Got My 1st Fill (7-1-10)

Jul 02, 2010

Hello My Friends,
I went to Dr. Broussards yesterday for my 2 month checkup. I lost 6 more pounds which I was not happy with I wanted to lose more than that, but oh well at least I didn't gain. Dr. Broussard said I was doing great and really didn't thinnk I needed a fill but I told him I have been doing all the work and I was ready for the band to do its part. So he had me lay back do a sit up then put fluid in with a needle through my port in my stomach. I got 1cc of fluid. My Mom took me to eat afterwards and I could tell I had a fill I couldn't eat much at all before I was full. WHich is just what I wanted that just means the fill is working.
I really am pleased with what I have accomplished so far just want to keep it going until I reach my goal and then maintain it! I attend support group in Edmond Weight Wise Bariatrics once a month on Thursday evenings 6pm. I can not begin to tell you how much these support group meetings help me and if I lived closer I would be their every Thursday! If you are interested in a Great Support Group come join us, I promise you will be in for a treat! I go back August 5th for my next appointment. Everyone Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July! God Bless You!


2 Months Since Surgeryand Look at me now!

Jun 29, 2010

Hello Friends,
I had my surgery 2 months ago April 28th 2010 and I never thought I would be doing this good! I am down to a size 11 from a size 18. I have lost a total of 56 pounds since I first began my weight loss journey, I am loving the new me underneith all those pounds! It feels good to look in the mirror and for once like what you see. I use to never try on clothes when I bought them and now I can't wait to see what size I will fit in to next. I like seeing peoples response when they haven't seen me in awhile. I like the way my Husband looks at me and smiles and I know he is proud of my success! So for all the times of trying to resist all the temptations out their you might ask is it worth it and I would have to smile and say you bet it is worth it! I will try to post a new pic each month to show you all my success!
Loving My Band!
1 comment

Doing the Happy Dance!

Jun 23, 2010

Hello Friends,
I just thought I would share with you all I am almost to my 2 Month Post Op and doing Great! I haven't even had a fill yet. I am suppose to get a fill July 1st! I think I am ready for one because I have noticed more Hunger than usual. Also I am not getting full as fast as I was and I am afraid I will eat to much. I am still walking 3 miles 2 to 3 times a week and losing alot slower. But still losing . I am hoping the fill will help me and I Am sure it will. I will update after my appointment. Have a great Month of June My friends!

Update after 7 weeks Post Op!

Jun 16, 2010

 Hello Friends,
I figured it was about time for me to update my friends on my success and struggles. I am in week 7 post op and am starting to slow down on my weight loss, and starting to get my hunger back. I really think it is about time for my 1st fill. I am suppose to go back July 1st for my 1st fill. When I went May 28th I had already lost 23 pounds and Dr wanted to wait till next time for a fill. So I agreed and now I am wondereding if I shouldn't But I have went from a size 18 down to a 11 and I am proud of that fact! I am loving the changes in my appearance and body and other Family and friends praising me for my accomplishments and telling me how great I look! Well I guess that is my story for now! God bless you My Friends!

5 Weeks Post Op Update!

Jun 03, 2010

Well it has been 5 weeks since my surgery I went back to the Dr. 5-28-10 and I had lost 25 pounds! I lost 23 pounds before surgery so that is a total of 48 pounds since December 2009 when I first began. I usually walk 3 miles 3 times a week for exercise, along with yard work, house work and chasing daycare kids lol....Dr. Broussard said since I was doing so good on my weight loss we would wait till July 1st for my 1st fill, I was really wanting a fill but figured Dr. B know what he is talking about. I have went from a sz. 18 to a size 12 and they fit me loosely:)  I have had others really noticing my weight loss and giving me such sweet comments. I can't begin to tell you how good that feels! I took my 14 year old Daughter and her Boyfriend and my 3 Grandaughters to the lake I even purchased myself a swimsuit and got in the lake to play with my kids! It has been over 10 years since I even owned a swimsuit much less got in the water! (Happy Moment) It amazes me how little food I can consume and be satisfied, I am Loving My Lapband!

2 weeks Post Op!

May 11, 2010

Hello OH Friends,
Well I made it! Today is 2 weeks since my surgery I have made it through the liquid diet which I really had my doubts about.
But here I am and afraid to move on to the next phase. Matter of fact I am sitting here sipping on a protein shake for Breakfast and I could be eating an egg? I wasn't feeling real perky this morning so I thought I better not chance it. I haven't been sick yet and I don't want to be. I am down 18 pounds in my first 2 weeks and I do love that fact! I go back May 28th for my months checkup and I am excited to see how much I have  lost by then. I am already noticing in my face and clothes and others are noticing and giving me such sweet compliments and I am Loving it! I know things are only gonna keep getting better from here! Thank You all for all the great support and advise keep it coming!

My Grandaughter Cracks me up!

May 07, 2010

Hello friends
I have to share this. I have been drinking my protein shakes for breakfast and have been getting full at about half of the shake. Well my little 2 year old grandaughter Mallory just came in the living room with a Strawberry mustache and saying I like Stawberry Granny! Her Mom has Mom has been wondering why she has not been eating good? I think its because she has been swiping Granny's Protein Shakes. Lol. I have to go to a CPR class in the morning until 4pm and I hope I can make it through the class being only 9 days since surgery and still on liquids only. I guess I will pack a protein shake, jello and vitamin water. I baked my famous Homeade Choc. chip cookies last night and was able to resist licking the bowl or sampling the cookies and this is Big for me! Starting to not feel so deprived I think I am just having to train my brain. Hope all my friends have a Great Weekend, God Bless You!

6 more days of liquid diet and counting!

May 06, 2010

Today is Thursday and I am so ready to get through this liquid diet and move on to the mushies! I am so ready to sink my teeth into a bite of egg and chew chew chew! It has been a rough 9 days so far but I know it is all for my good and i am going to make it through this and look great in the end! I really appreciate all my friends on OH website and all the advise and words of encouragement. So once again as I enter the mushy stage any suggestions on what I will be able to have would be greatly appreciated! Have a Great day My Friends!

Wednesday 5-5-2010 One Week after Surgery!

May 04, 2010

Hello Friends,
I am glad to say I have made it through week 1 of my 2 week liquid diet after surgery. It has been so hard and I have wondered why am I torturing myself this way exspecially when I have to cook for my daycare kids and my family and smell the delicious aromas, then fix myself chicken or beef broth! Lol. I am about to get the sipping down but don't like all the bathroom trots I get shortly thereafter. Only good thing is watching those scales dropping my weight down a little each day. I have been walking 3 miles with My Mom about 3 times a week since day 2 after surgery in the evenings. I don't feel weak or drained like I thought I would actually today I feel pretty much my old self. I have 1 week of the liquids left then I get to move on to the mushies so I am looking forward to that! The thought of something with any texture at all sounds like heaven! I know soon all this torture will be over and I will be on my way to success! So I am ready to buckle down and do this!
God Bless You All!

2 days after surgery!

Apr 30, 2010

 Hello Friends,
I gott to come home yesterday from Edmond Okla. They had an excellent staff and I couldn't have asked for more. I highly reccomend Dr. Broussard or Dr. walton! The bumpy 2 hour ride sure wasn't comfortable coming home. My bladder finally emptied out last night and I am back to normal there. I tried sleeping in my bed but had to get up and sleep in the recliner early this morning. I have had some pain but Loritab helps me there. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your sweet comments and prayers! You guys are awesome!
