5th month Pre-op Appt...

Jun 14, 2010

OK, so I get there and I'm all day wondering how much I gained because I knew it would be a miracle if I loss; jumped on the scale and dammit there's another 2lbs added on. I can't be mad at nobody but myself, in total pre-op I lost 5lbs the 1st 2 months and managed to put them back on...ain't that a hot mess!!!

Anyways, I have 45 days before surgery WOOT WOOT .... A sista bout to kick it into gear .....I got some EAS whey protein and I'm starting to have that for breakfast (thanks to another great OH member), salad for lunch and a sensible small portion meal for dinner....

So...OH fam I need y'all to keep me in those prayers b/c lord knows I need to get approved by insurance, lose weight to shrink my liver and give myself the best chance possible post-op.

Next and final pre-op appt before submitting pp-wk is July 12th..... I'm trying to lose 10lbs before then... ol boy ... lets get it!!!

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well on their journey!!!

Take Care,

1 comment

So excited...

Jun 11, 2010

So just 2 hours ago I was feeling down and out....then I got a call from DYFS letting me know they found a placement for me...I am so excited. I have always wanted to be a foster parent since I don't have any childen of my own and on 6/22 I will have a 2 1/2yr boy and 3yr old girl...this is such a blessing and they are siblings. I pray and hope I will make a big difference in their lives, I had to share the good news  !!!

Children are a blessing from God !!!!!



Feeling down N out at 47days before R.N.Y.

Jun 11, 2010

So I am feeling really disgusted w/myself... I have my pre-op appt on 6/14 and was suppose to lose 3-5lbs and I haven't lose.... my eating habits are worse then before and I have a lack of motivation to do the right things...what is going on with me??? I am starting to get depressed and I feel like no one understands !!! I've been home from work since 6/2/10 b/c I was having alot of neck and shoulder pain and instead of me taking the time to get on track I just ate and ate and became a couch potatoe ... I feel like such a loser!!!  I am just so ready to get on the right track but don't know where to start. So sorry for the negative post but I just needed to vent knowing that someone on OH might have been through what I'm going through and can share some encouraging words of advice .

Anyways, I hope me not losing doesn't effect me getting my approval from Aetna since it is so close to my surgery dat 7/29?? But I do know I am gettin it together b/c I know medical reasons why losing weight pre-op is important and I don't want any complications that I could have avoided.

Well, I'll be back Monday to let y'all know how that appt goes, pray for me !


2 months BEFORE...

May 29, 2010

Hey Fam!! It's been a min... I haven't posted but I am always around supporting!! So, I have JUST 2 more months to be exact before I  hit Loser's Bench....woo hoo ...I'm coming 7/29/10 to a seat near you !!

However, I am sad to say I have not kept to my word since the last post, I've not been doing so well with my eating or working out ... I gained 3lbs @ my 4th month pre-op Dr visit...wtf !!  I almost feel as if I got worst since I made the decision to have WLS, as if I will not be able to eat after RNY and it messes w/me emotionally.... but I'm working on that.

Anyways, I am just so happy & thrilled to know I'm well on my way to a new & brighter future!! As the time approaches I am getting a tad bit nervous and just wondering how life with be post op. I just pray post op I continue to be a healthy person, since as an obese person I only suffer from mild arthritis and you know the pain from carrying all the excess weight and the emotional baggage of being morbid obese and not being able to enjoy life but other then that I'm a pretty healthy person and would like to keep it that way!!

On another note: I have all of my testing done except Cardiac and that's schd for 6/10 and everything else was fine. My 5th month pre-op appt w/surgical group is 6/14 and 7/12 is my appt w/the surgeon to go over all the ppwk and meet w/coordinator to go over everything else. I am just so ready to feel comfortable in my skin again and be the person I've always wanted to be but instead hide behind that weight and remained low key to not bring attention to myself... but those days are soon over...a change is coming and I am  for joy!!

As always thanks for reading... peace & blessings

2 month pre-op


I got my SURGERY date!!!

