Linda B.’s Posts

Linda B.
on 9/13/23 7:16 pm
Topic: RE: 11 years, wow, has it really been that long?

Just dropping in to say hi on my 11th surgery anniversary. I have gained some weight back, but am working on getting it back off. It is really easy to put it back on when old habits get the best of us. Grocery shopping in small town ND can be a huge challenge, so I am ordering some stuff online, and driving to a bigger city with a Costco about every 4-6 weeks to stock up on healthier staple items such as cheese, almond flour, and chicken. I will try to pop in more often now that I work closer to home.

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Linda B.
on 9/13/22 6:43 pm
Topic: RE: 10 years today

Hi All, I haven't been on OH for a long time. I stay pretty busy with work, skating, and spending time with family now that we have moved closer to grandchildren. I am now in North Dakota.

On my way to work this morning, I remembered that today, I am 10 years out. Since I recently took a job close to home (no more 45-60 minute commute), I will try to jump on the boards occasionally.

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Linda B.
on 9/13/20 8:17 pm
Topic: RE: 8 years now

It has been quite some time since I have logged in. Today is my 8 year surgery anniversary. I have struggled with weight regain after a horrible car wreck almost two years ago. That event has taken me off the ice twice. The first time was right after. I sprained my MCL and a pretty bad shoulder injury. The shoulder didn't heal, so I needed surgery, which took me off ice again. The shoulder rehab has been slow, but movement and strength are slowly improving. I am working with my coach and husband/ice dance partner to regain my skills so we can hopefully compete this coming spring. I will try to check in more often now that I am working remotely again.

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Linda B.
on 9/13/20 8:03 pm
Topic: RE: Sad news!

It has been a long time since I have been signed in too. I remember you. It is sad news about Dr. Klassen.

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Linda B.
on 9/13/17 8:14 pm
Topic: RE: 5 years, no regrets

Most of you who are active these days may not recognize me. I haven't been on for a long time because of some wicked long hours at work and I do skate in the morning before work.

I am 5 years out today and I will tell all of you who are pre-op and new post-op, it IS worth it. There is no way I could have the active life I lead now if I hadn't made the decision to change my life. My sleeve helped me to do it.

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Linda B.
on 9/30/16 9:27 pm
Topic: RE: Frisco- 7 Years and The Bomb Taco Salad !!!

Happy Anniversary. Your story has inspired many of us, I'm so grateful I found you in this forum, you have helped keep my eyes on my new healthier lifestyle.

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Linda B.
on 9/30/16 9:14 pm
Topic: RE: 4 years ago today

Well, it looks like we may have to scrap this plan. Flights to the bay area from Denver are a budget killer. I have about one more hour to try to make it happen, but right now it doesn't look good.

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Linda B.
on 9/29/16 6:38 pm
Topic: RE: 4 years ago today

I am 5'4"

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Linda B.
on 9/29/16 6:37 pm
Topic: RE: 4 years ago today

How is it going?

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Linda B.
on 9/29/16 6:37 pm
Topic: RE: 4 years ago today

I forgot the dates, so I edited the post.

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Linda B.
on 9/29/16 6:34 pm, edited 9/29/16 11:35 am
Topic: RE: 4 years ago today

Well, I needed to double check, the events are at the Shark's Ice locations, San Jose, Fremont, and Oakland. We won't know which ones until they post the schedule. Trying to arrange a flight is a PITA. Registration is due tomorrow, looks like Mike is going to join me for a couple's spotlight too. I was thinking about skipping it because of the expense but, it is the perfect place to retire my 49er/Candlestick park program. The event is 11/18-20, we would come in on Thursday to practice. I'll keep you  posted.

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Linda B.
on 9/13/16 5:31 pm
Topic: RE: 4 years ago today

I know I haven't been on very much. Truthfully, I have been settling into our new home, another new job (long story, but a good thing), and a whole lot of skate training.

But, four years ago today, I walked into a hospital in San Bernardino, CA and changed my life. I walked out with a smaller stomach, one less blood pressure medication, (I got off the other one a month later) and a plan to live life in a healthier way. Here I am, four years later, no regrets.

I admit that I have struggled with a little regain. It isn't too bad, my skate dresses still fit. But, I do need to take off a few pounds that I gained over the summer travel season.

For those who are exploring, waiting for a date, or are newbies. Keep at it. Prepare for the ride of your life, it truly is amazing. Oh, in the beginning, don't get attached to clothes either. Thrift stores will be your friend. I would pick up smaller sizes, and donate what I shrunk out of.

