pounds in about 2 months
Weight 105 to 135
Exercised regularly (track practice)
Diet - Watched what I ate by eating healthy foods.

1995 – Fall
Gained 20 Pounds
Weight 135 to 155
Exercised 2 times a week
Diet – Low Calorie and Low Fat

1996 – Spring
Maintained Weight
Tried Slimfast, Low Calorie Diets, Low Fat Diets, Richard Simmons, Dexatrim, and Trim Life.
Exercised 3 to 4 times a week

1996 – Summer
Lost 15 Pounds
Weight 155 to 140
Exercise – about 2 times per week
Weight Loss due to Cabbage Soup, Baked Potatoes, and Trim Life.

1996 – Fall
Gained 15 Pounds
Weight 140 to 155
Exercise – about 2 times per week
Tried Cabbage Soup, Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast

1997 – Spring
Maintained a weight of 160 +/- 5 Pounds
Weight 160
Cabbage Soup, Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil
Exercise – about 2 times per week

1997 – Fall
Gained 15 Pounds
Weight 175
Cabbage Soup, Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil
Exercise – about 2 times per week

1998 – Spring
Lost 10 Pounds
Weight 165
Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil, Trim Life.
Exercised 2 – 3 Times per week

1998 – Fall
Gained 15 Pounds
Weight 180
Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil
Exercise – about 2 times per week

1999 – Full Year
Maintained Weight of 185 +/- 5 Pounds
Weight 185
Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil, Various OTC Pills
Exercise – about 2-3 times per week

2000 – Spring
Weight 190
Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil, Herbal Life
Exercised 2 Times per week

2000 – August
Became Pregnant (Blood Pressure Problems From Week 20 bed rest at week 34)
8 week checkup – Weighed approx. 198 Pounds
Low Fat/Low Calorie
Exercise – walked 3 times per week

2001 – April
Gave Birth – Continued Blood Pressure Medicine
Weighed approx 230
Low Fat/Low Calorie
Exercise – walked about 2 times per week

2001 – Fall
Weighed 210
Diagnosed with Hypothyroidism – Non-medicated.
Low Calorie/Fat, Atkins Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil, Various OTC Pills
Exercise – walked about 2 times per week

2002 – Spring
Weighed 225 (after a drop to 210)
Still Non-medicated for hypothyroidism
Low Calorie/Fat, Dexatrim, Slimfast, Diurex, Evening Primrose Oil, Various OTC Pills, Fasts
Walked 2-3 Times per week

2002 – Fall
Dropped to 195
Medicated and Weight Watchers (Blood Pressure went back to normal)
Low Calorie/Fat
Exercise – 3 times per week

2003 – March
Got Pregnant (Blood Pressure Problems from week 30 – bed rest at week 34)
8th week appt weighed 203
Exercise –walked about 2 times per week

2003 – November
Gave Birth (Blood Pressure High Normal Not Medicated)
Weighed 240
Exercise –walked about 2 times per week

2004 – Spring
Weighed 230
Started Curves
Gained then lost 10 pounds
Exercised about 3 times per week

2004 – Summer
Weighed 230
Started curves Diet
Lost 12 pounds
Exercised about 3 times per week

2004 – Fall
Weighed 235
Gained all the weight back plus 5
Exercised about 2 times per week

2004 – December
Weighed 250 pounds
Hospitalized for Atrial Fibrillation
Started Low Calorie, Curves Diet
Exercised about 2 times per week

2005 – Current
Maintain 250 pounds +/- 5 pounds
Low Calorie, Curves Diet, Propolene, Cortislim
Exercised about 2 times per week

Here is the letter I sent to my insurance company...


Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield

PO Box 37010
Louisville, KY 40233-7010
Pre-Authorization Request

Re: Stacy Engle

Identification Number: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx
BS Plan Code: XXX
BC Plan Code: XXX

Dear Sir or Madam:

This letter was written in attempt to demonstrate how Gastric Bypass surgery will greatly improve my life. I have many comorbidities that will be eradicated when I lose the weight from Gastric Bypass surgery.

Since 1995, my weight has steadily increased despite my best efforts to keep it off. As my weight has increased, my quality of life has decreased. I hope to provide insight into my life in the coming paragraphs. Included with this letter is a timeline of all of my diet attempts and results.

