Four years of healthy living and much to celebrate!

Dec 06, 2011

Today, I celebrate many things!!! I have lived a full and healthy new life with my Lap-band for 4 years now. I have completed a half marathon (13.1 miles), a full marathon (26.2 miles), and on Sunday I shared the experience with my family. We just completed a team relay marathon. I've worked very hard to give myself a second chance in life by  living it as healthy as possible. It isn't always easy, but it has been well worth the hard work! I have managed to keep my weight off and I truly have adopted a new lifesytle. I believe personally, there is no way you can do this without committing yourself fully to changing your lifesytle. I pray I continue to work hard, motivate myself, care for myself, and give back to others. Four healthy years today!!!

Living my life in two sections or seasons

Jun 07, 2011

It does appear my life has two sections or season and training season. I enjoy both and they both have their huge upsides and a few downsides.

There is nothing like working toward a goal in training season (trained for marathon events in the past 2 years) and seeing the benefits. However, your body takes a slight beating and I have to live such a strict and disciplined life. I seem to also, enjoy the structure and require it.

 The joys of off season! There also is a great deal of benefit to "off season". I focus on mixing things up and keeping life fun. The downfall is less structure and miles, equals an average of 3 pounds on the scale. This is the part that really stinks. I have to focus more on my diet and balance my life. This is truly the story of my life. I'm an extreme person at times. I'm in it 110% and giving it everything I've got. I've got to incorporate balance in my life.

My family has taken a No Fast Food Challenge with me. The only "fast food" we will be take apart in will be Subway and Jason's Deli. I will be working on better food planning on those days we are running around. My family seems to be up for the challenge. I'm feeling encouraged today! The scale tells me the 3 pesky pounds of "off season" are with me today (128 lbs), but I'm making changes and I will work towards balance today.

I also, have my eye on a new crazy goal. It seems really crazy and somewhat comical at times. I am looking into taking Fitness Instruction Classes. It's a crazy idea, since I'm extremely shy and have been known to avoid social events in my most "darkest" times in my life. I also don't, have an ounce of rhythm in my body. I will need to focus on those classes that don't require "dance instruction" of any kind. I can't keep it out of my head though. I can't really put my finger on it, but it is something I feel so drawn to do. I guess it's sort of like the crazy idea of running a marathon. I know saying it out loud was huge for me and sort of comical at first. However, I made it happen so feel encouraged to tackle yet another "crazy goal". I'm excited!


Marathon Finisher!!!

Dec 08, 2010

I can check off running a marathon on my bucket list! What an experience.
My training schedule started started back in August and went very well until mid-October. I began to have bad shin splints right when I crossed over the half way point (13.1 miles) in my training schedule. I did everything I could to speed the healing. I even took an ice bath! Yikes!!!.  I do have to admit, the tapering faze is brudal!!! I kept thinking I would lose everything I trained for and I couldn't test out my shin. After all...running/training had become what I knew. It ruled a lot of my descion making and my life to a certain degree. I didn't feel normal just resting.

On Friday, I made a list that seemed to go on for a mile of all the things I needed. It's crazy the amount of things you need to run 26.2 miles. We packed up and headed to Dallas around noon on Saturday. I was a nervous wreck. I must have checked my list a hundred times.
I woke up around 4:30 on Sunday and got ready. We headed downstairs and called our car up. Wow! The valet workers must of ran a good 26.2 miles themselves that morning. We stayed at the race hotel and everyone seemed to be heading out at the same time. Our car arrived and we hopped in and headed to Fair Park. The traffic was jammed packed at 6:15. My husband knew of a back way and we were there within 15 minutes. Yippee!

We waited for the corral waves to start forming and I headed for L which was right near the opening to the building. It was so cold!!! It took 45 minutes for our wave to get to the starting line. I was frozen! However, it worked to my advantage because my bad shin was numb and I felt no pain other than being cold. They counted down our wave start and we were off.
I was feeling great! My two sisters volunteered at mile 4 aid station. I was thrilled to see them. They both jogged along the sidewalk waving and wishing me luck. I was so thankful to see them. They also were able to call my husband to let him know I was in good shape (no limping or one legged shuffle due to the bad shin). The crowds, volunteers, bands, signs, etc. were so great! The first 7 or 8 miles passed quickly. At mile 8, I was anxious to hit the lake. I ran the half marathon last year and you don't get to run around the lake. I was really looking forward to running around the lake. The lake was beautiful, but so windy. The run around the lake was almost 10 miles by itself. My nutrition plan was working well until around mile 18. I've always used a sport bottle for fluids and not cups. I took my GU with my sports bottle, but grabbed water and Gatorade from the aid stations which were of course in cups. I tried to run and drink from a cup at the same time and it was not easy. I had Gatorade all down my shirt and the rest went up my nose. Note to time stop to drink. I guess I had sucked up too much air and it caused me to have reflux. As I approached mile 20, I celebrated with a big smile. It was the furthest I had trained (they say you're not to exceed 20 miles at one time in training). We hit a few hills and one major incline and it left me a little drained. I began to slow down to a snail pace (it seemed) around mile 22. However, I couldn't shake the anxiety of losing that 45 minutes from the delayed starting time. Yes, my chip time would not reflect the late start. However, the course is shut down regardless of the delayed time so I felt pressure to get it together. Mile 24 approached and I picked up my pace again. I used to tell myself in training once I reached the last mile or so...I can do ANYTHING for 10 minutes so I pushed myself harder the last couple of miles. Once, I reached the fence line and saw the crowd...I was beyond thrilled! I saw my family and heard their cheers and I was done! I officially became a MARATHON FINISHER under 5 hours (4:57)!!

