1/2 Marathon.....check!!!

Dec 14, 2009

WOW!!!! What an amazing experience!!! I will try and not make a "book" at of this report. It's going to be hard, but here it goes....

A friend found out I was running about 3 miles 3 or 4 times a week. She suggested I join her at the White Rock 1/2 Marathon. My thought was....three miles is the longest I've ever run. How in the world could I build up and train to run 13.1 in 9 weeks! Not to mention....my life and schedule is CRAZY!!!  I stumbled upon this forum and was totally inspired by so many on here. I remember reading Dan B.'s story and visiting his website. It was the push and fire I needed! I signed up the day after reading his website and began my training program.

I'm a busy working Mom of two so I had to be super creative to get my workouts in. I knew this would be my biggest challenge. I packed my workout bag every night and went directly to the YMCA and trained (treadmill) during the week there. My little one spent lots of time sitting next to the treadmill and read a book or played a game. I woke up before everyone else on Saturdays and got my long runs in before our busy day and sometimes, before church on Sundays.
It really was awesome, because I was always so proud of myself after wards that I couldn't help, but be in a great mood the entire weekend. I followed the program to a T and knew missing a run was not an option for me. I knew I had to prepare myself both physically and mentally.

 I spent the entire time training injury free and pain free. However, the week before the race...I begin to have trouble with an ovarian cyst and I also had a stomach bug that lasted for days. I was an emotional wreck thinking this would change everything for me. I pumped myself of medicine and really took care of myself. I did still manage to follow the program and that week was the "light week" so it worked out great. I just couldn't test myself to see if I could handle a long run without pain so I was anxious all week.

I've read on here that is so important to enjoy the journey and the experience. This was something I repeated to myself often the weekend of the race. My family and I made a weekend out of it and stayed in the "official race" hotel. The hotel brought in charter buses to transport the runners.  I begin to feel the energy in the air when the other runners and families boarded the bus. My husband (former high school track coach) gave my some advice and encouragement. I started to calm down and focus. The White Rock Marathon was expecting about 20,000 runners so traffic was a nightmare and the crowds were a little overwhelming, but it really provided”wow" energy!  I was in the last wave so I walked for what seemed like forever through the crowds to find my wave corral area. I finally reached the back and squeezed in a spot. I got on my tepee toes and took a picture with my iphone (used it for my music) of the massive crowd and sent it to my family. I listened for the gun and heard the crowd roar as the first wave took off. I popped my ear buds in and turned my music on. It took a good 15-20 minutes to start moving from the time the gun went off. We had to walk a good distance until there was enough space for everyone to start running. My adrenaline began to flood my system. I was off....the day and moment was finally here! I felt great. I was pain free and feeling on top of the world. The only down fall I had was my sock was rolled a little under my little toe and it caused some discomfort, but the excitement and focus kept my mind off of it. Note to self…get some “fitted” socks.