Before I began this quest for a healthier life, if you would have told my I would become a competitive figure skater (and soon to be ice dancer with DH Mike B) I would have called you crazy. Now, I'm a medal and trophy ***** For my next big competition, I will be in the Bay Area in November. I am looking forward to an adult only event. Hoping to work out going to the 49er/Patriot game too, but that is a long shot.

Now that I'm teaching online again, I may have time to be on more. No more wicked commute.

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Linda B.
on 3/27/16 4:02 pm
Topic: RE: Favorite Frozen Proteins

I cook in quantity and freeze in appropriate portion sizes. I use a food scale and measuring cups to do this. I mass cook one day a week and then eventually I have a nice variety of meals ready to go in the freezer. I do have a large freezer in the garage, so that helps, but you can still do this with just the freezer on the fridge. I do find it is easier to work with similar recipe ingredients so for example, if I am working with ground beef that needs to be crumbled and cooked, I make 2-4 recipes that call for ground beef. I will cook about 6-10 pounds of chicken breast in the crock-pot, shred it and use for recipes that call for cooked chicken. I then use some of the chicken in the broth that the chicken was cooked in, add veggies, and there is homemade soup. I use small freezer containers to portion and store. I am copy/pasting a cooking blog/recipe website list that I use, and that I have shared when I co-led a support group where I used to live. Happy cooking (yes, you will get used to it). A few of these websites are authored by some of the OH community.

Helpful Websites and Blogs for Bariatric Surgery Patients

Not all are specifically for the bariatric community, but do have useful recipes and specialty nutrition information for those of who need it.

One of the most popular cooking blogs on the web, written by RNY patient Michelle (Shelly). Her recipes are fantastic. She is OH.

This is one of several blogs with low carb and gluten free recipes.

Another blog featuring low carb and gluten free recipes.

This one is primarily low carb and diabetic friendly recipes.

This is a page connected to a top bariatric surgeon's website. Frisco is a VSG patient who has lost 190 lbs. He is known on for his brutal honesty, and "food porn."

Another recipe blog written by a RNY patient with many good ideas to add variety to your cooking. She is also on OH.

While this blog author has not had weight loss surgery, she leads a low carb lifestyle for health reasons. Many of these recipes are also gluten and/or dairy free.

This website/blog is about natural health options. It is included on this list because of the recipes found here.

Here is another natural living blog that happens to have good recipe options.


This is also another natural living blog with good specialty recipes.

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Linda B.
on 3/27/16 3:49 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Tomorrow - Worried about Nausea?

Nausea to determine if something is wrong is one of the craziest things I have heard. Please let the anesthesiologist know that you have had problems in the past. I have done that and they always give me something to keep it from happening. One of the last things you need is to be dry heaving after having your stomach cut. Remember, the medical team is working for you, don't settle for the misery of post-op nausea. 

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Linda B.
on 3/27/16 3:45 pm
Topic: RE: Surgery Tomorrow - Worried about Nausea?

I need to hijack the post to ask if you are participating in a support group? My husband and I moved to Aurora in July and we can't seem to find a local group. If you know of any, please let me know.

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Linda B.
on 2/22/16 10:18 am
Topic: RE: food blogger list for recipe ideas

You're welcome.

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Linda B.
on 2/22/16 10:17 am
Topic: RE: food blogger list for recipe ideas


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Linda B.
on 2/22/16 10:17 am
Topic: RE: food blogger list for recipe ideas

You're welcome, happy cooking.

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Linda B.
on 2/22/16 10:16 am
Topic: RE: food blogger list for recipe ideas

I love your recipes. Even our son who has not had WLS love the baked ricotta. No that we are much further out, I add ground beef to the sauce. I've even taken it to potlucks and friends who are gluten free love it. 

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Linda B.
on 2/20/16 12:21 pm
Topic: RE: food blogger list for recipe ideas

I have noticed a few threads with people asking for recipe ideas. I created this list back when Mike B (DH) & I co-led our support group back in CA. I will copy it below just as I handed it out. Sometimes you will need to make modifications, but you can get a lot if inspiration from these websites. Three of them are from OH members.

I tend to mass cook and freeze. This helps us for work lunches (we are both teachers) and quick dinners when I don't have time to cook. I use small containers for portion control, and I weigh the portions on our food scale. Enjoy.

