Who flipped the switch?

Jun 10, 2010

Yesterday was the end of my fourth week post op. It's like someone actually flipped a switch!
For four weeks I have been enhausted, nauseated, tired, constipated and cannot sleep. All of a sudden, I didn't need a nap yesterday. I went to work, had an early meeting, stayed at the office until after 5 pm and went to choir practice last night.
I still don't sleep well, but I am now able to have a normal bm and am not constantly nauseated. I did a full day's activities without feeling like I was the "walking dead".
Halleleujah! I was starting to wonder when I'd ever feel like my "old self" again.

By the way, if you are having terrible constipation issues, try 2 spoons of fast disolving fiber powder in your first protein drink. Then I take two generic stool softener gel caps (Like Colace, but non-stimulating.) Be sure to drink as much water as possible. Most of the time, I don't intake 64 oz, but do get about 48 oz. Water and the extra fiber is the key.

Successful Day #2

May 30, 2010

Wow, I guess I finally am coming out of the weeds in regarding to my pouch healing OR I have found the secret to not having the constant nausea which has plagued me since surgery.

Today, I really ate slowly again, watched everything I ate to be sure it would not trigger an upset or nausea and I have just had my second successful day since surgery, without feeling like I needed to stay in bed all day.

Praise God and thanks to all my friends and support system for their prayers. I was starting to wonder if I'd ever feel good again.  Now, I promise to not rush ahead and start to be creative again for a long time. I need to find stability with this and then I can start to try different combinations of foods.

Had a good day

May 30, 2010

Wow! Yesterday was the first day since surgery that I was not nauseated at all. I mean not even once!

I was super, totally careful and used extreme scrutiny in choosing what to eat.
I ate miniscule bites.
I rested and waited between bites.
I stopped with about 4-6 ounces.
I waited at least 30" before taking a sip of water.
I only consumed protein drinks, cream soup, jello, saltines, pudding......

So, that's day one of feeling like I will live! Hooray! Will keep you posted!

Back to Basics

May 29, 2010

Today is day 17 following surgery and I've lost 16 pounds, but it hasn't been easy. I've been sick almost every day and cannot tolerate hardly any food or beverage without extreme nausea and discomfort.

So, today I go back to basics. I am simply starting with protein drinks, cream soups, oatmeal, yogurt and applesause. Only if I tolerate this with no problems will I try to add other soft foods to see what seems to be the trigger to all this pain and aggravation. Feeling so bad, I don't feel like doing anything with family or friends and certainly not exercising. Maybe this will be the key to success and I can advance from there.

I really appreciate the support from my good friend, and my sister --both of whom have had bariatric surgery and can lend their support and perspective. My husband has also been better than I'd imagined. He usually just wants to fix "what's not working" and gets very impatient and aggravated if he can't fix it. God bless them all for sticking with me and not getting sick of me complaining....."O Lord, I feel soooooo bad!"    (Actually, I am sick of it!)

2 Weeks Post Op

May 27, 2010

I guess I didn't ask enough questions, though I thought I knew most all of the issues surrounding bariatric surgery. My younger sister had RNY 6 years ago and one of my best friends had the same a week prior to my surgery. They have recovered quickly and had few adverse effects.

Neither of them had the continuous nausea that I have experienced. The nutritionist says that this is "normal" as your pouch adapts to food. Right now I am feeling like I will be skinny sooner than I thought since I don't feel like eating much of anything, nor drinking anything but cold water.

I also feel so yucky that I can't even imagine doing any exercise or walking or lifting weights. I will look like an overinflated balloon after all the gas excapes......no mass, nothing but wrinkles and sagging skin. Whoopee! I'd better get a plastic surgeon on speed dial!


One Day at a Time

May 26, 2010

Today is day 14 following surgery and I am down 15 pounds. I have been weak and nauseated the entire time and have felt pretty bad. Still, I am working on getting down two protein supplements a day (50 gm) plus eating protein for snacks (cottage cheese and canned fruit; tuna salad; yogurt). I only had a couple of days that I felt hunger, but eating because I was hungry is NEVER the issue for fatties, like me. I eat because I love the taste, texture, sensation and process AND it is/was my coping mechanism.

I was told by my primary care physician that there will be a change in how the brain processes hunger (satiety) and that there will not be the insistent cravings that I had before. You know the ones-- you have something in the house that you don't want to eat, don't need to eat, but that item calls out to you like a siren inticing you until you surrender and wolf down a huge portion or multiple smaller portions. Only when the food is totally depleted, would you get rest from the incessant torment of wanting it. I pray that this will be true in my case and that I will want to eat to be healthy, full and that that will make me content and satisfied.

Working the Plan

May 21, 2010

I am working the WLS plan. I have now advanced to Level III foods and trying to get my proteins, vitamins, calcium and components into my system without feeling gassy, nauseated or hungry. My very good friend had surgery one week prior to me and is at a totally different place. She is still on Level II foods and has had none of the gastric issues I've experienced. I guess the lesson here is to try to see what works for each of us and to share our experiences, while realizing that no two people are alike. We are uniquely created by God and need to find our own way on this journey.

As I read the blogs stored here, I am amazed at how helpful people are and how many great ideas there are to overcome our challenges. I plan to be here until:
      * I reach goal weight
      * I am able to pass along my lessons to others
      * I encourage someone to improve their health and to overcome the fear of "just doing it"!
      * I maintain my goal for more than a year (at a minimum)


Surgery Experience

May 19, 2010

I had my surgery last Wednesday and am so happy that is behind me. I didn't get excited, since I really have had a lot of disappointment regarding weight loss--the process, my respose and obstacles/challenges.
The first two days were pain free and only uncomfortable due to the catheter and being NPO untill the gastrografin test was administered and I was declared "good to go" regarding clear liquids. 

From the beginning, I couldn't tolerate anything really cold, like popsicles or iced water, which caused stomach pain.

Upon coming home, I have struggled with loads of gas/flatus (not intra abdominal gas from surgery), but was not able to pass it. I had watery stools until Sunday morning and then the gas improved.

From Monday until today (Wednesday), I am battling nausea, hunger, weakness and stomach pains. I cannot tolerate the sweet taste of most protein drinks. The one I can tolerate is the Isopure Whey Isolate-Low Carb in Dutch Chocolate.
Yesterday, I called the dietitian at the surgeon's office. She advised me to advance to Level III diet-which is soft and pureed foods. So, last night I ate some tuna packed in water (drained and mixed with a tsp. of lite mayo). I finally felt full. Today, I made the Canned Vegts & Chicken Soup which I added to my favorites. I ate 1/2-3/4 cup of this pureed soup and it was totally satisfying. I am definitely much happier with foods that are not sweet or fruity. I am not getting more optimistic with my ability to be compliant with the program without being gassy/hungry/nauseated. I guess the message here is to keep trying different things. Talk to the dietitian. (The one at Unjury had lots of good ideas and suggestions, too.) And never give up!

May 12

May 08, 2010

Wow! next week is the day for my surgery. Finally! The journey has been 3 years. It almost feels sureal, in that I am having trouble feeling excited and optimistic.
I have been waiting and waiting and there have been so many delays, Finally last week on Friday, everything fell into place in less than two business days.
Now, I have 3 days to get my act together--get my supplements, protein powder, make arrangements to be out of the office and to manage affairs at home.
I am thinking ahead to next year, when I could be down 75-100 pounds. Incredible.

About Me
Surgery Date
May 04, 2010
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