 I begin to walk from the finish line to the runner's lounge for my medal, finisher shirt, and water. The walk was really short, but I was alone much like my training journey. I began to think of all that went into training, the journey to better health, and the hard work that I was leaving out there on the 26.2 mile course. Tears began to fill my eyes and I felt my lip began to curl up.  A female volunteer placed my medal around my neck and it was like she knew exactly how I felt. She was so sweet and congratulated me. What a great experience and memory!!!! I try and thank God everyday for blessing my life. I called on him many times during the race. I reminded myself that he was with me. I truly felt he has and is working in my life. I'm blessed beyond what I could even imagine for myself. Praise God!

Two weeks to go! White Rock Marathon Goal 26.2 miles

Nov 19, 2010

I'm two weeks away from completing my goal of running The White Rock Marathon (26.2 miles). I've enjoyed the journey and have gained so much. About two weeks ago, as my miles increased so did the stress on my body. My right shin gives me a lot of trouble. I've managed to tough it out and continue with my training schedule, until I did my ultimate practice run (20 miles). My body protested after wards and the wheels began to fall off. My husband talked me into taking two running days off. I took Thursday off and will try to cross train on Saturday, picking things back up on Monday. I'm praying it's enough time to heal and recovery.

Yesterday, I told my husband I was ready to do the dreaded ice bath to help speed my recovery. I'm extremely cold natured so the thought of getting in a swimsuit and sitting in a bathtub filled with ice, is the ultimate craziness for me. My husband began to wonder and maybe questioning my sanity. He isn't the first one and I'm sure he won't be the last. As I describe my training routine and my bodies reaction, I will admit it does sound sort of crazy too. I read another runner's blog where he saw someone on race day holding a sign that read- You paid to do this...REALLY? It's always good to be able to laugh at yourself sometimes.

I've come so far and this goal means more to me than anyone will ever know. It's not about "keeping the weight off" or just some crazy  idea I dreamed of. You see....ever since I was a little girl, I can remember wanting to be a Mother. Everything I did was centered around my children and being a Mom. I spent many years doing this and I don't have a single regret! I love being a Mother and it is all and more than I ever dreamed of. I struggled at times to balance life out and I lost sight of somethings causing my marriage to suffer a little and my health took a backseat too. I felt like I woke up one day and realized I couldn't live this way anymore. I deserved better and my family deserved a better me. Three years ago, I made the big change and I promised myself I would not take my health for granted.

I married very young. I depended on my husband way more than one deserves to carry the burden. It's my time to do something on my own and for myself. There hasn't been a trainer along my side nor a runner partner. Every run has been alone. I've had to learn to push myself and cheer for myself. The cheering part has been one of the biggest accomplishments. I cheer my children on and praise them, but it is much harder to do the same for yourself. Negative thoughts naturally flood our minds when it comes to ourselves. I had to learn I was worthy of the same kindness and support. The practice of clearing away the negative and replacing it with positive thoughts is a constant work in progress.

Dec. 5, 2010 will be a day I will never forget! I can't wait and I'm ready to do this! Please pray that my shin allows me to show up healthy.

Oh and for you that search for the weight progress....I'm 126 lbs. today! I've gained a lot of muscle and can still wear the same size I did when I weighed 120 lbs which was too skinny for me. I didn't look healthy, but now I do!

Moving right along!

Sep 30, 2010

I had a teeny tiny fill a couple of weeks ago. Wow! The power of saline is amazing!!! My clothes  are already starting to feel better on me. Yippee!

My training is going really well. I will inch across my longest run next week! It's exciting yet I'm a little nervous. I hope my body is prepared and I can do it. It's just adding 13.1 more miles to my 13.1 longest run. Yikes! I'm working hard though and I haven't missed a run yet. I've gained a lot of muscle and I'm really proud of my new found "guns". I've never had guns. I've always been super girlie skinny or fat and super fat!

I added a Zumba class to mix things up. My sister and I go together and we have the best time. Once, you get over the initial embarrassment of shaking your hips like Sharika, it's super fun! I also, take Yoga on my off days of training. Boy, is it wonderful! It helps relax my tired muscles. I love using your own body weight to work toward balance and strength.
Life is good!

Scale is finally moving in my favor!

Aug 19, 2010

3 more pounds to go to my comfortable place! Yippee!!! 125 lbs. here I come...I've been missing you!

One of those days where I need a "pick me up".

Aug 17, 2010

I've been feeling a little down over my recent weight gain and needed something to sweep out the A.N.T.s (automatic negative thoughts). I'm training for a marathon and completed the half marathon last year. I'm proud of myself for sticking with this and being so disciplined with my workouts. This is what I've gained from my new healthy habit of running....