Helpful Cooking Websites

This list is provided to give some helpful ideas for menu planning. Most of these cooking blogs are put together by people who have not had WLS, but follow eating plans that are very similar to ours. In most cases, the serving is going to be much larger than we can eat, but freezing leftovers for future meals is how we take care of that. This one is put together by a RNY patient. Also put together by a RNY patient. This one is maintained by a diabetic who is gluten intolerant, her recipes are amazing. Lots of sugar free and wheat free yummies for you to try. More low carb and gluten free ideas. This one is some ideas created by a VSG patient who is a regular on Created by a RNY patient with great ideas. Primarily paleo recipes, but most work well for WLS patients. Her main dishes are great.


http://www.the***** This lady is gluten and lactose intolerant, she offers great recipes and helpful cooking hints. Her recipes are mostly paleo, but with a few modification can work well for WLS patients. Wonderful ideas for those of us following a sugar free lifestyle. These recipes are Keto diet/diabetic friendly. This one has many sauce ideas. This one is written by someone who follows a sugar/gluten free lifestyle. The writer of this blog actually almost starved to death, she was severely underweight. However, she made some changes and now eats in a healthy manner. This is the official website of George Stella, famous for his Food Network show a few years ago. This blogger has family members with food allergies and they live sugar free. Recipes include dairy free, gluten free, and soy free options.


Hopefully these blogs can help you. Since we now think about quality verses quantity, making food that is high in flavor, low in carbs and sugar helps keep us doing the protocol and maintaining success.

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Linda B.
on 2/20/16 12:15 pm
Topic: RE: About expectations, control and serenity

Well said. This is so powerful that you should re-share it periodically, just like Frisco does with his Pyloric Valve post.

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Linda B.
on 2/20/16 12:10 pm
Topic: RE: Foods to freeze

I mass quantity cook and freeze for lunches and quick dinners. I finally got a freezer in our new place (old one went with the house when we moved), now I can really work this plan again.

Here is a list of food bloggers I follow, sometimes I'll modify recipes, but for the most part, these bloggers have it together. I am copying it just like I set up the handout I shared when DH & I co-led the support group we attended before we moved.

Helpful Cooking Websites

This list is provided to give some helpful ideas for menu planning. Most of these cooking blogs are put together by people who have not had WLS, but follow eating plans that are very similar to ours. In most cases, the serving is going to be much larger than we can eat, but freezing leftovers for future meals is how we take care of that. This one is put together by a RNY patient. Also put together by a RNY patient. This one is maintained by a diabetic who is gluten intolerant, her recipes are amazing. Lots of sugar free and wheat free yummies for you to try. More low carb and gluten free ideas. This one is some ideas created by a VSG patient who is a regular on Created by a RNY patient with great ideas. Primarily paleo recipes, but most work well for WLS patients. Her main dishes are great.


http://www.the***** This lady is gluten and lactose intolerant, she offers great recipes and helpful cooking hints. Her recipes are mostly paleo, but with a few modification can work well for WLS patients. Wonderful ideas for those of us following a sugar free lifestyle. These recipes are Keto diet/diabetic friendly. This one has many sauce ideas. This one is written by someone who follows a sugar/gluten free lifestyle. The writer of this blog actually almost starved to death, she was severely underweight. However, she made some changes and now eats in a healthy manner. This is the official website of George Stella, famous for his Food Network show a few years ago. This blogger has family members with food allergies and they live sugar free. Recipes include dairy free, gluten free, and soy free options.


Hopefully these blogs can help you. Since we now think about quality verses quantity, making food that is high in flavor, low in carbs and sugar helps keep us doing the protocol and maintaining success.


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Linda B.
on 2/14/16 8:39 pm
Topic: RE: Yes, that is Mike B and me on the home page

Thanks Frisco. Our quality of life is even better now that we moved. The skiing is so much better than So Cal. The park & rec is great too, we are currently taking a ballroom dance class. We love it. Mike meets me there after work since he works close by. No more hour drive one way just to get a class.

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Linda B.
on 2/14/16 8:37 pm
Topic: RE: Yes, that is Mike B and me on the home page

Thanks, I noticed that you are looking pretty good too.

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Linda B.
on 2/14/16 8:35 pm
Topic: RE: Yes, that is Mike B and me on the home page

Thanks, so far, so good. My commute kind of sucks, but I do like my 4 day work week. We hope to graduate to a house with a yard in a couple of years, but the townhouse we found will work for now.

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