Hypertension – I have been on beta blockers off and on since becoming pregnant with my first daughter in 2000. When I was off the beta blockers, my blood pressure was in the borderline high region, and even slight exertion would send it through the roof. This made exercise difficult. My heart would pound, and I could feel increased tightness in my chest. Even at my young age I would cringe at the thought of a heart attack leaving my two young daughters motherless. My mother and father who are overweight, both have high blood pressure and are medicated for it. Most of my overweight relatives are on blood pressure medicine.

Arthritis – I have many symptoms of osteoarthiritis. I have pain in my knees, hips, ankles, and feet. Sometimes it is so bad, I have to forgo planned activities. For example, my inlaws came to see us a few months ago. I was unable to go to the zoo due to the pains in my knees and hips. It is hard to explain this to a 4 year old. I have convinced myself that as long as I can treat it with Extra Strength Tylenol, I could manage without seeing a doctor. But every morning when I get out of bed, my feet, ankles, knees and hips all bother me for about 1 hour until they get used to standing up. I cannot sit on hard chairs for a long time without my lower back and hips hurting. I cannot sit on the floor with my daughters and play for long periods of time without hurting. Walking for long periods of time really hurt my legs – especially my knees. My mom and my maternal grandmother both have severe arthritis and both are morbidly obese. My grandmothers osteoarthritis is so debilitating, she has become handicapped and can no longer live completely by herself. She also has spinal stenosis, degenerative disk disease, bulging disks, and several other debilitating spinal disorders. This can all be directly tied to her weight. My mother is following in her footsteps, and if I do not do something now, I will be there too.

High Blood Sugar - This is a new development in my quest for gastric bypass. During a routine physical, it was found that I was spilling sugar in my urine. I am awaiting the blood results to see what is going on. I have a grandmother with Diabetes. Although hers did not come on until later in life, it came on after she gained a lot of weight. UPDATE April 4, 2005 – I have been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. While I am in the early stages of the disease, my doctor prescribed Avandia to help sensitize my body to the insulin my pancreas is creating. My doctor and I both agree that Gastric Bypass surgery will reduce my weight, which will in turn get rid of my diabetes. I am very upset that I have Diabetes. This can drastically shorten my life. It makes me terribly upset to think about not seeing my grandkids.

Atrial Fibrillation – In December 2004, I woke up with an irregular heartbeat. I went to the emergency room and they immediately gave me an echocardiogram that said that I was having Afib. They admitted me and started me on a regimen of drugs. After 12 hours or so, I converted to a regular sinus rhythm. I was observed overnight and sent home the next day with a prescription for a beta blocker. Since 80% of Afib patients have sleep apnea, they sent me for a sleep study that took place in January. The sleep doctor said that I have mild obstructive sleep apnea. He agrees that WLS will get rid of my sleep apnea. My cardiologist said that my Afib was directly related to my morbid obesity and recommended surgery after hearing about my diet history.

Hypothyroidism – I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2001. I began medication in October 2002. With the help of medication and Weight Watchers, I lost 30 pounds. This, unfortunately, was temporary. I gained it all back, with an additional 20 pounds since the birth of my second daughter in 2003. My endocrinologist and I came to conclusion that my thyroid started its downhill battle when I was 17. My weight has been a constant battle that I am losing. The weight keeps coming on. Now that I am medicated, that should not be happening. I have tried diet after diet. Nothing has worked.

Acne – As a 110 pound 16 year old, I did not have any acne at all. Now a 255 lb 28 year old, I have acne on my chin, forehead, and cheeks. I have tried numerous things to get rid of it. It just keeps getting worse. It is very embarrassing. Acne is a “pubescent” problem!

Rashes – During summer, it is not unusual for me to get rashes under my breasts, under my arms, and between my legs from the rubbing and sweat. I can usually get them cleared up with hydrocortisone cream. It is embarrassing and makes me want to stay inside.

Excess Sweating – I sweat profusely. It is difficult for me to not have body odor. I have to wear excessive amount of deodorant/antiperspirant to make me feel comfortable in going out in public. My bras at the end of the day are usually soaked in sweat. I feel the need to wear feminine deodorant spray to stave off personal odors.

Frequent Yeast Infections – I get 2 or 3 yeast infections a year that are treated by over the counter treatments. The creams are messy and I become very itchy. It is a hindrance to my sex life because I have transferred yeast infections to my husband. So when I have yeast infections, we do not have sex.

