Ugh! Been a bit and a bit crazy!

Mar 16, 2009

The last time I posted I was 2 lbs shy of the 160s.

Well, things went a bit haywire shortly after. I got sick then the kids did and between feeling sick and being exhausted, it was really a struggle to get my water and protein in. So, I gained back a little and ended up on a seesaw between 175 - 180 for about 3 weeks. 

It felt like I had taken 5 HUGE steps backwards.  I wasn't hungry, wasn't thirsty - honestly had no desire for anything. I'd get a glass of something and it would end up sitting. I was afraid there for a little while that I was going to have to check myself into the hospital. 

I really can't believe that there are people who think this is the easy way out. HA! 

Finally, the scale moved again and more importantly, I got things under control. As of this morning I'm at 169. 

I am elated to be 51 pounds less than my highest weight of 220. And even more elated to be 39 pounds away from goal. Holy crap! But still, even now, there are days where this just sucks! There are days I downright hate it! I'm sure there are many who feel the same way, but it feels awfully lonely on those days. 

I'm just thankful they are few and far between and getting fewer and farther every day. 

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About Me
De Leon, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2008
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