4 Months Out!

Feb 14, 2012

Woohoo!!!!! Four months out and I couldn't be happier. WLS is the best decision I could have ever made for myself. I now love life, and I am starting to love me again. Thank you Lord for blessing me with this wonderful gift!

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- Anonymous


My Stats

Jan 15, 2012

My weight is----->      -58 and 37.8 BMI
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I am 3 months out and loving life

Jan 14, 2012

I am 3 months out and loving life

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change your world.
Author: Harriet Tubman
Today, I am officially three months out! There have been a lot of changes over the last couple of months, with some good, and some not so good.  The good is I feel TERRIFIC!!!!  The bad is I have discovered I can eat sweet foods and they do not make me sick, which is not a good thing.  I was hoping I would be one of the ones that got sick if they ate sugar, so now is when I will have to use self control and will power.  In the beginning I said I wasn’t going to eat any sugary foods until I was a year out, but I talked my-self out of that on Christmas day.  I ate 2 quarter size pieces of candy at Christmas dinner, and had 3 pieces of candy for New Years Eve, and none since.  I was never a big sweet person before, so I figure if I only have a small amount on special occasions I should be ok.  I told myself I didn’t have weight loss surgery to be on a diet for the rest of my life, and even normal people indulge every once in awhile, or life would stink!   For all the newbie’s; when you hear people say this is only a tool, they are right.  I am starting to discover I can consume a lot more food than I could in the beginning.  Granted it is nowhere like it used to be. I am down 46 pounds since my surgery on October 14th, and a total of 58 pounds. I have lost 2 inch off my neck, 3 inch off my chest (yes, ladies the boobs are the first to go…so sad, so sad), 1 inch off my arms, my natural waistline, I lost 6 inches, and 7 inches off my lower belly on the belly button. I lost 4 inches off my upper leg (thigh), and 1 and a quarter inches off my calf and 7 cm off my ankle.  This is totally awesome and I am so proud of my-self, but it has defiantly been work.  Every morning around 7am, I drink a protein drink for breakfast and take my vitamins.  Around 11 am, I eat a protein and veggie for lunch and if I have room a small amount of fruit.  Between 2-3 pm, I drink another protein drink as a snack.  I eat dinner around 5:30 to 6:30pm which consist of another protein and a veggie and no fruit and my nightly vitamins.  Every night around 8-8:30pm I have a fudgesicle as my snack or if I didn’t eat all my dinner, I have popcorn (my favorite).  I consume around 600-650 calories a day (that is if I consume all my food, which a lot of times I can’t).  I average around 75-90 grams of protein a day, which is also dependant if I can consume all the food.  Last night was the first time in many…many years that I sat on my bathroom floor and painted my toenails. What a small thing to most people, but is huge to someone that was so heavy that could barley touch her own feet. I didn’t start exercising until the day it was my two month post-op.  I started out doing water aerobic 3 days a week for one hour.  Two weeks ago I upped my routine; now, on Mon, Wed, and Fri, I go to the gym and workout lifting weights from 7:45-8:45am. Then I go and do water aerobics from 9am-10am and occasionally I stay in the pool and do lap swimming until 10:30am. On Tues and Thurs, I do interval training  on the treadmill. I do a warm-up and then walk for 1 minute and then run for 1 minute, up to 20-25 minutes total. I also use dumb bells and a kettle ball for my arms. I do squats, walking lunges, hello dollies, and scissors for my legs and rear. In the afternoon I do the elliptical for 10 minutes.  So far this ride has been great and I am so happy I was given a second chance to live my life the way I have always dreamed of.  I had my 3 month blood work and got the best news ever.  Everything was normal.  My liver enzymes were normal and where they should be (this time last year they thought I had liver disease because they were 4x the normal range), my cholesterol is good, and even my protein is good.  I am so happy I am finally getting healthy.  I wish the best of luck to all the newbie’s and all the seniors out there in OH land. I love you guys and thank you for being so supportive of me. Please continue to support me and help me make it to my destiny. Thank you!

There will be some new and updated pictures of me on my site throughout the month if you would like to take a peak.

 I love  my RNY!
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Tomorrow, I will be 2 mo. out!