Mar 09, 2010

So today was my 3rd appt with my surgeons office and I got kudos for getting all of my pre-op testing done within 1 month of my initial consult on 1/6/10 !!
 Any how all of my blood work came back good... that was Grrr8 .... All of my clearances were rec'd by the office and I even lost 1 pound when I just knew I had gained since my monthly had just came on (sorry for giving TMI)... so that was a nice surprise when the medical asst said you lost 1 lb ....I was like  and to think I was  all last week thinging I gained.

Any how my meeting with the director of the WLS center ended on a high note...I have all of my appts scheduled including my SURGERY DATE...yea you heard me right..lol.... ya girl is on cloud 9 right now ...can't you tell!!!

Anyways, my dates are ....

4/6/10 - Meeting with Dietitian
5/11/10 - Meeting with Director of WLS center
6/14/10 - Meeting with Surgeon
7/13/10 -  I think this will be the appt where the will go over PRE-OP DIET Plan
7/28/10 - Day before surgery, where they prep me for the cleaning of the insides...not sure of the correct name...my bad..lol
7/29/10 - Surgery Date  It can't come soon enough..I am so ready to hit the Loser's bench and never turn back..so ready for change!!

In addition I added the citrical w/d3 to my daily vitamin regiment... is this like a stool softner for anyone else??? It makes me go to the bathroom!!

I'm trying to have my body as well prepared for RNY plus trying to get my mind right b/c my mental was lacking..I started to just eat whatever and wanted to go out for dinner like every night as if I would not be able to eat after RNY...this is not the case and that's how I got where I am now. So, I'm cutting that out!!

So, I got  my fruits & veggies, protein bars and I'm back to basics....even touched bases with a really good old co-worker who happens to live in a town nearby and is having RNY too...who woulda thought! This is a blessing, we are going to the same surgeon and we're about to be work-out buddies...what a blessing...this I needed and I can't forget my other nearby friend Ebony that OH has brought into my life...I LOVE OH!

As always thanks for all of the support... I love my new found friends, I wish you all nothing but the best!!

Congrats to Shay, Coke Cola & Michelle for doing such a great job...y'all are inspiring me to do just as well!  And to the many others who inspire me but I can't remember the names to mention...thanks for sharing your journey!!

- Sorry for any typos...kinda too tired to edit..my bad..lol-
Peace & Blessings


I'm Not CRAZY....

Feb 24, 2010

So I had my psych appt today and per the Doc I passed w/flying colors  ...yippee! One more check off the list.  So,I am all set and cleared for everything besides the cardiac and per the surgeons office I should not complete that until 2 months prior to submitting to insurance for approval.

Also, I went to my Bariatric Surgeons Office support group again last night and it was great...got some pointers on vitamins and I'll be adding Calcium & vitamin D to my daily vitamins to get my body use to taking them before I hit the Loser's Bench... Other good news, I spoke w/the director of my surgical group and she states my next visit I will be able to schedule my surgery ...... only down side is ...IT'S GOING TO BE SOMEWHERE AROUND THE END OF JULY ( insurance requirement) This seems so far away !! I am trying to find ways to pass the time, now it's the waiting game.

FYI- I also learned in the support group I attend that GB patients should where a medi-id tag, so if they are ever in a trauma incident the ER Dr. will no not to use gastric tubes to prevent fatal damage to pouch...has anyone else heard of this???

Anyhow, thanks to my special OH friends that reach out and make sure all is well with me... I truly appreciate this coming from ppl that know how it feels to be in my place.  Thanks for the support and I hope to spread the same support to all.

Peace out!


Sleep Study Results...

Feb 21, 2010

Were perfect and I was given clearance from that dr... so that sleepless night did paid off  !! 
Now, I have to meet the psych on 2/24/10 ....  I hope it's not a crazy appt like what i've read in some blogs b/c from what I heard these Doc's can put you through alot of nonsense!! Anyways, things are moving and I am just awaiting the next 4 visits so I can be on my way to the Loser's Bench Baby....  Watch out now !!

As always best of luck to my OH homies :)
Peace & Blessings

2/8/10 - Update - meeting with surgeon....

