Is it time to SHAKE UP your life?

Jul 05, 2011

Is it time to SHAKE UP your life?


For those of you that know me, I LOVE positive motivational quotes! One of my favorites has been


·       “If you keep doing what you've always done, you are always gonna get what you have always got!” (author unknown)


I have posted this quote many times for friends who are struggling, looking for direction. We recognize that weight loss surgery is a physical action that gives us a tool to help us lose and maintain our weight. But, never did I realize the emotional struggles I would face that are directly related to the “new” me. As my body changed shape, I knew my mind had to change as well. This was an opportunity for me to set new goals, and reject the limitations that I previously lived with.

I went back to college and completed my degree!

I took on physical challenges that were previously impossible.

I set my sights on fulfilling some new dreams.

I shook up my life!


I recently read the following quote by Steve Maraboli, a world known motivational speaker, an author, an extremely successful internet radio personality, and frequent TV guest. (he lives on Long Island so I have the opportunity to meet with him on occasion) This quote reminded me that I am responsible for my “today and tomorrow”! I must take the steps needed to reach my goals!    


·       "Feeling stuck? Tired of the way things are? Become the leader of your life. Lead yourself to where you want to be. Breathe life back into your ambitions, your desires, your goals, your relationships. Shake things up. Do something different. Take planned, calculated steps towards a new goal, a dream, or a new you. It’s the only way to ensure that you won’t get the same results in your life." - Steve Maraboli
So, I ask you, “Is it time to Shake up your life?
Will you inventory and reassess your goals, dreams, ambitions, and relationships?
What steps will you take in order to make each a reality?
Are you the leader of your life?
Although you are the Leader, you don’t have to attempt these changes alone. Find support with friends and family because, “Accountability + Support = Success.     (((HUGS))) Maryellen



About Me
Sayville, NY
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2006
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