9 Months and wondering

Sep 16, 2010

I keep wondering if I'll be able to keep all of this up.  I fall off and on the exercise wagon, I fall off and on the only three meals a day wagon... I'm sure there is more.  But I just can't help but be happy with 9 months and 155 pounds off.  I mean I couldn't have dreamed a better outcome right? 

I wish I didn't have all of this extra skin.  I'm sure I'd be in smaller clothes than the 16/18 I'm in now.  I really notice the skin issues when I'm exercising and playing softball.  I swear if it wasn't for great undergarments my panni would make noises as I run.  The rest of my body is just all over skin especially around my arms and breasts.  But once again, I wouldn't trade this to go back.  Never ever. 

I keep looking at my goal to lose another 24 pounds by December.  I would definitely like to see myself under 200 pounds if only for a couple of minutes to say see how far I've come!  I honestly didn't realize how much I've been letting these numbers define me.  Although I weigh every day I don't stress when I don't lose but just keeping these goal numbers on my wall always keeps the numbers in my head.  Maybe this is the reason I'm not eating sugar free fudge bars every night. Because I know I could.  So here's to the next three months.... Let's see if I make it. 

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