Incontinence – Having two babies has given me incontinence, but my obesity affects it more so. Without the obesity, I would not have the extra weight pressing on my bladder. I have to wear pantyliners to catch the excess urine. It is not unusual for me to have to change my panties once a day.

Lower Back Pain – I cannot stand for long periods of time without experiencing lower back pain. For instance, standing at the sink peeling potatoes is almost too much. I have taken to sitting at the kitchen table to peel my potatoes. Sitting for periods of time to do quilting or crocheting is almost unbearable. These are things I enjoy that are greatly limited due to my obesity.

Lower Edema – I am constantly slightly swollen in my ankles and lower legs. The more I stand, the more I swell. Sometimes I swell so much that socks cut into my legs. Then, my legs become itchy. It is very annoying.

Shortness of breath – Exercise is something I used to thoroughly enjoy. I cannot enjoy it now because I become short of breath at even walking around the mall. I am 28 years old. I should not be getting short of breath!

Hip Pain – My hip pain is terrible. I cannot sit for long periods of time or my hip pain gets terrible. Right now I can manage it with Extra Strength Tylenol (3 at a time) but it gets worse yearly. I cannot play on the floor or run outside with my kids. It is very depressing.

Other Joint Pain – My knees, ankles and feet are all affected by my weight. My arches are falling due to my weight, which makes finding shoes that fit correctly difficult. In fact, I had a stretched ligament in my right foot last November that was tied directly to my weight. I limped for 3 week. My podiatrist mentioned my weight as the reason. My knees are a mess, especially my right knee. I would seek orthopedic surgery except that no doctor in his or her right mind would operate on it due to my weight. I kept putting it off hoping that the next diet would actually work. My right knee is so bad, that I have to favor it when standing up or walking up and down steps.

Acid Reflux – I was recently diagnosed with GERD. I did not have this when I was thinner. It is irritating and I must take Pepcid AC every day now.

Fatigue – Oh how I wish I had energy! I switched antidepressants so I could get more energy. I cannot wait until I can get off of antidepressants and actually have more energy! I wake up tired. I take a nap and I am still tired. I sleep 10 hours at night and I am still tired. I cannot keep my house the way I want to due to my fatigue.

Gall Bladder Attacks – While I have not seen a doctor for my gall bladder, I do know that I have gallstones due to family history. My mom’s gall bladder was so diseased when they took it out, that it fell apart as they took it out. I described my pain to a doctor and to my mom and they both confirmed what I thought. My gall bladder is consistently tender.

Bowel Problems – I go from being constipated to diarrhea very quickly. I never had a happy medium. It is painful. When I have a lot of diarrhea, my hemorrhoids flare up making it painful to have a bowel movement or urinate or even sit sometimes.

Gas and Nausea – I have frequent painful gas. Sometimes, it is so painful, that I double over. I treat this with antacids. It decreases the amount of gas in my stomach. I also try to burp frequently after meals so the gas goes up and out instead of down and out. I am nauseous several times a week. I believe it is from the excess gas and acid in my stomach. (See GERD)

Hemorrhoids – My hemorrhoids flare up when I have diarrhea. They are painful but I can treat them with OTC medicine at the present time. It makes it difficult to have a bowel movement, urinate, or even sit sometimes.

Sleep Apnea – My sleep doctor said that I have a slight case of obstructive sleep apnea. He said that we should treat the Restless Leg Syndrome, and then we would see where we were with the sleep apnea. He said a CPAP machine might be beneficial.

Restless Leg Syndrome – This is something that was caught during a sleep study for sleep apnea. From what I have researched, antidepressants exaggerate the symptoms. I am on antidepressants due to my depression from my weight. When I lose the weight from WLS, I will be able to come off of my antidepressants thus greatly reducing my need for medicine for my Restless Leg Syndrome.

Misc. Reasons – I am unable to play with my kids the way I want. I do not go and do with my kids the way I want. I am embarrassed for my kids and for myself. My sex life has become practically non-existent. I refuse my husbands advances because I am uncomfortable with him seeing me. When we do have sex, it is not as enjoyable as it once was due to the weight. I am depressed due to my weight that makes living with me not the most pleasant thing in the world. My relationships with some of my friends have become difficult. For instance, my closest friend Tracy invited the kids and me to go swimming with her and her kids last summer. I had to refuse because I was embarrassed. She couldn’t understand it. My kids are missing out on things due to my embarrassment. That embarrasses me even more. It is a vicious cycle.
Here is my family history. Most of the following problems are directly tied to obesity. Most of my relatives are obese to morbidly obese. Without Gastric Bypass, I too will become and have already become what they have become.

