30 Pounds in 6 Weeks

Feb 02, 2009

While to some that may be indicative of being a "slow loser", to me it's freakin' amazing!  

Slow loser was what I was before VSG, when it would take me a year to lose 30 pounds - on a good year! I think a lot of us forget what it truly means to be a slow loser.  I very briefly fell into thinking like that around week 3 when I stalled.

How could I have only lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks? What was wrong with me? What was I doing wrong? 

And then I realized - Hey! Don't you remember the last time you lost 16 pounds in 13 days?

Yeah, I remember! When was that? .....

Oh, yeah! N-E-V-E-R!


And now at six weeks, I've lost 30 pounds. Holy Cow, Batman!  This is beyond cool! 

I can take a shower now and not feel like I worked out afterwards!
I can bend over, instead of sit down, to shave my legs and still breath!
I already sleep better and wake up with fewer aches and pains!
I can get up from sitting for several minutes and not limp until my ankles decide to work right!
I can wear panties that were bought brand new five years ago and they 1.) fit  - and - 2.) don't roll down when I sit!
I can wear my favorite jeans in the world again WITHOUT my Spanks! They're a 12 and loose now! 
I can cross my legs when I sit and be comfortable doing it! 
I'm more flexible now than I've been in years!

And, one more ... kinda funny ...

My dh likes to grab my face and kiss me over and over when I'm aggravated with him cause it always makes me laugh eventually. lol Yesterday he did it and accidently hurt me. I just don't have much padding under my chin anymore and he was holding a bit too hard up against my jaw bone. I couldn't be mad because I was so surprised at that! LOL!

I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself!  


About Me
De Leon, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2008
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