Dec 13, 2011

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- Anonymous

Tomorrow, I will be 2 months out and life is great; so great that I haven’t had much time to get on this site. It is amazing to me all the things I can do that I couldn’t or had a hard time doing before. I can bend down and tie my shoes without feeling like I am going to die from lack of oxygen. I can turn over in bed without struggling and felling like a beached whale. I can put on clothes and they fit just right without my pants rolling down, or my shirt rising up. There is a whole list of big things, but also there are so many little things. Like I noticed the other night when I sat in an auditorium seat to watch my son’s girlfriend sing that I didn’t feel like I was all crammed into the seat with my stomach all poking out. I just felt normal and like everyone else. Having the surgery was probably the best decision I could have ever made, and I am truly thankful I was able to get it to save my life. For all the newbie’s: I MY RNY!

Thanks to all my OH friends for cheering me on these last couple of months and making this journey easier. There are pictures on my site if you want to take a peak.


I’m Six Week Out, Today!

Nov 27, 2011

Before I had surgery, I use to say I would never be the one that ever regretted having this surgery done, and I still don’t. However, there are a few things I wish I would have known before hand. The first thing is how my relationship with food has changed so dramatically. Yes, I knew it would change, but I had no idea I would mourn food like I have. I use to be a compulsive eater, and now that has been completely turned off. I think this is a reason I have been having a little depression the last week or so. Food was my friend, and it helped comfort me when I was happy or sad and it helped fill some of the holes in my life.  I am truly grateful the compulsion is gone, but life feels strange and in some ways uncertain. I have also discovered I cannot eat a lot of the foods I did before; milk, peanut butter, foods with sugar, or anything fried makes me very sick.  I try to choose healthy food whenever possible.  I don’t eat a lot of food anymore and get a lot of my nutrients from protein drinks. Meat (any type) is very hard on me and I can only get down around 2 oz. at a time.  The meat just seems so dense and it always gets stuck no matter how long I chew.  Some days I can consume more food than others. I have had a few times that I have been so ill, but regardless I would still do the surgery all over again tomorrow. This is because even though I am only six weeks out, my life has already changed so much for the better, so even when my head is buried in the toilet from the nausea, I am still very happy I had the WLS. My weight has been on the weird side since this adventure began. I have gone weeks without losing even a pound, then other times where I drop 5-7 pounds in just one day. As of today, I am down 27 pounds since my surgery and a total of 39 altogether. It’s not as fast as I have seen some on the OH website, but I am still thankful because I am losing. I send out hugs to all my OH friends. Thanks for listening.  
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Gala Party

Nov 20, 2011

  Look at my pictures so you can see me and my surgeon, Dr. Todd at the King Arthur’s Christmas Gala.  

Dr. Todd puts on a Gala every year to celebrate his patients from the past and present. Each year the theme is different, but Dr. Todd gets up and does a slide show of his patients before and after and talks to them about how their lives changed since surgery. This was my first year attending and it was wonderful. Dr. Todd’s and his staff did a fantastic job with the food and decorations (he provided food for every stage after WLS and lots of sugar-free deserts).  I am chubby in this picture, I am 1 month and 4 days out, but I look forward to next year’s Gala with the new and improved skinny me! I love you Dr. Todd, and I am so thankful that you were able to save my life before it was too late.

