The First Steps

Jan 14, 2013

     My road to Weight Loss Surgery has been a winding one.  I've bounced between doing it, and not, between moving quickly, and taking months between each move.  I began looking into it in the wrong frame of mind.  A well meaning relative mentioned a friend that had gone through with the lap band, with great results.  It got my wheels turning, and I thought "He is probably right in thinking this is the only way I can ever do it".  With such a negative attitude, no wonder I decided it wasn't for me.  A year later I went to a seminar at a nearby hospital.  Then I stagnated, and 6 months went by before I did anything.  Since I have been actively pursuing it, I've flown through the steps (which I will describe below), in a short span of about a months and a half!  Once I decided on a sleeve, and decided I would be going with Dr. De La Cruz-Munoz, I have been so on the ball with my appointments and scheduling, that after about a month, I was given a surgery date...


  January 28, 2013!

      As I mentioned earlier, there were a few things I needed to do before I would be operated on.  I can't say how many of these are required by all doctors, I only know they were required by mine.

  • Blood Work - I went to a Lab Corp near my house, they tested for a bunch of things, but it was nothing crazy.  Between the waiting, blood tests, and urine test, I was there less then an hour. 
  • Psychological Exam - Another very short appointment.  It took longer for me to drive downtown to get here and wait, than I was actually in the appointment for.  He just chatted with me for about 20 minutes.   The main purpose of this appointment is to make sure there are no underlying issues that could be stirred up or worsened by the massive shift to your life.  He asked why I was getting the surgery (does anybody ever answer anything but "to lose weight!"?), and how I thought my life would change.  It was a very easy appointment.
  • Nutritionist - This is something everybody has to do.  The doctor I saw was in the same office as my surgeon, so that made it easy.  It was more like a consultation than anything.  He took note of my current eating habits, and I asked a couple questions.  He is supposed to be great at what he does, but he was a little gruff for my liking.  Smiles are free, dude!
  • Post-Op Class - This also took place at my surgeon's office.  The class was held in the lobby with about 6 other pre-op patients.  One of the Patient Advocates (somebody who helps you coordinate, helps with any questions. Jessica is my go-to gal!) discussed every little step to be taken pre- and post op.  From what to do, to what to eat, and in what stages.  Then, the nutritionist came in, and discussed more about protein shakes and steps to be taken.  (I will go more into these as I do them).  This was very long, so I'm glad my Mama was there to keep me company! :)
  • Upper GI - This has been the most unpleasant appointment to date.  This was at a hospital of my choosing, one that took my insurance.  I had to change into a gown, swallow a bunch of yucky things, and roll around awkwardly on a cold table ("like a rotisserie chicken" as one tech so eloquently put it), while two technicians took pictures of me.  It's as bad as it sounds.  You have to swallow something highly carbonated, to puff up your stomach (and not burp!), then two types of contrast.  The contrast doesn't taste particularly bad, in fact, it's pretty bland, but the consistency, oh man.  The thick one is like paint.  It's so thick and coats your mouth and throat as you choke it down.  That was the worst.  The thinner one is pretty watery, but chalky.  Both were gross, and I'm thankful it's over.  That appointment took about an hour and a half.  
  • UPAC (UHealth Preoperative Assement Center)-  This appointment is at the hospital that my surgery will be at.  It's to test me to make sure I am okay to go under anethesia. I can't say if all surgeons require this.  They asked me a couple of questions and rew some blood.  No biggie!
  • Shakes - Two weeks prior to surgery (which means starting today!), I am on a diet of  OptiFast Shakes.  So, for the next two weeks, I will have nothing but 5 of these a day, with some sugar free jello, and plenty of water.  It isn't going to be fun, however, I am expected to lose 22 pounds in two weeks! That's a nice step in the right direction! The purpose of these shakes is to shrink the liver, making it less fatty.  This in turn, will make the surgical procedure easier, and quicker to heal. *

     It's taken me a few steps to get to where I am, but I'm so close! These are only the first of many steps on my road to being who I want to be! I'm ready!


* My Dad is actually doing this shakes with me, so that I'm not hungry and grumpy alone.  Such solidarity! :)





About Me
Miami, FL
Surgery Date
Mar 21, 2012
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