I think I have restriction!

Aug 12, 2007

Okay - I was very discouraged after getting my fill on Thursday and having the liquids go down WAY to easily and feeling very hungry.  I had solid food yesterday and was able to eat very little and feel full for several hours.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but I think I have restriction!

Got my fill!

Aug 10, 2007

I got my fill yesterday and did not pass out.  However, I don't think I have very good restriction.  I spoke with the dietician today and she said to give it till Tuesday and call the surgeon's office if I don't have good restriction.

First fill today... almost

Aug 02, 2007

Well, I went in for my first fill today.  unfortunately, as I was standing up and the needle was in me...I passed out!

It had something to do with the vagal nerve, which when constricted, stops the blood getting to the brain and makes you pass out.  One minute I'm looking at the needle and the next I have smelling salts under my nose!

We're going to give it a try again next Thursday.

One month tomorrow

Jul 28, 2007

I can't believe it's been a month (tomorrow) since I had surgery!  I'm feeling great, have started biking along the lakefront (I aim for 30 minutes 5 times per week), and have noticed a difference in my energy level.  I stopped using my CPAP machine a couple weeks ago, as well.  On the weight front, the scale hasn't moved in the last 2 weeks, but I've definitely noticed a difference in how my clothes fit.  I even had to put a second new notch on my belt (woo-hoo!).  Tonight I took pics, weight, and measurement, which I will do on the 28th of every month.  Stats follow:

Date/Time 6/28/07 11:02 p.m.  7/28/07 7:45 p.m.
neck 17 16.25
chest 51 47.5
waist 54.5 51.5
Left Bicep 16.5 15.25
Right Bicep 16.5 15.25
Left Thigh 27.5 26.5
Right Thigh 28 26.75
Left Calf 16.75 16.5
Right Calf 17 16.75
Weight 274.6 261.6

16 days out

Jul 15, 2007

Well, I'm 16 days out and feel great.  I saw Dr. Nagle on Wednesday (GREAT guy!) and he gave me full clearance to start excercising.  So far, I've lost almost 14 pounds (11 the first week when I was on liquids and 3 this week).  I'kve had about 4 issues with food getting stuck, but I'm trying REALLY hard to develop better eating/chewing habits.

It's done!

Jun 29, 2007

Well, I had the surgery this morning and was home by 3!  I'm feeling great (I think I can thank the pain meds for that!).

My best friend spent the night last night and was with me the whole time today and is also spending the night tonight.  I feel blessed to have the people in my life that I do.

tommorow's the day!

Jun 28, 2007

I'll be the first patient of the day (8:30)!!  I have been so busy trying to get things done at work and at home that this all seems surreal.

less than a week to go!!

Jun 23, 2007

I can't believe that by this timenext week, I'll be banded.  I'm obviously very excited, but also a little nervous.  Not so much about the surgery, more about the lifestyle change afterwards.  I have to be on liquids the first week after surgery, thenbaby food teh seconds week, mushies the third week.  I'm not sure how easy that will be considering I won't have any restriction.  I suppose that speaks to this whole experience - it's definitely NOT the easy way out!!

I have a date!!

May 31, 2007

My surgery is scheduled for 6/29!

The letter came!

May 23, 2007

I am going in to see the surgeon on the 30th.  After that, we'll schedule the date!!!  I can't belive this is happening...  I'm having so many emotions go through me.  I'm happy, nervous, scared, excited, all at the same time.

About Me
Chicago, IL
Surgery Date
Jun 16, 2006
Member Since

Friends 29

Latest Blog 25
Belated Monthly update!
The progress continues...
Monthly pics/weigh-in
3rd fill today!
Monthly weigh-in
Monthly weigh-in
Monthly weigh-in
Ode to Anna
2nd Fill Scheduled
Monthly pics/weigh-in