Family History
5 year old Maternal Grandmother
Severe osteoarthritis, practically immobile, degenerative disk disease, bulging disks, stenosis, severe pain, morbidly obese, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, decreased kidney function, elevated potassium levels, herniated disks, kidney stones, uterine cancer, father had bladder and lung cancer.

Maternal Grandfather – Died at age 35
2 heart attacks, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cerebral brain hemorrhage

52 year old Mother
Osteoarthritis, joint pain, morbidly obese, hypertension, high cholesterol
Her Brothers and Sister all have arthritis, hypertension, back pain, joint pain, brothers have high cholesterol, sister has heart palps, and brothers are all obese.

72 year old Paternal Grandmother
Bad arthritis, dementia, diabetic for 10 years, morbidly obese, high cholesterol

75 year old Paternal Grandfather
Heart disease, angioplasties, stents, 6 bypasses, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, moderate arthritis, hypoglycemic

53 year old Father
Hypertension, overweight, slight arthritis, brothers and sister all have hypertension, overweight, cholesterol problems, 2 have sugar problems

As you can see, my life is greatly affected by my morbid obesity. Even sitting here at my computer desk my knees and hips are hurting. I am sad everyday when I cannot play with my kids the way I want to. I want my kids to grow up with a healthy attitude toward food. I want them to think of food as a way to stay alive; not as a way to feel full, feel better, and to have fun. Our lives should not revolve around food and how much of it we can get. And yet, it is the first thing I think about it the morning and how I plan my day. This surgery will turn my life around. I have attempted to turn my life around many times by dieting, but it never worked long term. This is the only way I can take the weight off and keep it off. I am bound and determined to get this surgery and to take off this weight! I want to be able to enjoy my grandkids like my mom cannot because of her obesity.

I have done my research. I know what the surgery entails and what the complications may be. I know the risks I am taking. I am willing to take those risks to lead a healthier life and life when I can enjoy my husband and kids. I am ready.

Thank you for your time,

Stacy Engle

Enc: Timeline, Chart

Here is the weight gain chart...

07/12/2005 - Well I got the call! My surgery date is set for August 17th at 7:30 am! WOOHOO! I am really excited! Now, I just need to start getting ready.....

08/09/2005 - We are getting close! Millions of ideas are running through my head... Will I make it through surgery? Will my kids know their mommy? Can I handle the eating after surgery? Am I going to be able to exercise? Will I finally stop being HOT and SWEATY all the time? Will I be able to play with my kids like I want to? Will the surgeon get in there and see some sort of gross anatomy deformity and not be able to do the surgery? Will I lose the weight fast or slow? Will my peers make fun of me? Will my mom get encouraged and maybe want to have the surgery? Will she get behind me 100% when she realizes this is the best way? Will my heart be fine during surgery (I have Afib)? Will the anesthesiologist stop the surgery if my heart start palpating? Will I be able to eat steak again? Will I be able to enjoy my moms potato salad ever again? Do I really want everyone knowing that I am having surgery?............ The list goes on and on.

I have been having so much trouble getting to sleep because my mind wouldn't shut off, that I have started taking ambien. It helps me stay asleep. I have always woken up A LOT at night (even when thin) but this helps me stay asleep!!!! I have a little residual sleepiness during the day, but it isn't terrible.

Ok, time to get off. I need to clean the house! It is a mess!!!

