Lois is doing good!

Mar 16, 2010

My name is Edda and I am a good friend of Lois's.  She asked me send this blog as getting on the computer was a little difficult. 

Lois had her surgery today (March 16).  She was so excited and not a bit nervous.  According to Dr. Blackstone - everything went pretty good.  The by-pass was text book. No problems, however,  when they took a look at her gallbladder, well, things changed a little.  Her gallbladder was growing into her liver. They went in and were able to separate it and take it out. Dr. Blackstone also said that she had gallstones that they call alligator stones because of the rough texture and that they resemble alligator skin.  Lois was up and walking a little this evening and watching a little t.v.   I'm sure as soon as she can get on a computer she will add her own information. But in the mean time, know that she is doing good.   Edda


About Me
Yuma, AZ
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
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