Cornmeal ... the Biggest Evil So Far!

Feb 23, 2009

It's frustrating at times. Being just over 2 months out and still trying to learn the particulars of this new stomach of mine. 

I learned a hard lesson this weekend. The new tummy and cornmeal DO NOT like each other! 

It was not a good choice. The hubby decided to cook onion rings on Sunday. And, I KNEW  it wasn't something I could or should eat, but pre-op I loved onion rings and he hadn't cooked them before so I took one bite to taste them. He'd done good, but I still ended up in pain and then it refused to stay down. 

Greasy cornmeal ... on my list of things to NEVER eat again! Along with full fat milk! That was an even bigger no no! I almost puked where I stood! lol

And, I'm getting sick of sugar free koolaid and Chrystal Light! 


About Me
De Leon, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 24, 2008
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