09/03/2005 - I am FINALLY updating my profile! My surgery went off without a hitch. In fact, it only took 1.5 hours from the time they wheeled me in to the time they wheeled me out. Crazy fast! Must have been super for my doc! Anyway, I woke up in the OR in pain and some nausea. I remember saying that I thought I was going to throw up. But then, it went away. Then, they wheeled me up to my room. My pain pump SUCKED. I was in so much pain. The morphine wasn't cutting it. I told the tech who told my nurse. She came in and said, well, you are taking the max dosage and we can't up it, lets wait for a little longer and see if it works better. I was allowed to hit that button every 10 minutes. I was always smacking that thing after 5 minutes. Finally, after a couple of hours, I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying. The tech came in and saw me and ran to get the nurse. I closed my eyes for a second. That damn nurse snuck in my room to see if I was actually in that amount of pain. I finally opened my eyes and saw her turning her back. The tears came again. I think she finally realized that yes, I WAS IN PAIN. She left and called the doc. She then came back with a HUGE dose of dilaudid. I immediately had pain relief, but, she gave me so much, I started holding my breath. Not all the time, but about every 5 to 10 minutes. But, I was on supplemental oxygen because during surgery, my oxygen saturation went down to 88. (Of course, after surgery, my numbers went back up but I still had to wear that stupid thing...) ANYWAY, they changed my pain pump medicine to dilaudid and everything was fine. I told them from the beginning that I have a high pain medicine tolerance, but no one believed me.

The next morning at 7:30, I had my leak test. It tasted like bile, but it was easy. I had no leaks, so I was moved on to full liquids. Boy was that pudding great. My nurses however, were not great. In fact, I am going to write a letter to the hospital and complain. It was terrible. They didn't bring my food like they were supposed to, I was promised a shower right after my leak test and didn't get one until 3pm, They didn't tell me I had to collect my urine, but knowing I needed to, I did (the supplies were there), a nurse yelled at me because I put my urine collection on the sink (no one told me where to put it), wrong foods were brought to me, drinks were sometimes brought with straws, no one told me to walk, I just did on my own, they didn't plug in my IV pole, so the battery kept going dead, I had to plug it in myself 3 times, oh, it goes on and on. I have been in this hospital twice before and always had WONDERFUL nurses. This time though, yuck! I know they are overworked and short staffed, but sheesh, this is my health we are talking about!!!

Anyway, I came home on Friday (surgery was on wednesday) and boy was I glad to be home! I was still in pain, but they tylenol with codeine helped wonderfully. By Tuesday, I was off pain meds. On Thursday, I had my 1 week appointment. I had already lost 16 pounds! Pretty good for a lightweight!

Since then, I have had two episodes with things getting stuck, causing me to throw up. I need to chew better. I chewed well before, but sometimes, I find myself resisting the urge to swallow too soon. I guess sometimes I do without thinking. On Sept 21st, I can move on the the unpureed stage. Now, I am allowed to eat canned tuna, canned chicken, and canned ham without pureeing, well cooked veggies without pureeing, but everything else has to be pureed. Sometimes, when I swallow, I get a pain... I'm thinking stricture or just healing - who knows? I am able to get food down and keep it down... It just sometimes hurts (even liquids sometimes if it is a little bigger of a swallow).

Now, on 9/3, I have lost 25 pounds!!!!! 2.5 weeks!!!!! 25 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! It is CRAZY! I love it! I am telling everyone what I have done and how much I have lost. I am SO proud! (found out my scale was different than the docs. Mine was off by more than 5 pounds. Oh well! I got a new scale now, so weights are accurate.)

I'll post pics and an update soon!

09/22/2005 - As of this morning I have lost 38 pounds! Wow!!! I am not having the pain anymore and yesterday, I moved up off of pureed food. Yesterday, I made crab cakes and they were delicious! I am going to calculate all of the numbers, then I will post the recipe here. I was able to eat 1/2 of one with no pain and no nausea. Woohoo!
I am still working on the photos. I lost my digital cameras battery recharger. Gotta get those batteries recharged! Hopefully, it will be soon. I am amazed at how fast I am losing. With my hypothyroidism and being a lightweight, I could have sworn I was going to be a slow loser. Heck, it could even still happen! I hope not! See ya'll!

10/01/2005 - This is a copy of a post of mine from the messageboard.

Hi! I had my first wow moment yesterday. We were getting ready to leave to go get my girls (4 and almost 2) their halloween costumes, when I decided to look through my smaller clothes. I looked through my jeans and pulled out a size 18 pair of Tommy jeans. I looked at em and said "No way, these are still WAY too small!" But, what the heck, I tried em on. THEY FIT! And not too tight!!!!!!! I haven't worn those jeans in 2 years!

Then, when I went to the grocery store later, I decided to try on some other clothes. A size 18 pair of capris fit and so did a size 18 top that was always a little small on me! WOOHOO!!!!

