1 week post op appt, down 10 lbs...

Aug 04, 2010

OMG, I 'm soOoO ticked...I took my  to write a blog only for the darn power to go and now it's gone !!! Oh well, I'll try to make it short and sweet!!

I had my 1 week post op appt today (6 days out actually) and guess what.....I 'm down 10lbs since surgery ....what this is so !!!!

So, you know the nurse starting drilling me and saying that's a sign of dehydration b/c I shouldn't be losing 10lbs in a week ...yea, I know what she's saying is important but I wasn't trying to ruin my moment of shine... shoot I haven't been 250lbs in at least 7-9 years!!!  But overall she said I'm doing well... 24 lbs down including the weightloss pre-op

On an even better note... I was cleared for the FULL liquid diet effective today....Yay...because clear liquids were so not my friend and I hated that AWFUL Isopure ... so now I can have things like creamed soups, cream of wheat, pudding, yogurt and my regular protein shakes ...so I'm sure I'll do better with getting my liquids and proteins down now!!!

Overall, I'm doing well.. the gas goes and comes in my stomach, mainly when I drink from a bottle and not a glass but it's nothing I can't deal with...don't get me wrong I wish the ish stops like ASAP.... other then that I find myself having mental desires when I see others eat in front of me, it's not a constant thing but if it's something I loved pre-op then it gets to me just a lil bit. So, I've decided to attend a meeting at Overeaters Anonymous to learn new ways to cope since I can no longer be an emotional eater!!

Anyways, I just wanted to update my OH fam and thank you all for the many prayers and support. Thanks for taking the time to read my blogs and most importantly comment...these things will be something I'll always look back at to NEVER forget where I came FROM!!!

Shout Out to Free2be_Me: Hey Lady, thanks for being so supportive... I'm grateful to have found a friend in you!!!

Peace & blessing to all



I'm a LOSER....

Jul 30, 2010

Where do I start.... So I arrived at the hospital @ 10:30am, surgery was suppose to be 11:45am but the surgery before mine went into over time do to unforeseen complications... I didn't have surgery until around 2 or 3pm.... I was still confident and not nervous at all...I think all the nurses and anesthesiologist thought it was weird because they kept saying are you OK?? I'm like yep w/my smiley face....just hoping to get it over with!!

Once out of surgery that pain was full force, I was still drugged up but remember telling them to give me some meds NOW... lol. Before I knew it I was in my room and still a little loopy from all the meds, later that day I was up and about... the nurses were like you're doing great you should be a poster child for RNY..lol... I was power walking that hall... but boy was I wrong for that!!

By Friday morning my  back and caves were  and still are sore as hell, Dr says the day of surgery I felt much better because the meds hadn't worn off when I was doing all that walking.... but I still was able to come home yesterday because overall I am doing fine.

However, I got home yesterday and was in a ton of pain, that damn GAS ain't no joke!!!! As much as I walked I thought it would have moved...but boy was I wrong, I am still trying to walk even with all the soreness and today I do feel much better!!  I am finding it hard to get all my fluids in because I am not hungry ... but I will do better because I know the importance of staying hydrated!! Then to top things off my hand/arm where the the IV was is swollen but theres not much pain.

I will be posting hospital and before pics.

Thank you all for your prayers and to Free2be_me for keeping everyone updated...she's the best !!

Take Care,


RNY Surgery TODAY...

Jul 28, 2010

@ 11:45am, I'm still not nervous, just excited about the many positive changes my future holds.  I woke up this morning feeling blessed and covered by God's Love, I ask that my OH family take a brief moment to send a prayer up for a safe and swift recovery....Love you all !!!

Smooches ,

The Day before Surgery...

Jul 28, 2010

Tomorrow's the BIG day... yea baby !!!
FYI- Hospital check in @ 10:45am and surgery is scheduled for 11:45am

Today I weighted in at my Surgeon's office..... drum-roll please...... I have lost 10+ lbs on my 2 week pre-op diet this is so  ... I am now 259.4... I was able to get into my size 18 capris that I haven't seen in a few years and an XL Old Navy t-shirt !!! 

I'm feeling really good about this journey. I'm not nervous, just excited and I know my God will watch over me tomorrow and guide my Surgeon and the Anesthesiologist. I ask that you all continue to keep me in your prayers for a successful surgery with no complications and a speedy recovery!!!

