A Year Ago Today....

Sep 09, 2011

In the happy moments praise God.... In the diffcult moments seek God.... In every moment thank God....

A year ago today, I stepped foot into my doctor’s office and asked him to please help me.  This year has been full or many ups and downs, emotionally and physically.  Emotionally it has been hard waiting a whole full year until the doctor's office could  submit to the insurance company for approval, but all the staff at Dr. Todd's office has been wonderful.  Along with all the support I have found on OH.  I am very thankful the doctor told me about this website.  
It has also been very challenging physically with my weight.  I first started HCG injections in the beginning to see if I could lose the weight on my own, which I did.  I lost a total of 38 pounds, but gained most of it back and a few of its friends…ha-ha.  After I lost most of it a second time, I have still had 8 pounds I have been struggling with.  Every month that I have gone in for my weigh- in’s has been a disappointment, because I still had those 8 pounds, no matter how hard I tried during the month. The doctor and I agreed I needed to start back with the HCG, and I finally lost those pounds that I needed too before my weigh- in today...he, he. Granted it was all in one week.  

Today was my final appointment….Yay for me, and they will be submitting to the insurance company this afternoon.  I am supposed to get a call from them as soon as they hear something; they say possibly a week or two. Thank you Lord, and I hope I get blessed and this weight will be gone forever…. and ever…and ever…. My weight starting is 278 and my BMI is 47.7****Pants size 22 * Tops 2x

It is never too late to be what you might have been… George Elvot


I am almost there!

Sep 08, 2011

I am almost there! Today is my last doctor’s appointment, and then I see the surgeon tomorrow.  I am so happy. 
 I am down the almost eight pounds I gained with the pig out days, plus the 8 pounds I needed
to lose to begin with.  I don’t give a shit what anyone says, HCG works and I will definitely be
taking it again after my surgery when I get toward the end of my journey for the elasticity of my
skin.  Wooooohhhhhhhh tomorrow is the BIG day!  
I do my final weigh in, then they will submit to my insurance for approval.


My Wish List

Sep 02, 2011

I have a little over a month until my WLS and I thought this would be a good time for me to make my wish list. Here is some of the thing I am hoping and looking forward to doing.

To roll over in the middle of the night and not feel like a beached whale struggling to move.
2.       To have my right knee not hurt when I walk.
3.       To sit on furniture and not hear it make cracking sounds when I get up.
4.       To sit on furniture that is low to the ground and not to struggle to get up or out of breath.
5.       To sit at a booth and have room in between me and the table.
6.       To look and feel good about myself.
7.       To be healthy and not worry all the time about blood cloths, heart attack, stroke, or other diseases.
8.       To be able to sit at the movies with my husband and children and not see my stomach sticking out farther
        than them or others.
9.       To go snow tubing and not have a hard time getting  in/out  of the tube or off the ground.
10.   To work in the yard and not pay for it the next day.
11.   To eat food without wearing it all over my clothes.
12.   To quit making excuses to friends to why I can’t go somewhere with them.
13.   To have a family picture done that I am not ashamed to send out to people.
14.   To go to Las Vegas and dress sexy instead of feeling like I am wearing a decorative tent.
15.   To feel like a sexy women.
16.   To wear clothes that don’t ride up, or pants that don’t roll down when I move.
17.   To not feel embarrassed when I start my clinics, and try to keep myself from holding back because I am afraid of    
        what people will think of me. 
18.   To be able to work or play and not feel totally wiped out the next day.
19.   To be able to reach around my huge ass to make sure I am clean.
20.   To not have to sleep with my CPAP and feel like the elephant women.
21.   To be able to curl up on the couch with my husband and snuggle up.
22.   To wear sexy clothes and lingerie.
23.   To not feel hot all the time, and not even in the winter.
24.   To love myself again and show that love to others.  

“The Girl in the Glass”  

When you get what you want in your struggle for your-self… and the whole world makes you queen for the day, just go to the mirror and look at yourself and see what that girl has to say.

For it isn’t your father or mother, or friend… whose judgment upon you must pass, the person’s whose verdict counts most in the end...is the woman staring back from the glass.  

Some people may think you’re a straight shoot in’ lass, and tell you a wonderful lie, but the girl in the glass says you’re only a pass…if you can’t look her straight in the eye.  

She is the woman to please, so never mind the rest for she’s with you clear to the end, and you’ve passed your most dangerous difficult test… if the girl in the glass is still your friend.  

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years and get pats on your back as you pass by, but your final reward will only be heartaches and tears…If you cheated the girl in the glass.

 Author, Unknown            
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What to do

Sep 01, 2011

I feel like I am having déjà-vu. Now I remember why I had to stop the shots before.  I couldn’t think clear when I was studying.  Shit, now what do I do?  Do I stop the shots and not lose these last few pounds before I go see Dr. Todd on the 9th, but then he want do my surgery if I am not the same weight as before.  I still have the microbiology final to get through next month and several chapters to cover from now to then.  On the up side I have lost a few pounds since I started on Sunday, but not enough. I am going to have to find a way to get my head wrapped around these books and lose the rest of these 8 pounds, or I am screwed.

Back to where I started....

Aug 30, 2011

After, a seven and a half pound gain from my pig-out days, I now weigh the exact amount I did when I started on Thursday 25th. OK, HCG now it's time to kick some butt.

Last pig out day

Aug 27, 2011

Well, today is the last pig out day for me, and my last day of eating all my favorite foods. So, I will be having an early Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon. Got the turkey in the oven and I have two pies to make after I get done typing this; boy, are the kids going to be happy…lol.  I will be on the HCG diet for 24 more days then I start my pre-op diet two weeks prior to my WLS.  I hope I can lose at least 15- 25 pound before I start the pre-op.  I will keep my fingers crossed….I am so excited to get this ball rolling.
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Another day, another doctor's appointment

Aug 22, 2011

Well I am a little upset with myself.  Went to the doctor today and after eating fruit and protein for the last couple of weeks, I weight the exact amount I did last month…even down to the ounce.  This is the third month I have not lost or gained.  I thought I was going to cry.  I guess all the yo-yo dieting over the years has really screwed up my metabolism.  I talked with the doctor and I am going back on the HCG diet up until September 20th. Then I start on the pre-op diet and come off all the meds before surgery. The only good thing that happened today was I got my surgery date; Tuesday, October 4th.  I have 8 pounds to lose, wish me luck.

Count down to doctor's appointment

Aug 03, 2011

It is never too late to be what you might have been
Author,  George Elvot

Today is the first day of my food reduction. Need to lose a few pounds that I have gained this month before my doctor’s appointment on August 16th.  I don’t want to blow this, where my doctor want do the surgery because I have gained weight. ·         A omelet with ham, cheese, and onion ·         1 cup of soup, 2 tablespoons of chicken salad, and a SF jello cup ·         A protein shake ·         Turkey breast and broccoli ·         1 SF popsicle

Been approved to have WLS

Jul 29, 2011

  I saw the last doctor today and I have been approved to have the WLS. Now I just need to be approved by the insurance company….woooooh, not that much longer!     
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Off to a some what good start..

Jul 27, 2011

Well, so far so good. Got up this morning and did a little exercise. I am really going to try to do something every day. Maybe I can tone a little before WLS in October, so it  will leave me less hanging skin on my legs and arms.... I hope :0)

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Apr 09, 2011
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