Mile two I saw Tracy from the Biggest Loser. I was sort of star struck for a second. She had on the pink Biggest Loser shirt and everyone high fived her and was telling her how great she looked. She did look awesome!!! I began to think...wouldn't it be great to pass her and I sprung into action to do just that.
I’ve never been overly competitive and I’m super girly and shy, so it was a new feeling for me. I sort of enjoyed it and it took on a life of its own!!! Thanks Tracy from the Biggest Loser!    The course was awesome! It had a great variety of scenery. I remember from running 5ks how people came out of their homes to support the runners, but it was nothing like this big run! We ran through either Highland Park or Preston Hallow (Former President- George Bushes’ neighborhood) and the houses were amazing. It seemed like every home owner was out with their entire family and was rallying for the runners. The encouragement was electric!!! It was like we were all stars in our own little or big parade!   My spirit and energy remained in tact the entire time. I remember telling myself often to take it all in and be thankful. I remember thanking God often and reflecting on this entire journey. The time I was obese and how hopeless I felt at times. I set my itunes up with lots of “reflecting” and uplifting music and it worked. I did keep the volume down enough so I could take in the other sounds too. The crowds, the music provided by the race, etc. I used everything to my advantage.   I didn’t stop at any of the aid stations. I know this is probably a “running no- no”, but I actually dreaded the aid stations in a way because I knew I would have to dodge people slowing down and the millions of cups that littered the street. I just wanted to continue my pace. I did not train with water while running. I drank lots before and after only. I never experience muscle cramps either. Mile 9- I got an extra boost of energy and thought I would pick up my pace a little. I felt good and thought I could continue this pace so I went with it. The last mile I took my ear buds out so I could take it all in. I also knew there would be instructions for us at the end. I picked up my pace again and began to look for my family. I saw a women who was in great physical shape and she looked over at me and said, you got this…you are doing awesome. I felt a wave of emotion and wanted to cry, but managed to keep it together.  I just remember thinking….I made it…I did it! I’m going to get to see my families’ faces. I knew they shared my happiness. I searched the crowds with my eyes and began to hear my sister shout….that is my sister on the top of her lungs. It was an amazing feeling to find them in the crowd and see their faces. I have an amazing family!  I waved at them and ran through the finish line.   My time was 2 hours and 14 minutes!!! I figured my pace was decent, but I was still surprised by my time. I just knew I would be at a disadvantage because I had to slow down several times to dodge the walkers. Most of them got to one side, but not all. After all I was in the last wave so I had to fight through lots of people. My sisters and brothers gave me a sweet little plaque. I thought it was the sweetest thing. My husband had bought me a necklace at the race expo that had 13.1 miles written on it. I love it! We all went to eat and celebrate. It was an awesome experience!!! I’m still on cloud nine!!!   I’ll be back next year to run the full!!! Can’t wait!!! Best wishes to all!!!  
I'll post pics on my profile soon. 
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23 months and working on knocking out a goal!!!

Nov 19, 2009

On Dec. 13 I will run a 1/2 marathon!!! I've been running for awhile now, but training hard the for a about 6 weeks now. My body is taking a slight beating, but I'm also loving the feeling of being in such great shape. Not to mention, I feel proud of myself and that doesn't happen very often. I think it will be an emotional and victorious day!!! Can't wait!!|! Not to mention...it will be a great way to mark the big 2 year mark!!!

My weight is up a bit. I'm hovering around 126 lbs. It is sort of depressing when I know how hard I'm working out. I average 20- 24 miles a week. I've been told (by the running vets) that I'm gaining muscle. It makes sense, but I would be lying to say it's tough to see the scale move up. I know I probably needed the added muscle since rapid weight loss does tend to rob you of muscle mass. I do like how my arms are really taking shape. Can you tell I'm trying to convince myself it's okay for the gain? LOL!

I know I will need to scale back once my training isn't so tough. I still plan on running at least 12-14 miles a week when the 1/2 marathon is over. My next goal will be the full marathon, but I think I need to give my body a short break before gearing up for the marathon.
Best wishes to all!!!


1/2 marathon here I come!!!

Oct 24, 2009

I'm doing it! No excuses! No turning back! It's time to tackle that dream head on!!! I'm so excited!!!


22 months!!

Oct 20, 2009

I'm a little late on this blog. I'm doing well. My weight is still hovering around 124-125lbs. I'm thinking of doing a half marathon. I really want to do it, but I'm just not sure if I can fit the extra training in my already crazy schedule. I'm good to get 3 miles in every 2 or 3 days a week. We will see. I think it would be such an accomplishment! I'm not going to give up on this dream.

21 months!

Sep 09, 2009

I'm still fighting to get back to my comfortable weight range (120-123). I'm at 125 lbs right now. I had a small fill and it seems to be helping a tiny bit in the morning and lunch, but evening hours are still tough. I'm not giving up. I'm getting in my workouts and I can only feel proud about that.
It will come off in time, if I stick to my workouts and choose healthy. It is always hard when you have that "need to be some what  strict with the diet" thing over your head constantly. I'm trying not to view it that way. I need to choose this for a lifetime of healthy living habits. I can do this!!! Hope all is well!