I'll be back to update as soon as possible after surgery!
Peace & Blessings


5 days to go...

Jul 24, 2010

I am feeling really well, my nerves are in tact considering I'll be having my Lap RNY next week Thursday 7/29/10 ... I'm just READY to see the many positive transformations my RNY will allow me to achieve!! Of course there's the normal what if's anyone would have going into ANY surgery. But I am prayed up and  I have faith in MY GOD!!

I ask that all of my OH friends send prayers up that I have a safe and speedy recovering and that my new lifestyle will be w/o any major complications.

FYI - I rcv'd my approval letter in the mail today from Aetna  !!!
Thanks a bunch to all my well wishers!!!



Approval Letter

It's official... I'm APPROVED!!

Jul 19, 2010

Happy Dance ... I'm APPROVED... Got the call today from my Dr.'s office... here I come... make room for me on the Loser's Bench!! Woot Woot !! Surgery date is July 29th, 2010!!

***Just a little info for anyone waiting on approval from Aetna.. My Dr. office submitted paperwork on 7/14 and I was approved today 7/19/10, hope this helps!!***


6 Month Pre-op program completed!!!

Jul 12, 2010

Hey Homies!!

I got up this morning feeling so defeated... I fractured my ring finger last week, my whole left hand is swollen and I'm rocking a half arm splint trying to type w/one hand ..... I was so nervous this would affect my surgery date since the Orthopedic put me out of work until 7/29.... I got up early and started calling disability w/questions and everything should be OK for me to go out for surgery on 7/29/10 thank you Jesus!!!

I then made it to my appt w/surgeon for WLS.... final pre-op check-in and was told I am down 8lbs from last month's appt... woot woot....super happy since they only requested I be down by 5lbs at the final appt.....Yay me!!

I am so stoked I made it through the 6 month program... I DID !!!

My paperwork will be submitted to my insurance company  tomorrow for approval 7/13/10 and I start my liquid diet on 7/15/10!!

I am on my way...make room for your girl...here I come Losers!!!!

Keep me in your prayers for approval!!

Keep losing and stay strong!!



The little ones have arrived!!

Jun 23, 2010

The little ones have arrived.... They are so adorable & great kids!!! My life has done a 360 degree turn but I am enjoying it!!!  I have to give a shout out to all the real mommies out there b/c it takes a lot of work, I was so tired the 1st night that I couldn't even bath myself after I got them to bed!!!

But the kids are happy  & joyful, they have been calling me mommy from day 1.... that just melts my heart !! Just wanted to give y'all an update, oh yea surgey is only about 35 days away...Yay!!!!

Take care,



The blessings....

Jun 18, 2010

So, today I did my final pre-op testing in which was the Cardiac clearance.... I passed... yay! 

As said in a previous blog I'll be a new foster mommy to 2  toddlers starting 6/22/10, since my job allows FMLA leave for foster care placement for Bonding I will be off work for a whole month starting 6/22/10...this is super ...
I am extremely happy  , it couldn't have come at a better time... while bonding with the little ones .... I plan on self improvement for myself, like going to the gym and taking time out to prepare all meals, not eat out as much so I am able to drop the 5lbs I put back on during 6 month pre-op plan and the add'l 5lbs I would like to lose prior to final pre-op appt 7/12/10..... that's 10lbs in total....can I really do this ... Well I'll try my best!!!

Then to top it off I'll go back to work mid July and will be out 2 weeks later for surgery on short term disability...as long as god keeps my blessings coming and I am approved for RNY by my insurance company.... all should go accordingly!!!

I am just feeling really blessed and wanted to share with my OH family!!

So keep me in your prayer....as I will do the same for you all!

Thanks for taking the time to read!!!



QUESTION: Has anyone had their cycle while getting LAP RNY...

Jun 14, 2010

Hey Ladies!!  I am scheduled for LAP RNY on 7/29/10... I was sitting here thinking of things I need to prepare for surgery and came to the realization that I'll be starting my cycle that day or the day before surgery...OMG.. I am freaking out .... does this mean I will have to change my surgery date ... I know it's probably best for me to ask my surgeon but I won't see him until 7/12 and I can't stress about this until then. So if anyone has had a similar situation.....please share your experience via the  board or you can in box me....but please !!!

Thanks in advance for sharing, peace and blessings



About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2009
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