Val's Journey

Apr 11, 2009

4/10/07 - Had LapBand surgery at University of Illinois by Dr. Ayloo.  Lost slowly even though I had regular fills.  196 lbs. upon admission.
5/6/08 - Last LapBand fill.  I was able to eat more after this fill than before.  It was strange...  185 lbs.
10/21/08 - Went to get a fill and found out that the port had flipped upside down and turned backwards!  Could not get fill and told to see surgeon.  My weight is gradually going up...
10/30/08 - Saw surgeon today and told her how disappointed I was with the band.  The only thing she could suggest was a revision to VSG.  She would not support a RNY because of my age, and low BMI.  I was 205 lbs.
11/3/08 - My regular physician received a letter from the surgeon.  My physician signed the letter and submitted it to the insurance company.
11/10/08 - Received call from my physician's office that I had been approved for the VSG.  Since I had to see her for a cold, she went ahead and did my physical that evening.  I was 206 lbs.  Then, I was given referrals for everything else.  Preliminary date for VSG was 1/22/09.  Turns out this was just an arbitrary date given to the insurance company.
1/22/09 - Saw Dr. Ayloo at University of Illinois.  Was told that my surgery was scheduled for 2/4/09 and that I was to start liquid diet next day.
2/4/09 - VSG surgery day.  195 lbs. upon admission.  Could only drink about 1 oz. liquid at a time after surgery.
2/5/09 - Had a lot of nausea this morning, and vomited once, but it didn't last.  Still drinking about 1 oz. liquid at a time and have no appetite.  Saw surgeon and students.  She stopped by to see how I was doing.  She told me that the surgery had gone well, but emphasized that the portion of my stomach which had been removed was very big.  I was so embarrassed in front of the students!  Since I couldn't have been eating that much food, I figured that the large stomach was caused by me guzzling water---I would sometimes drink 32 ozs. all at once!  Well, with this surgery, my guzzeling days are over!  I've learned to sip, sip, sip!
2/6/09 - Released from hospital.  After my husband got me home, he went to fill my prescription and buy himself some food.  He bought himself some Popeye's chicken and ate it in front of me.  What was strange is that it smelled good, but I didn't get the same old feelings about it as I did before!  I'm so happy!
2/7/09 - I sipped and ate everything I was supposed to and by Tuesday, 2/10/09, I felt like I could go back to work on the 16th instead of the 23rd.
2/8/09 - Started walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes at a time.
2/10/09 - Was able to walk for one mile over 30 minutes today.
2/12/09 - Saw surgeon.  I'm doing fine.  Incisions are healed.  Down to 190 lbs.  They gave me the okay to return to work a week early.
2/16/09 - Went back to work and did just fine.  I have a desk job, so it wasn't hard at all.  As far as pain, I was able to take a Tylenol each morning and a Vicodin every evening before bed.  I did just fine.
2/17/09 - Walked on treadmill for one mile today.
2/25/09 - Didn't feel I needed anything more for internal pain.  Stomach seems to be healing just fine.
3/2/09 - Have been walking 2 miles on treadmill a couple of times a week. 
3/12/09 - Saw surgeon.  Doing great.  See her again in three months.  185 lbs.
4/6/09 - Boy, I've been getting tons of compliments on how much weight I've lost.  I guess it's very noticeable because I have such a small structure.  I've gradually moved to some size Petite Medium clothes!  My hubby has been calling me "skinny", and I'm flattered although I know I'm not "there" yet.  I've still got 80 pounds to go!
4/12/09 - Happy Easter!  I'm still doing very well.  Have had a serious case of reflux since mid-March, but is controlled with an acid reducer twice a day. I'm now down to 180 lbs. and wearing size Medium clothes.  I eat regular food now, just really tiny portions---people who see me eat are just amazed at how little I eat.  I try to avoid fried foods and sweets. I'm not as attracted to these foods as I had been all my life.  I guess when you can only eat one fried chicken wing or one large cookie, that kind of takes the fun out of it!

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About Me
Matteson, IL
Surgery Date
Jan 20, 2008
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