Waiting Game

Dec 01, 2012

Well, I've downloaded the app and have been tracking food intake, although I seriously fell off the wagon during/after Thanksgiving.  Could there be more carbs at a meal??

I met with the nutritionist again and, frankly, I'm not sure how prepared she was to meet specifically with me.  She seemed surprised my weight hadn't really changed (I could be projecting here), but I literally talked to her about 1 week prior to that meeting, and all I did between the phone call and our meeting was download the app and track my food.  Then she just wanted to talk about how to eat after surgery, which is good and all, but I thought we were going to talk about what to do between now and then?  Just telling me "no more than 80g of carbs" isn't really helpful.  Because then she's like, "but not nuts, and not much cheese, and not fruit."  And then I read the paperwork she gave me and it says no carrots or sweet potatoes.  What AM I supposed to eat other than meat??

So all of that frustration has been reflected in my sporadic ability to decrease carbs.  And honestly, I was doing ok until Thanksgiving.  And I didn't really miss them.  But now of course since I ate them I crave them.  Need to get back on track.

According to my scale at home I've lost 4 lbs, but I don't really know if it's accurate or not. 

I meet with her again in a few weeks.  I need to spend some time with all the documents she's given me/emailed to me and write down some questions, but it seems like there are tons of demand on my time, whether it's my kids or things that need to get done before Christmas or just basic stuff like finally getting a freaking hair cut.  I thought I was supposed to feel less busy when I was done with school but so far I'm just trying to catch up on all the things I neglected while I was finishing my semester.

Obviously, today I'm feeling pretty frustrated.  Hope things will look up soon.

On a positive note, I was doing pretty well adding walks into my day.  Of course, now it's gotten rainy. . .


Second Consult and decision

Nov 06, 2012

Had my 2nd consult yesterday (consult with 2nd surgeon).  I decided Dr. Cirangle is a better fit for me, so I scheduled a meeting with his nutritionist for next week and am officially in the "3 month medically supervised diet" phase of this journey.  I also called my sister and told her my plans.  To my surprise, because she watches shows like The Doctors and Dr. Oz, she knew all about VSG and was really excited about it.  I thought it was pretty funny.  I expected she'd be supportive but I didn't expect her to bust out all this information she absorbed from daytime tv.

I'm really excited about this. I feel like I'm taking control of something I've struggled with since adolescence. 

This month, my goals are to exercise for 30-45 minutes 3 times a week, to download the "my fitness pal" app and start tracking my diet, and then to aim for no more than 80g of carbs a day (working down to no more than 40g a day post-procedure).  Of course, I ate pasta for dinner tonight, but since I haven't downloaded the app yet I'm sure that doesn't count, right??

LOL, of course as soon as the nutritionist mentioned carbs I wanted nothing else.  I really do have to get that addiction in line.

Feeling good.  Off to download the app!


First Consult

Nov 03, 2012

I had a consultation with Dr. Cirangle this week.  His recommendation for me was the gastric sleeve.  I was interested in the ds as well, which he will do if that's what I want, but I do have concerns about malabsorption and my BMI is not as high as it "should" be for ds.  I do like that I have the option to revise to ds if needed, though.  Things to think about.  He thinks a good goal weight for me is around 130, which means I'd lose a little less than half my body weight.  That seems crazy to me.  I haven't weighed 130 since I was in the 9th grade.  And I thought I was fat then, lol! 

I am consulting with another doctor on Monday who does not perform the ds.  I considered meeting another doctor who does the ds, but he charges a $300 consultation fee which seems to be out of pocket (even though I believe he is in my network).  That just seemed excessive to me for an informational meeting.  They credit it to you if you use him for surgery, but I still think it's kind of slimy.

I was also surprised by the up-front fee for after care.  Part of me thinks it's good because I would have access to my doctor (if I choose Dr. C) for as long as he's in practice, really.  But I went in thinking I'd just be paying my co-pay, so this was totally unexpected.  My husband has no issue with it, though, so I guess I shouldn't, either.

I'm interested to hear what Dr. Zare has to say on Monday.  Then I'll make a decision and get started on the 3 months of supervised medical diet my insurance requires.  Hopefully I can schedule the procedure for February, possibly when my kids are out of school and at my inlaws so I have a good week of recovery without them.

I also have an appointment with my therapist on Monday.  I'm looking forward to seeing her again and sharing all this info with her.  Because my insurance abruptly informed me she was no longer in-network in July, I haven't seen her since then.  Now she's back in network and I plan to continue to see her regularly.  I need to fix both my physical weight problem and my mental food issues.

Crazy that by the end of the school year I could be down 60 lbs (or more if I lose during the pre-op diet), and by the start of the next school year I could be in the 100s.

I'm getting pretty excited.  I mean, I have totally decided I AM going to do wls in some form.  Now I just need to work out the details.

Things I want to do after/during losing weight:

  • Stop shopping at Lane Bryant.
  • Take a ballet class.  (I took ballet throughout my childhood/adolescence and even danced in college, but am too embarrassed and out of shape to dance in front of people now).
  • Not fear walking across a crowded room like a restaurant b/c I am too big to fit between the chairs/people/etc.
  • Be in more pictures.
  • Not feel like the first thing people think when they see me is "she is fat."
  • Stop wondering why my husband would think seeing me naked is a good idea.
  • I'm sure there are more, but I need to go do other things.


