5 days out of surgery

Mar 21, 2010

Today is Sunday, the 5th day after my surgery.  I have to thank Edda - my best friend and an EXCELLENT bariatric angel.  She was right there with me through out this whole experience.  In fact, she has even filled in some of the "blank" spots of my memory (drug induced haze).  Another person I have to thank is Dr Robin Blackstone I cannot say enough about her - she is an incredible surgeon, a caring person and able to bring calm and reassurance into the room. 

The nurses at Scottsdale Health Center are incredible also.  Caring, understanding, helpful and informative.  I had a bit of a worry when I was advised at 4am the day after surgery that I could not have any more pain medication due to the fact that Dr Blackstone had set me up for some additional testing and I could not have pain medication in my system for this test.  I was concerned but Julie my nurse advised me that it was a precautionary test to make sure there was no leaking due to the difficulty in removing my gall bladder.  Julie was very calming and by the time the transport person arrived I was calm and ready for my test.  Oh, I passed ... no problems!

I was released from SHC on Thursday around noon - it was exciting yet nerve racking at the same time.  Was I truely ready to leave?  Dr Blackstone felt I was so I put my faith in her and in my Angel, Edda.  The drive (Edda drove) to my Dad's house in Sun City was uneventful, I even took a bit of a cat nap on the freeway.  I was concerned that the passing vehicles and my being on pain medication might cause some car sickness, but I survived.

Each day is a new adventure in what I can do, how far can I reach, how long can I stay awake after taking my pain meds.  Today is the first day I have really tried to get on the computer and get my friends up to date - it just seemed to "hard" before now.

Well, it is getting to be lunch time and I need to keep to my schedule, so off I go.


About Me
Yuma, AZ
Surgery Date
Nov 05, 2008
Member Since

Friends 7

Latest Blog 18