Feb 09, 2010

Hey OH fam..Let me apologize now for any typos and my rude intro..lol

I'm super pissed right now!! I wrote a really nice blog only to have it deleted and don't even know why .... but the crazy thing is the 1st blog takes for ever but when u deleted it in error you seem to type another blog so darn fast...what's that all about???  

Any how, my Monday started very busy... I have my Upper Endo and was given clearance for WLS for the Endo doc...Yay! It was a very easy procedure b/c I can't even remember anything...lol.. beside that nasty darn stuff the sprayed in my mouth that I had to gargle and swallow... yuck !!!

Then later in the day I went to meet my surgeon.... but before I got to meet him there was the dreaded scale... OMG... I just knew I gained like 5-7lbs....but to my surprise I'm down 3lbs....go Kyra is ya birthday ...lol.

Any how meeting Dr. Louis Fares II was a pleasure, I'm super happy my PCP recommended him.He's a really funny & down to earth kinda doc, all of our (hubby was there too) questions were answered and you can tell he's about business and will not do the surgery if you're not an active advocate in you own health, he appears to truly care about your health for the long-term and isn't the kinda doc that makes you feel bad for all the unhealthy choices you've made that got you to where you are now. He really knows how to make one feel comfortable, speaking with him also made the process very clear and he was up front about everything.... he ended by saying I should have my surgery date in a month or too...YAY...I'm hoping more like a month, I think it would be a great motivator tool for me..lol!!

On the other hand, I have to keep it real OH fam...January was a very hard month for me. My eating habits were the worse!!! I didn't go to the gym not once and I was so disgusted with myself, I truly feel unconsciously I was over indulging b/c apart of me was thinking I have to eat like this now b/c in the future I won't be able too. That was some stupidity on my part and that's how I got to where I am now and I even feel bad to admit it...but I have to be accountable for my mishaps or I will continue with the foolishness!!!  But this month will be a better month b/c I'm prayed up...holla  and with God on my side I can't be a failure! !

As always I continue to pray for my OH buddies post and pre and wish nothing but the best for you all...can't wait to see you on the losers bench!!

Until Next time...

Peace & Blessings


Sleep Study & 1st Support Group1/26/10...

Jan 27, 2010

Wassup OH Fam...

So yesterday I had a full day..I met with my PCP got my weight history for the past 2 years the surgeon's office was requesting for Aetna...one thing marked off my too do list !!
Next on the list was a 2 hour support group hosted once a month by my surgeon's office in which is a pre-op requirement to attend 2 prior to surgery (not sure if it's for Aetna Ins... can't remember). So I was all excited b/c I would get to meet ppl going through the same thing. So I get there and it's a nice turn around 90 ppl Post & Pre-Op. However, it was not what I expected, I thought there would be ppl taking turns standing up telling their story... kinda like an AAA meeting.. oops a I meant NA meeting lol... sorry if anyone is offended by that..no pun intended. Not that I've ever been to one but I've seen those type of meetings on TV and I guess I thought that's what this would be like. But it wasn't , I just enjoy hearing ppl's stories of where they came from and what it took to get them where they are now. However, it started out with the program coordinator presenting the surgeon Dr Louis Fares II with an award for helping patients lose almost 8,000lbs for 2009 !! So, I was stoked to get to see the surgeon and feel him out .. not literally..lol...any how he appears to be a very down to earth, warm and caring physician. He was funny and very personable in which is very important!! Then we moved on to a nutrition worksheet to help make healthier choices when dining out. Thereafter the surgeon had a Q & A on both RNY & LAP-BAND. 

After the meeting, I met 2 ladies and we exchanged numbers...it was nice to meet ppl in my local area, they too are getting Lap RNY... it's nice too meet ppl local for support. It ended around 8 and Overall it was pretty  , I'm off on Tuesdays, so I'll try to go every meeting it's only once a month!!

I also spoke with the Nurse who was there and advised if I get all of my test and depending on the outcome I could get my surgery date ...woo hoo ..even though it'll still be 6 months I just happy I don't have to wait until the 6th month to know when...lol.

From there I was off to Sleep

And  I'm wondering why they don't call it Sleep
LESS  Study!!!

