Lapband Surgery tommorow!

Apr 27, 2010

Hello My Friends,
I am suppose to arrive at Edmond Oklahoma Weight Wise Bariatrics Hospital at 11:15am tommorow for my surgery I have my bag packed with probably way to much stuff than I need, and a pillow to go in between me and the seatbelt for the ride home Thursday. My Husband, Mother and Daughter and 2 of my Grandaughters will be there also. I have bought all the neccesary meds although I probably wont need them till I return home but I thought just in case. Better safe than sorry. I only had to do the 1 day of clear liquids before my surgery and I really feel for those of you who have to do it for 2 weeks or more before surgery.Needless to say I think I will go to bed early tonight. lol.. I have the 2 weeks of liquids after surgery but I think it will help when I can have the protein shakes.   I plan on taking my laptop soo if I have internet there I will be sure and post  something about my surgery experience. Please just throw up a little prayer for me and I will see you on the losers bench my friends!

God Bless You All!

2 Days until Surgery!

Apr 26, 2010

Hello My OH Friends,
Well tommorow I have nothing but clear liquids then nothing after midnight tommorow night. My Prescription meds with a tiny sip of water.Get my Wednesday morning shower then head out to Edmond, Ok. Weight Wise Bariatrics for my WLS! I will be spending the night and returning home sometime Thursday. I will post an update as soon as I feel up to it. I appreciate all the advise and support I recieve from all my OH Friends! May God Bless each and Everyone of You!


2 Weeks Till My Surgery!

Apr 14, 2010

Hello Friends,
Well the time is winding down! I have 2 weeks until my surgery date. I am starting to realize this is really going to happen. I am so ready to start my new way of life and look incredible by this time next year! My Husband will be with me during my surgery but I ask that you my friends please send up a special prayer for me Wednesday April 28th! Have a Great Month of April I know I will! God Bless You All!

I Got My Surgery Date!

Apr 07, 2010

Well Wednesday April 28th 2010 will be the 1st day of my New Life and my beginning journey with Lapband weight loss! I am so ready to get going. I go April 15th for my Pre-Op. I have alot of questions for them that day.As I am sure that I should. I am planning on closing my Daycare for the rest of that week and hopefully be able to work again by Monday. With My 25 year olds assistance. She is my Rock, always there for me when I need her the most. I am Blessed!

Just Waiting......

Dec 15, 2009

Today is December 15th 2009 and my current weight is 213.6  I have attended my 1st seminar and my consultation and support group on Decmber 10th. My 1st appointment for all my bloodwork and to meet the nutritionist, exercise trainer and psycologist  and sleep study is January 14th, 2010. So I guess I am just waiting to hear from the insurance company (Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois). My Dr. said I just need to maintain my current weight.  I am going to have the lap band if possible. I would enjoy hearing from any of you for advice, support, ect......