One Month Post-Op

Nov 13, 2011

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

Well, it has only been a month since I told my old life style good-bye.  A lot has happened in just a month’s time, besides me losing 33 pounds since I started this new journey.  I haven’t been on here as much as I like because I have been so busy out living life.  I have been getting together with friends a lot more than I ever did before.  I can’t believe how much energy I have.  I guess I have been lucky because I only had pain when I came out of the recovery room after surgery.  Besides that it has been very minimal; which I am very thankful. Only problem I had was an incision got infected, but I started putting antibiotic on it as soon as I noticed, then took all the bandages off and let it dry out.  Now it looks great and almost completely healed.  My family has been terrific through this whole process and I have discovered how much I really am loved by my husband and children.  I think we tend to forget that when we are overweight.  I know I did because I was so consumed with my weight and it affected every aspect of my life.  Even though it has only been a month I can truly say I am so happy.  My life no longer revolves around food.  My doctor told me I could eat anything I could tolerate and so far I have only had trouble with two things: milk and peanut butter.  I have tried these two things twice and don’t thing I will risk it a third time because I got very ill.  My portion sizes seem to vary.  I can consume more liquidly type foods more than I can solids.  Soups go down easy, but chicken I can only usually do 2 oz, or I feel sick.  I came up with my favorite treat.  I have been getting 4 tablespoons of sugar free cool whip and topping it with 3-4 frozen blackberries…yummy it’s good.  My goal is not to eat any sugary foods until I am at least a year out; however they have some great sugar-free desserts I will be experimenting later down the road.  Before surgery I could never tell when I was full, so I would eat until I felt like I was going to puke.  I was a meat/potato girl.  I have never been into the chip/cookie or such, but I loved Dove chocolate, so that will have to be a big no, no for me.  I guess I am lucky I didn’t weight more than I did.  Now I can tell when I am starting to feel full, and I stop.  I have only had one time that I got sick and vomited.  I ate a piece of halibut and I think I ate it too fast.  Five or so minutes later my stomach started rolling and when it came up, it was fast and easy and it looked like a little oblong bar of soap.  It was strange! I am starting to discover all the little bones that have been covered up by all the fat; like my elbow or even the bones on top of my foot.  I am just excited to see what I will discover next.  I would like to personally thank everyone that has been so supportive of me and has given me advice before and after my surgery.  It really means a lot to me.  OH is great! 

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Three Weeks Out!

Nov 04, 2011

Three weeks ago today I had my WLS. I feel great, but have weighted the exact same amount for 6 days. Everyone says this is normal, boy I sure hope so. Besides that I feel great!

A Sad Day For The Whole Family

Nov 01, 2011

Today has been a very sad day. We had to put down our lab, Kaizer that has been with us for so many years.

Kaizer, you have been a great dog, friend, and companion
to the whole family. We love you and will miss you beyond
words, Paul, Crissie, Nick, & Andrew

My Two Week Update

Oct 28, 2011

Everything is going great! Today I am two weeks post-op and I have lost 15 pounds since the surgery and 27 pounds total with the pre-op diet. I have so much energy and it is indescribable of how much better I feel and I am only 2 weeks out. I have started noticing that I am losing weight in strange areas. It’s funny because my elbows feel smaller and the bone is closer to the surface.  My neck has also gotten smaller.  I could kick my butt because I took all my measurements the day of surgery, well everything except my neck.  Now I am so curious to see what is was before.  My (baby) stretch marks on my tummy are shrinking, which is something I thought would never happen.  Now they are white lines instead of red stretched out skin.  I am still only able to eat 3-4 oz at a time, but I seems to get hungry 2-3 hours later. I had my first meal out with a friend this week. She wanted to go eat sushi and I tried to make the best decision on eating. I drank ½ of the soup and I got the shrimp fried rice. (I am supposed to be on the purred stage).  I ate 2 tablespoons of rice and 2 shrimp and was full.  I got a doggy bag. I was out all day so I end up eating the shrimp a few hours later and I chewed, chewed, chewed and took the rice home for the kids. I did fine with the rice and had no problems.  My doctor said if I can tolerate it I can eat it. However, I don’t want to go back to eating this way again. Fried rice is one of my favorite foods. I think if I eat it every once in awhile I will be ok, just not all the time. I was overweight because I ate too much.  It was like I didn’t have a senor in my stomach that told me I was full, so I would eat, then eat some more.  I always knew the right foods to eat, I just over ate. I never have been much into sweets. I am defiantly a meat and potato person, so I think and pray my tool will help me tremendously. I ordered 3 new Eat Clean cook books that I will be cooking from after I am released to eat regular food again. My family seems to be willing to eat healthier too, so I am very excited and also very thankful. My youngest son just ordered the P90X for him and his brother, and husband to do, because they all want to get in shape too.  I am starting water aerobics as soon as they release me and then work my way up to something more.  I still have two stitched that haven’t closed all the way yet, so I am trying to be patient.
 I my RNY so much!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2011
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I would do it all over again.

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