Gall Bladder

Jun 18, 2011

May be having Gall Bladder problems, but won't know for sure until I can get an ultrasound done.  Friday night woke up in the worst pain about 10:30pm.  Was up until about 2:00 am debating on going to ER.  Back up at 4:30 am in pain again. Decide to go to the Urgent Care Center instead of ER when it opened and 9:00 am.  Dr said he thought it was my Gall Bladder and I need and Ultrasound ASAP, so I should call 1st thing Monday morning and schedule one. But if the pain gets any worse go to the ER they can do an ultrasound there.  UUUGGGHHHHH  Should have just gone there in the 1st place!!!  He gave me Percocet, to take every 6 hours, so my choices are pain or space case.  Woke up today (Sunday)  thinking WOW what a difference a day makes, I feel 100% better got up and got dressed to go walk, but haven't gotten anywhere as I feel the pain building already. 
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Hair Loss

Jun 12, 2011

My hair is REALLY falling out now!!!!!!  Half of my shower time is spent trying to get all the hair untangled from my fingers.  I cannot even wear my hair down anymore, because of the bald spot forming on the top back part of my head.  It started as just my part looking wider but on the peak of my head it is really looking bad.  Trying to go back to two protein shakes a day and adding Biotin to see if any of that helps.  Dr office said it doesn't matter; it starts at 70 pounds post op loss  and last about 8 weeks.  Not sure when I can start counting from but I am hoping I am at least two weeks into this. They promise it all comes back but I am not so sure, I have see some post op folks with VERY thin hair!!!!   UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH  This was my biggest concern!!!!!!

Taking the stairs

Jun 07, 2011

OMG!!!  I just realized I have been going up and down the stairs without holding on to the sides at all!!!!!!  90 pounds ago I was using rails on both sides pulling my self up one step at a time.  I have officially reached the point where I can say I am so glad I had  the surgery!!!!

Great weekend!!!

Jun 05, 2011

Just spent a weekend in Lake Placid.  Love the area, this is our third visit, but the 1st time I enjoyed it this much!!!!!  In the past I was barely able to walk from the hotel down the hill to the village shops.  Not this weekend.  We went looking for a shop we remembered the kids liking last time and before I knew it had walked the entire length of the strip. I couldn't believe it when I realized we were at the end already, and things looked so different to me.  It took my husband explaining to me that normal if we were going that far we would have driven, we had never walked the whole way.  Not only did we walk through the village countless times , we walked all the way around Mirror Lake.   It was so great and I was able to walk right beside my husband not 20 feet behind yelling slow down.  LOL  What a great weekend!!!!!!!

4 months

May 31, 2011

4 Months Post Op and they recorded me as 68 pounds lost since surgery.  Pretty close to what I am getting at home so I will take it!!! Add that to 20 pre op and I am a happy camper!

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Before Picture

May 26, 2011

I put a before picture of myself on my refrigerator door to remind myself of how far I have come.  My youngest daughter looked at it and ask me what I did to it.  I was not sure what she meant but she said it did not look anything like me and thought I had some kind of photo editing to to to stretch it out or something, Thank God she says she doesn't remember me ever looking that big!
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May 26, 2011

Not sure if that is what happened.  Almost 4 months Post -Op and nothing I have eating has given me any trouble.  Tonight I had spaghetti and a meatball, and got sick for for the 1st time.  Can't even remember if I had tried spaghetti since the surgery but it did not agree with me tonight that is for sure.

Should they stay or should they go?

May 09, 2011

Spent the day going through my clothes.  I now have two large garage bags full of clothes that are too big for me.  I want to get rid of them but I am afraid.  I have lost weight before and gained it back.  I am trying to convince myself that is not going to happen ever again.  This time is for good!!!!!!!  But yet the bags are still in my room.  Maybe I can do it one step at a time and move them into the garage.  LOL  Would love to hear from some of you are how and when you got rid of clothes as you lost weight.


Good check up

Mar 22, 2011

Had a pretty good check up today. They said I am doing good with the weight lose even though I think it is going slow.  I guess it can never be fast enough.  They told me I can go down to one protein shake a day, and work harder on getting in three good meals.  Gonna find to find some more choices for breakfast, eggs are getting old, but don't know what else is high in protein for breakfast.  Also said I only have to wait 30 mins after a meal to drink!!!!   Biggest news of the day waiting an hour has been killing me! Total weight loss now at 58 lbs.  Also told me I can do the Bariatric Fussion Vitamins two at a time instead of 1 four times a day which was not working for me.  So I may give them a try again!
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When will my Honeymoon Begin?

Mar 08, 2011

I am now 5 weeks post op and and still not feeling "normal"  Not feeling sick all the time but not feeling good.  Always have at least a touch of upset stomach, and gang alot.  My energy level is still very low and even when I have  good day , and think I am over the hump the next day I am wiped out.  Have not lost more than a pound in the past two weeks. And beginning to wonder WHY I did this!?!?!?!?  I want the Honeymoon everyone promised ,where I will have tons of energy and will be dropping weight so fast my pants will fall off.   What is wrong with me?
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About Me
Fort Drum, NY
Surgery Date
Jan 25, 2011
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