1. I can do anything I set my mind to, if I make a plan and do something everyday to knock the goal out
2. I learned I must release the negative thoughts out of my mind in order to run.
3. I've learned what a difference it makes to replace the negative thoughts with positive ones on my runs
4. I've learned I need to encourage myself just as much as I would my children or anyone else I love
5. I've learned to celebrate and be proud of myself
6. I've learned to move air in and out of my body properly while running and the after effects are so calming (better than any drug, food, etc).
7. I've learned to take in the sights and sounds to relax my body and enjoy running
8. I've learned that I must use my imagination again in my life (example- I imagine finishing the race strong  or any other thing I admire)
9. I learned that I'm not taking away anything from my family when I give time to myself to be healthy. I'm actually improving their life too. I'm being a good role model and becoming more healthy to meet their needs better.
10. I learned that I am my worst enemy, but I am in control of my worst enemy. Therefore, I can work on my behavior towards myself (sweeping the A.N.Ts out). LOL!

I have taken these things I've learned while running and have applied it to other areas of my life. I can proudly life is so much better for being able to do this. I'm healthy emotionally and physically!


2 years and 8 months

Aug 16, 2010

I've battled with the idea of updating. My weight is up and my clothes are starting to fit a little more snug. My weight is 129 lbs. I went on vacation and weighed 127 lbs. and came back with a little more. I've worked on not eating out as much and reducing my sweets. However, the weight still wants to linger. The key for me, is not to get down too much over it.
I had been running a lot and when the half marathon was over, I went to "off season mode". I am very proud to report I didn't get lazy and give myself a break. This has been a lifestyle change and I kept running and working out on the top of my list. I even ran and worked out on vacation. However, I'm not running the amount I once did when I was training. I'm ranging anywhere from 9-12 miles per week. I guess it's makes sense that my weight would reflect that change. I really didn't cut back on food so there you go. The truth about calories in...calories true!

On a positive note....
My full marathon training starts today!  I will now add (put back in) the long Saturday runs. I'm not going to let the extra pounds get me down. I'm tracking my food along with my miles. I'm also doing p90x. I'm in good shape and can do more push ups than I thought. I don't know (pre- running) if I could even do one! I now have shoulder muscles and biceps muscles. My legs are toned under the loose skin of course (upper thighs). I feel like I'm in good shape and can be proud of that! I'm sure the scale will reflect my hard work soon enough. It can't be about the numbers anymore for me. However, I would be kidding myself if I said it doesn't bother me. I also, know the scale keeps me in check. I just have to keep a good balance. I hope to report good news as my training progresses.

Two years and five months

May 18, 2010

Wow! it's been awhile. Life is busy...busy and busy plus "good health" doesn't always go hand in hand with someone who is fighting the fat.
I am proud to say....I have managed to keep my workouts at the top of my list. I sometimes have to get creative, but whatever works is my motto!  I truly don't feel "good" unless I've worked out. I do have "break day", but I'm always eager to get back in the gym. My marathon training schedule starts soon. Can't wait!

My band has a mind of it's own. Sometimes, I wonder if it is still there and other days it reminds me often. I do have to practice discipline. I go through stages where I want to eat super healthy and then I go through stages where I want junk. I'm sad to's junk stage. I'm thinking it's stress. I hope to calm down some and "desire" to eat better.

My weight is around 125-126 lbs. I stayed around 122-123 for a large portion of my "goal and beyond" stage, but I do have to keep in mind....I run just about everyday and I lift weights. It could be muscle mass. My clothes fit about the same so I'm sure most of it is new found muscle gain.

My body image issues- well it is still there. The "I'm so happy I am not fat" has lost it's luster a little bit.  I now fight being down on myself for wrecking my body. The saggy and baggy look will forever be with me unless I do PS. It's not in my near future so I have to keep my emotional health at the top of my list just like working out. It's nothing I cannot do or live with as of now.

Life is good and living it "healthy" is amazing! Best wishes to everyone!


Mixing it up

Feb 10, 2010

I'm enjoying mixing my training up. I'm in "off season" and I'm focusing on strengthen training and keeping things fun with my runs. It's going very well!

I've been researching Clean Eating and I'm so excited about fine tuning my eating habits. It is very similar to how I've been eating for the past two years. However, I love sugar and I would like to fine tune that nasty habit. I'm not giving up sweet things. I'm will just fine tune it with natural sweet things. I bought the book Squeaky Gourmet and I'm so excited about all the new yummy recipes including desserts!!!

My weight is staying stable. It stays between 123-126 lbs. I'm very happy with my weight. I try not to focus on the numbers though. It was a sickness of mine that wasn't working for me so it's something I try not to focus on. I try to stay in tune with my fitness goals and my overall wellness. I'm in the best shape of my life!! I will soon be training to run a full marathon. I tackled the half and soon it will be time to tackle the full! Life is good!!!

I love what Bob on Biggest Loser said the other's time to take back ownership of your body!!! Love it!!! I finally feel...I have ownership!!!