I love this surgery! This is the best thing I have EVER done for myself! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

This is just the type of encouragement that I need! My brain is still way behind my body size. My body image is still the fat girl who can't get shorts to fit 2 months after she bought em. NO MORE!!!!!!!!! hehehe! Well, maybe it will be the other way around this time! They will be too big instead of too small! I am SO happy! Plus, the scale is FLYING. I never would have thought that I would lose this fast!

I am down 47 pounds now!!!!!!!!!! CRAZINESS!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!

10/23/2005 - I woke up this morning, peed, then got on the scale... it read 200!!!!!!!!!!1 Can you believe it? I little over 2 months out and I have lost 60 pounds! 1 more pound until I am in ONEDERLAND! This surgery is a blessing. Never would I have ever thought that I would lose this fast, being a lightweight and all.

I think I had a touch of the flu this week. No matter what I did, I was sick to my stomach. So sick, that I even took a pregnancy test! LOL It was negative of course! Thank Garsh for my IUD!

That's it for today. I am hoping to add some before and after pics if I can find em. Cya'll soon!

12/03/2005 - Boy am I bad at updating my profile!!!

I now weigh 185! WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!! I am still having some problems. Come to find out, it is reflux that is making me nauseous. I am not having heartburn - just nausea! Now I am taking a Nexium every morning, but somedays, it just isn't enough! Like today! I have eaten about 7 antacids today! I'm not having any problem with getting my calcium in! LOL My 3 month labs came back great except for my potassium. It was a little low. But, I had problems keeping it up prior to surgery too. So, now I had to add a potassium supplement to my daily pills. I may sneak and not take them, but eat either a banana every day, or some other high potassium veggie. Low potassium causes Afib in me, so it is something I need to be aware of.

Thanksgiving went great! I really didn't have any problems resisting the sweets! That was a nice thing! I have an EGD scheduled on 12/07/2005, so I will update after that. Buh Bye!

12/18/2005 - Well, my EGD sucked AGAIN. I am the type of person that needs a lot of meds to get the med to work. for instance, morphine after surgery had very little effect on me. I needed high doses of dilaudid to help with the pain. My first EGD? They gave me the meds, but they didn't work. I was awake the entire time and remember EVERY gag. The nurse had to hold me down. That story may be higher up in my profile. So, this time around, I tell them what happened the last time. The doc, which was the same one from last time said, "Well, we gave you enough last time to knock you out!" That's when I said I remembered every gag. So, he upped it a WHOPPING 25 mgs! What happened? Of course I was awake again and remembered every gag! I didn't gag nearly as much as last time, but it was still a horrible experience. Good news? Nothing is wrong! So I am just one of the lucky ones who gets nasty reflux after surgery.

I am down to 172 now! Can you believe it???? This weight is just falling off of me! It is crazy! I love it! I can wear size 14 jeans now! It's awesome!

I'll update more later! Century Club, here I come!!!

1/11/2006 - I MADE IT!!!! CENTURY CLUB!!!! WOOHOO!!! I now weigh 159! This is awesome! I have slowed waaay down with my weight loss, but that is to be expected. I only have 29 more pounds to go to my goal weight. My doctors goal weight loss was 90 pounds. I have already surpassed that! I am getting the itch for plastic surgery, but I am going to wait until at least I hit my goal weight and have stayed there for about a month. They say to wait until at least a year or 18 months, but when you lose weight as fast as I did, it makes it kinda hard to wait that long! I need to up my protein intake. I think that is the main reason why my weight loss has slowed way down too. I am making it a goal to have 1 protein shake a day - Starting today! Let's hope I can do it!

03/04/2006 - Wow. What a trip this has been! I had my 6 month appointment on February 23rd. Everyone there was amazed at my weight loss! At 6 months out, I was down 120 pounds! Since I started out at 260, this is amazing! I promise I eat! And, I eat a good bit! I eat generally around 6 times a day. That translates into about every 3 hours when I am awake. My doctor also told me to not lose more than 10 more pounds! Imagine that! At 6 months out, being told to not lose too much more weight! CRAZINESS! I am wearing a size 8 jeans now. PRE PLASTIC SURGERY! I have a good bit of excess skin on my arms, breasts, stomach, and thighs. The docs want me to wait for plastics until I am 12 months out. They said I could probably go sooner, but that at 12 months, my skin will have more than likely gone back as far as it can. I already have been researching plastics. It is really hard to wait! But, I don't have $15k laying around either! LOL I'll post some more pics of me. I LOVE THIS SURGERY!

