Update on Consultation:

Jan 06, 2010

OK, so today I had my initial consult I was all excited and couldn't wait. So as soon as I got there I started the paper work and right before the group session I was called in to be weighted .... So, I jump on this huge scale ( that looks like the one from Biggest Loser if you watch the show like me, by the way new season started lastnite) and why did it read 276lbs  what the hell!!! I was just 265lbs not even 2 weeks ago. Now I figured I must of gained a few pounds before I was weighted b/c my jeans started showin the muffin top...but what the hell 11lbs!! Damn can I get a break .

Anyways, back to the consult... there was 3 of us and the coordinator who pretty much went over what I already had learned on my own research regarding Lap-Band and RNY, I could tell she didn't really favor the Lab-Band and in my opinion I agreed with her for the most part (just personal preference)....

So of course I chose to have Lap RNY and then I asked the question I've been wondering since I decided to have WLS...
How Long will it take for me to get approval and have the surgery.... and she goes well our program here is 6 months and today counts as your 1st visit!!
But it's OK... 3 months more I guess I'll just have to wait a Lil longer  !! I'm kind of happy that today counted as the 1st month but also disappointed b/c I know of 2 ppl that have the very same insurance I have and only have to do 3 months. So I asked her why and she said that's a requirement of their program b/c they want you to be prepared for the best outcome..She pretty much said We are not a quick fix clinic in so many words after I mentioned the name of a clinic a friend went to that's near by in which I was thinking about going to before my PCP recommended this place. But she did make a few valid points, so I guess I understand and will have to work it out!!

On a good note ... I have my next 3 appointments scheduled:

2/8/10 - Meet Surgeon 
3/9/10 - meet with coordinator and/or dietitian again
4/6/10 - meet with coordinator and/or dietitian again

I was also given scripts to schedule Initial Visit Labs, Ultrasound of Gallbladder in addition contact numbers to call and schedule appts  for Gastroenterology, Psych and Pulmonology... So tomorrow I will be on the phone like no other  scheduling all appts accept Cardiology as I was told to wait 2 months prior to them submitting paperwork to Insurance.

She also advised once I complete my 6 month in which is June, my paper work is submitted and I should have surgery within the next month...so I'm probably looking at a date in late June or early July if all goes well!

It seems like forever but at least I'll get a chance to emotionally prepare for what is a head of me, I already take multi vitamins... I think I'll start testing out protein shakes.

As always I will keep my  O/H peeps posted. Thank you all for welcoming me with open arms   I love OH.

Peace & Blessing  

Starting the New Year off the right way...

Jan 03, 2010

Ok, so I 'm SUPER  happy this is the 1st year I 'm doing a LIFESTYLE change and not another damn DIET!! I went grocery shopping got all of my personal needs, went to Walmart and brought a sweat suit, a planner/journal for food logs, and will be joining the gym tomorrow. Only thing is this time I will really be using the membership..lol.  Now, I know I don't have my WLS consult until Wed 1/6/10 but I am ready to get this ball rolling!!

Anyways, I'm hoping my new OH family is starting the New Years off the right way.... let's stay positive, motivated and remember all things through christ are possible .

If there is anyone looking to join a GYM and is on a budget the best deal is PLANET FITNESS ... Juts a $1 to join and $19.99 per month and you can bring 1 guess with you per visit  per day....so if you're married like me but don't want to pay for 2 memberships this is a GREAT DEAL !!! Just wanted to share .

I wish you all the best as always ...

  Peace and blessings....

A MUST Read!! This is SooOoO True!

Jan 02, 2010

" 1st I was dying to finish high school and then I was dying to finish college and start working...
Then I was dying to marry and have children
to grow old enough so I could go back to work. But then I was dying to retire and now I am DYING... And suddenly I realized I FORGOT to LIVE.

Please don't let this happen to you. Appreciate your current situation and enjoy each day.

To make money we lose our health, and then to restore our health we lose our money... We live as if we are never going to die, and we die as if we never lived...."



1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about them. That is why you pay 'them'

Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.'

Enjoy the simple things.

Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

Surround yourself with what you love , whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but  by the moments that take our breath away.



Dec 26, 2009

OMG - I am so addicted to OH it's so ... I got up this morning and it was the 1st think I did. I went to visit family, came back home, cooked dinner for hubby & I... then came back to the PC and been on OH from 6pm. 

I am just so inspired by everyone I come across on OH, this is truly a journey and I can't wait to start mine.
I have decided that come January 1, 2010 I will be officially starting my journey, I will begin healthy living now because I want to be prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for everything that comes along with WLS... now don't get me wrong .... b/c I'm sure there are just some things we can't prepare for since there's no way possible for one to determine what the after affects will be.

I am just praying and hoping to get approved for WLS and not have to do the 6 month nutritional classes, I can do 3 months b/c I need to prepare but 6 months seem so far away. I almost don't want to get my hopes up until I have an approval in writing b/c this will be a big let down if I'm not approved.

But guess what, I prayed on this for years and I know my lord didn't allow me to finally make a decision after all these years only to let me down... So it's in his hands now!

 God Bless to you all   and Happy Holidays!



Consult Scheduled...

Dec 22, 2009

Hey O/H family... I am  to say my initial consultation for WLS is scheduled for January 6, 2010. I am extremely happy that my new year will be starting off with me on a new journey of health and well being... I am learning to put my health 1st.

I can't wait ....


Striving for Change

Dec 12, 2009

My goal for joining OH is for motivation and wisdom on WLS. My 1st goal was to lose 10% of my total body weight and there after an add'l 100+lbs... I'm happy to say since my journey started last year 10/2008 I've loss around 30lbs....

**I hope to lose another 116** and be at a healthy weight.

I have considered WLS for several years and never really felt completely sure and thought I could do it on my own; the one thing I've realized is WLS is more work then regular diet and exercise. I have always been over weight, it's all I've known.... but I'm tired of being overweight and not really living the best life possible for myself and family.

I'm 30yrs old, happily married, no kids and instead of having this fabulous life I'm walking around aching  all day from arthritis & being overweight    to make a  LONG STORY short  I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired!!!

So, I've spoke with my husband seriously about WLS and with his support I have decided to do what's best for me and not care about what other may have to say... this is my life and my journey.  With the help of my PCP I have my consultation for WLS January 6, 2010 and couldn't be more excited ... but it seems like it's taking forever!!

I hope to be inspired and enlightened by all on OH Pre & Post Op

Thanks for stopping by... I wish you all the best of luck on your journey!!


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2009
Member Since

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