1 comment

20 months!

Aug 07, 2009

Where to begin....
I had surgery (not wls related) so my work out routine took a back seat for awhile. Man, it's tough getting back into it. My weight is up to 124. Yikes! However, my clothes do not feel different. I think when I get back to running  it will come back off. I would like to stay between 120-123 lbs. I am back at work (summer break) and it feels great.
Life is good!!! Best wishes to all!!!

19 months!!!

Jul 20, 2009

I'm a little late on this post, but I've been on a 2 week vacation. I'm doing really well. I have to admit I picked up a few pounds on vacation. I ate a lot of things I normally wouldn't eat (more carbs than I'm used to doing). I also didn't get in my work outs like I usually do. I'm not stressing over it though. I will re-focus on my eating habits and my work outs. I've already lost most of it. I do seem to be able to eat a little more than usually and I will try increasing my protien before asking for a fill. It's been over a year since my last one. I've posted new pics.

18 Months! Next Chapter begins...

Jun 04, 2009

I'm always shocked when I add how long it's been since surgery. 18 months seems so long, yet it feels like yesterday sometimes. My weight is actually creeping down a little and I'm leaving my "comfortable range". I weighed 119 yesterday. I try hard not to focus on the number and just go with overall health. I've been running a lot and my body is beginning to tone up a little so I'm not going to stress about the slight weight loss.

On June 23rd I will begin a new chapter of my journey "back to me". I've lost the weight and I'm holding steady. I've replaced a lot of bad habits with good habits so it's now time to repair a little bit of the damage.  I'm not nervous about the surgery itself. I feel confident I found a great surgeon and we share the same goal. However, I live in a somewhat  small town and people talk. I battled through a wide range of emotions caused by cruel gossip after having wls and it wasn't easy. It seems a no brainier to just write it off, but bottom line...it still hurts. I'm nervous about the cruel gossip starting back up. I've always felt I was an easy target since I'm very private and very shy. I don't know why I feel I have to explain myself or prove that I deserve this. I should just be able to be happy for myself and not worry what others think. I would be lying if I said it doesn't weigh heavy on my mind. I know I am up for an emotional battle ahead. I guess it's all about learning to care for yourself and feel confident about doing so. It will be a huge learning process for me.

17 months! Awesome!

May 13, 2009

Wow! 17 months snuck up on me!
I started running again (used to do 5ks) and wow does it feel awesome!  I should start off by saying....I've been every size under the sun and I think it's due to a lifetime of weight/body image obsession. Nothing was ever "normal" when it came to food or working out for me. I was either one extreme or the other....never a good balance. When I received the band, I knew something had to "give". I try everyday to focus on overall health and other healthy goals. The number on the scale, size of my clothing, or time line has taken a back seat or at least this has been my "fight". I seem to be in the "winner's corner" for now.  Of course, I know I will never be able to stop fighting and working hard. Anyway, the running goal has been a very healthy tool for me. I will say...I need to be careful and add a little more protein and good fats because my weight has dipped down a little since running. I feel stronger though, both mentally and physically. It's been great!

Confession- I've always been a big sweet eater. I'm still not doing well with this one. I can't stop thinking I need something sweet after each meal. I do really well all day and use fruits as my sweets, but at night I don't do as well. I do have a little ice cream, or something sweet. It hasn't bit me in the butt yet and like I said above my weight has actually dipped down since running. I know I cannot give myself a "free for all" card because I'm running. I know I must limit my sweets for a lifetime of healthy living. I'm working on this one. There you have it... a little progress update and a little bit of rambling! Best wishes to everyone!

16 months! Yippee!

Apr 11, 2009

Life with the band is still so awesome. My weight is still stable at 122 lbs. I'm thrilled! Life is great!!!