07/06/2006 - It has been awhile since I updated! My weight according to my scale is 130. My doctors scale says that my scale is 4 pounds heavy, so I am going with their scale! 126 pounds baby!!! It's amazing!!! I have started my journey to get plastic surgery. I had a consultation with Dr. Agha of the Hurwitz Center in Pittsburgh, PA then end of May. My quote total for EVERYTHING is $31k. OUCH. Right now I am waiting on insurance to get back to me on if they will cover parts of it or not. I should know something today or tomorrow! Lets hope they cover my thighs, tummy, and breast lift. Keep your fingers crossed! I got a new tattoo yesterday. I'll post the picture after this entry. The initials are for Kaitlyn and Laney, my two daughters. I am going back and getting an M put on after the L for my husband, Matt. I think it is really pretty! I'll update as soon as I know what insurance is going to do!

This is the tattoo on my right inner wrist. This was by far the most painful one I have!!!

Here is the close up!!!

08/17/2006 - Well, here it is! One year ANNIVERSARY! It's awesome! This year has shown me so many changes. I feel like I am back. Back from that awful place we get into when we are morbidly obese. This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. I would have the surgery every day if I had to!
I did find out that insurance is going to cover my breast lift, brachioplasty, butt lift, and abdominoplasty!!! WOW!!! They denied my thighs, but said that all I need to get it covered is some more documentation as to why it is medically necessary. Should be very easy to do. I really think I can prove my case! However, I am having to change surgeons. Long story short - once insurance decided to kick in, the surgeon "changed" his fees! And, he was in-network. So, I am on the prowl for a surgeon in the Cincinnati area. I think I have found a couple! I hope they pan out!

5 Days After Surgery. Weight = 260

Taken 7 weeks out. 55 Pounds Down! (Shirt is too big!!!)

Here's a decent close up. Minus 60 pounds and COUNTING!!!

Here's a more recent close up taken on 12/23/2005 as I was leaving for a Christmas party. I weighed about 170 in this picture.

Here is a full body pic of that same night!

Here is my latest picture! I am down 103 pounds and I weigh 157! WOOHOO!!!

I had to get my haircut due to hairloss, but I like it anyway! I'll get a close up next time I get fixed up. AND, those are size 10 jeans!!! I was down 107 in this pic.

Here I am in my new size 8 jeans and a juniors large top! I am down 120 in this picture!!!

Here is a decent close up!


Stacy's Recipes!!

Crab Cakes

Nutritional Info (1 Cake)
Calories - 159
Fat - 7
Carbs - 12
Fiber - 1
Protein - 12

1/4 C FINELY Chopped Green Bell Pepper
1/4 C FINELY Chopped Onion
2 Tbsp Kraft Miracle Whip Light (or free for reduced calories and fat)
2 tsp Lemon Juice
1 Medium Egg
1/4 Tsp Garlic Powder
1/4 Salt
Dash Pepper
20 Town House Crackers, CRUSHED (can use reduced fat or low sodium or cracker of your choice)
1 Pouch Chicken of the Sea Premium Crab (can be upped to 2 for more protein and meatier cakes)

In a bowl, wisk together egg, green pepper, onion, Miracle Whip, Lemon Juice, garlic powder, and salt. When thoroughly combined, add Crab. Stir. Add in 15 crushed, or 3/4 of the crushed Town House crackers. If using 1 bag of crab, the mixture will be runny. If using two, mixture will just be sticky. Divide into 4 big, or 8 small balls. Press or dip each cake in the remainder of the crumbs. Spray a heated pan with Pam. Place the crab ball in pan and smoosh until thin (leave thick if desired). Sprinkle black pepper on one side. Fry until golden brown on both sides. Sprinkle a little lemon juice on each cake (3 or 4 drops) Thin cakes will be crispier, thicker cakes will be meatier. I prefer crispier. These can be made into tiny cakes and served as an appetizer. They can also be served cold. HINT - Make the day before when going to a covered dish dinner!!!
The nutritional info is for 1 bag of crab. A second bag increases calories to 199 and protein to 21. At 5 weeks postop, I am able to eat 1/2 of a 1 bag Crab Cake.

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Newburgh, IN
Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2005
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I am horrible in updating!!!!