So I arrive around 8:30ish..it's a private facility...that's a plus!! (hospitals creep me out). I walk in the suite that was assigned to me and to my surprise it was really nice... there was a Queen size SLEEP NUMBER BED ...42in HDTV mounted on the Wall, nice plush comforter, with over-sized pillows just the way  I like it ... So I'm thinking SWEET this will be like a stay in the hotel w/out hubby ...NOT

Honey, all was well until they told me cell had to be turned OFF, How am I going to ...and then the staff mentioned there's a camera and mic in the room and they will be monitoring all night. Already I'm not feeling this....then he explained he would hook me up to about 15 cords...  WHAT DA HELL!!!
Now, I knew from looking at Sunshine2510 pics that it would be these cords on my face but was not prepared to sleep with something stuck in my darn NOSE!!  After being hooded UP, I go to get in bed and he (staff) takes the over-sized pillows & nice warm pretty comforter and then had the nerve to bring me a thin quilt like blanket...I demanded 2 more (well not demanded..but asked nicely..lol).... It was super cold in there and during all of this hubby was just enjoying himself on the over-sized reclining chair being master of the TV remote!! So by 11:00pm Andre (staff) asked hubby to leave and I attempted to take it down... I woke up checking  it was only 3:00am... damn back to bed AGAIN and at 6am I told them I was ready to go since  that was the earliest I could leave...got home...got back in bed for an hour and was up & ready to go to work by 8:50am.

Boy, I feel for anyone doing a sleep study....it is uncomfortable,  I'm stiff b/c I only sleep on my stomach and that was  impossible.... plus I couldn't enjoy that sleep number bed the way I would've wanted too !!

Until next time!

FYI - Pics of sleep study have been posted..for your entertainment..lol.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts !!

Peace & Blessing


Update on Pre-Op requirements...

Jan 25, 2010

Hey OH fam & friends.. I'm back with an update.

As you know this Pre-Op work-up is not a walk in the park!!!

So far ...
1/06/10 - Consult for WLS (counts as 1st appt)
1/12/10 - Ultrasound of Gall Bladder 
1/12/10 - Lap Work Completed
1/19/10 - Pulmonary - Breathing test
1/19/10 - Gastro -Consult for Upper GI 
1/26/10 - 1st Support group
1/26/10 - STUDY
2/08/10 - Upper GI (Endoscopy) performed
2/08/10 - 1st Meeting w/surgeon  (counts as 2nd appt)
2/24/10 - Physc Appt
3/09/10 - 3rd appt
4/06/10 - 4th appt
As far as the Cardiac goes, I have been advised by the surgical group to wait 2 months prior to 6 month requirement to complete.

I must say this is a bit much but I know it's worth it all.....
However, I've noticed lately I have been craving and wanting things that are not that healthy for me.... Is this b/c I know soon it'll be too late to indulge in them??  I was doing so well and all of a sudden I am just not feeling my eating habits. I know it's a mental thing but I can't wait to see the nutritionist b/c I want to get my mind right..like ASAP!!

On another note: I have decided it's best for me to share my journey with those who truly care and want to be involved and educated about what I'm doing. At 1st I thought it was important to tell family & friends....but I am now rethinking that. I'm my opinion it takes alot to have the courage to share this decision with ppl and then to have them act as if it's nothing, no big deal and to not support you is crazy to me!!! 

It's funny how the same friends want to lean on you for BS, example their no good azz dude broke up with them and your then suppose to be there 24/7, every day of the week catering to their needs & feelings but you go and tell them about how your going to have a life changing surgery and it's a 5 minute conversation and nothing else is ever mentioned, no questions asked,  are you kidding me!!! I guess you know who your REAL friends are when you really need them!!! I am so glad to have a supportive husband and a select few REAL friends in my corner...and I mean a FEW literally..lol...they know who they are  . It's not the amount of friends you have that matter, it's the quality of the friendships you do have!!

I am so grateful to have met some really nice ppl on OH and I appreciate you all!!

But that's enough of that... I am praying and hoping all is going well for my OH friends....congrats to those who have made it to the Loser's bench and those soon to be there...you know who you are...good job !!!

Thanks for reading... Until next time...

Peace & Blessings



About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 12, 2009
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