1 Week Out!

Oct 19, 2011

Well today was my one week check up (it want officially be a week until Friday…Oh well).

I am down 12 pounds since Friday and down 19 totalYay for me! So happy, but haven’t even done anything.  

Everything has been going ok and I made my first trip out of the house today. After I had my doctor’s appointment we went shopping. I have not been able to get down the protein drinks. I got several different types and they all make me want to gag, so my sweet husband bought me a Vitamix Professional blender so I can make smoothies at home and add my own fruits and protein to it. I am so excited I am going to try it out for dinner. I need to go watch the video that came with it first. Have a great day all my OH friends.

I am Home from the Hospital.

Oct 16, 2011

I am home from the hospital. Thanks to everyone for the kind words and encouragement on the day I went in.

My surgery went well, and the doctor was able to do the laparoscopic Roux-en-Y on me as planned. I had some pain in my belly while I was in the recovery room after surgery, but not a whole lot of pain after that.  My belly did, and still does just feels really heavy. I spent most of the day Friday and most of Saturday morning sleeping or in/out of awareness. If I wasn’t sleeping I was up walking. Everyone seemed really surprised of how well I was up moving around.  My vision wasn’t clear for the first couple of days and I felt like I was looking at everyone crossed eyed. I also had chills really bad and my teeth were chattering pretty hard when I came out of surgery, even with all the blankets they had piled on me.  The Morphine and the drugs the anesthetist gave me affected my bladder.  It took me forever to even let out just a little urine; it was a stop and go thing. This morning it is finally back to normal. The doctor and nurses were wonderful and did a really good job of taking care of me. I did however have an allergic reaction to one of the pre-op meds they put me on, so when I arrived at the hospital Friday morning they had to start me on Benadryl before they took me into surgery. I broke out in hives, and still have a little around my right eye and forehead. Besides the hives I end up having a lot of bruising. The doctor wanted my blood really thin so I didn’t get any clots, so I got 5 shots of Heparin; four in the arms, which are now, black and blue and one in the belly. I am going to spend the next couple of days being babied by my husband and children; they have been wonderful so far. I also ran a little fever while I was in the hospital and again yesterday so they have me blowing into an Inspire machine to keep my lung clear and keep me from developing pneumonia.  

The Pureed diet says I am supposed to eat 4 oz. at each meal and two snacks. That seems like a lot of food to me. I don’t think I am going to be able to do that.  I guess I will play it by ear. Take care  all of my OH friends and thank you for being so supportive of me.

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Oct 13, 2011

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! It is hard to believe tomorrow is the big day. I don’t think it has quite sunk in yet. The last couple of days have been crazy for me. I spent most of yesterday getting registered for the hospital and getting a ton of blood sucked out of my arm. Today hasn’t been much been fun either… magnesium citrate.

My surgery is scheduled for 9:30am. I have to be there at 7:30. I took a lot of pre-op pictures today which I won’t be sharing, at least not at this time (too reveling). Maybe after I lose quite a bit of weight I will confident enough to.

I send out all my best wishes for everyone having surgery on Friday 14th and every other day. Hugs, Crissie

Pre-Op Diet

Oct 05, 2011

I am down a few more pounds from being on my pre-op diet (now I am 266). WTH isn’t it showing on my profile. I changed it yesterday. 

 I have been under a tremendous amount of stress here lately… big micro final is tomorrow, (please say a little prayer for me ) and then history midterm is due on Tuesday night, then surgery on Friday.  I don’t feel settled.  I don’t feel like I have done all the things I wanted to do to prepare for surgery, like shop, get my house clean and organized, and get my nails and toes done ect… I hope toward the end of next week after the history is done I can take a little time for me.

My food has consisted of meat, cheese, eggs, broth, s.f. pop cycles, s.f. jello, crystal light, and tea; high protein and low carbs. I am so thankful Dr. Todd doesn’t require me to do all liquids like some of the doctors.

Today at 2:00pm is my final appointment with the doc. I guess we are doing a physical and history again.
1 comment

Pre-Op Stuff

Oct 01, 2011

Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.
Marcia Wieder

Pre-op Stuff

On Wednesday 10/05/11, I go in to see Dr. Todd for a history and physical.  
On Wednesday 10/12/11, I go in to pick up my orders for surgery.  
On Friday 10/14/11 I have my WLS. 

Starting weight is---------- 278 lbs.   *   47.7 BMI
Day of Surgery-------------  266 lbs.   *   45.7 BMI
Month #1--------------------  245 lbs.    *   42.1 BMI

Month #2--------------------  234 lbs.    *   40.2 BMI

Month #3--------------------                                  

Month #4--------------------        

Month #5--------------------      

Month #6--------------------      

Month #7--------------------      

Month #8--------------------        

Month #9--------------------             

Month #10--------------------            

Month #11--------------------       

1 Year Post-op----------------    
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.

Robert Collier


My Birthday!

Oct 01, 2011

My husband and our son Nick and Andrew, and Andrew’s girlfriend Angela all took me out to dinner last night for my 41st birthday.  I guess it is kind of fittin; I had my birthday yesterday and today is my first day on the pre-op diet that’s going to lead to my new life. We are now officially on the countdown to surgery.


Sep 22, 2011

I got my date!  October 14th
       My New birthday

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
Patrick Henry

Almost Have a Date

Sep 20, 2011

The doctor’s office called today to set up my surgery, but they wanted to do it on
October 3rd or 7th. Friday the 7th is my microbiology final, so I definitely can’t do
that date. She is going to talk to the doctor and give me a call tomorrow.

 I added a picture of myself in my pre-op folder to help me remember why I want
to have this surgery so bad.  I want to feel like the girl in the picture did; the one
that loved herself and loved life.  I want to figure out who I am and experience
life to the fullest. I want to give love and I want to be loved.

I am so happy!

Sep 19, 2011

I just got the call.....I have been approved for surgery!
    I am sooooo happy.

Fingers and Toes Crossed

Sep 15, 2011

I talk to the Amanda at the doctor’s office a few minutes ago. She said she
 submitted everything to the insurance company on Monday the 12th and
she said they told her they might know by tomorrow. I am keeping my fingers
and toes crossed and praying they say…. Yes!

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 09, 2011
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Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I would do it all over again.

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