What's on the menu today, RNYers?

on 7/16/14 11:55 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Yes! I love that this Loaded Greek Yogurt terminology is gaining ground :-P

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 7/16/14 11:06 pm - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi all! Louise-a ten hour hike is insane! And impressive! Anny, I'm sorry work was so busted yesterday. When I feel frustrated with work I tell myself it's just a job and we are not doing brain surgery. It all ends up good in the end. It may be worth expressing your hurt feelings to your boss?

I haven't COOKED in a while but I'm going to the grocery store after the gym and I am cooking some stuff up. I've been eating out far too much lately. 

B: sipping on my deliciously decadent non-clumpy Chike high protein iced coffee shake now. Yum!!!!

L: leftover green curry chicken from last night

s: 1 Oz crispy chickpeas (falafel flavor YUM!)

d: I am making turkey chili! 99% fat free turkey, onion, peppers, garlic, jalapeño, tomato paste, tomato sauce

e: 50 minutes personal training, an hour on the treadmill

v: always a little behind but I'm on it!

My totals will hopefully be around 800 calories and 75 g of protein. I've been around 1000 calories these days so we will see - they may go up a bit. 

Have an awesome day, everyone!!!

on 7/16/14 11:54 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

Em, definitely! It's one of those things that I know I often have an unhealthy relationship with my work and sometimes being "passionate" about it can be bad for me. I sometimes need to take a step back and take some deep breaths to remember that is just work, that they're paying me to be here, and it isn't my LIFE!

And the thing I need my director to work on will get worked on next week and I definitely plan to express to her how disappointed I am in how she decided to handle the situation. The funny part is last night was our Board of Trustees meeting and they've been having staff come in to meet with them, just to get to know everyone better as we have several new trustees, and last night was my turn. I gave them an update of what's happening in my Department and then my Director told them how luck they are to have me and bla bla bla - and I just wanted to say "Hello! Then shouldn't you be responsive to me!" But whatever, again, it's just work. It's just work! IT'S. JUST. WORK.

Ok, rant over. 

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 7/17/14 10:00 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

I had a very unhealthy work life balance for a long time...until I was part of a mass layoff. I was devastated. I cried. I wondered if I was really as valuable as I thought. And then I got through it. I became a better friend. I found a new (and better paying!) job. I realized my job did not define me. I honestly look back on that time as one of the best of my life. Sometimes a scary change is what we need to move forward. And look at you now, putting yourself first, walking every morning, doing water aerobics, losing weight and getting strong! I like that you are going to express your feelings to your boss - and likely, she has no idea how frustrated you are. She clearly values you and it's great she recognized you in front of the Board so you have that going for you :) I learn more from bad bosses than good ones, and this is one of those things you can file away under "When I am running a library, I will not ____". Because I have no doubt that one day you will be the one in charge!

on 7/17/14 1:09 am

DCGirl! I feel like we haven't seen you in a while, how's the new job going?



on 7/17/14 10:01 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi FF! You haven't heard much from me because I don't start my job until Monday and this whole week I have been a lady of leisure! It's been amazing!!! I could be a kept woman, I really could :) I went to the beach for a few days and I am working out 1.5 or 2 hours a day, meeting friends for coffees, organizing my apartment. It's been the best staycation :)

(deactivated member)
on 7/16/14 11:08 pm

Good Morning today is beautiful.It was actually chilly sleeping last night.I have a hard time getting out of bed when it is like that.It felt good to sleep in a bit. My dog Sophie is having surgery today she has a small cancerous tumor on her side the vet says she will be able to fix. 

B:Coffee with Splenda and skim milk then eggs with chicken sausage

L:yogurt have to go tot he dentist.Yuck

D:Stuffed zucchini with ricotta and chicken sausage


Vitamins in and water going down

Enjoy the day.I am going to weed my flower beds for exercise today they are horrible.

on 7/17/14 1:39 am
RNY on 02/24/14

Best wishes for Sophie to have a speedy recovery. Dogs are such a wonderful gift.



HW:332 (12/17/13) SW:282 (2/24/14) GW:132 CW:164 (12/19/14) TWL:168

(deactivated member)
on 7/17/14 9:12 pm

Sophie is doing well.She got home last night and wouldn't even look at me.She was so mad at me.This morning she ate and went and laid down.The vet was positive about the cancer.So I am crossing my fingers and praying to St.Francis.

on 7/16/14 11:21 pm
RNY on 03/25/14

Good morning everyone.  Thank goodness it is Thursday and the work week is nearly done.  The weather here in the metro-Detroit area has been really mild all week and we are expected to have a great weather through mid-next week which is making my nightly walks even more enjoybale.  I find myself pushing harder and further each time which feels great both mentally and physically.  I bought some weights and will be arm toning nightly for 10-15 minutes to up my routine.

I really need to concentrate on my water intake.  I have to start keeping track better because I know this is an area I routinely fall short on.

Time since surgery: 17 weeks

B – 1/3 C ground turkey sloppy joe’s w/5 tortilla chips

S – string cheese

L – 1/2 C Turkey chili

S – Premier Protein Chocolate shake

D – 7 shrimp w/sun dried tomato, lemon & garlic cream sauce

E – Walk for 60 mins if not more.

Totals – 815 calories, 80g protein, 30g fat & 58g carbs


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