Three Months Out

Mar 16, 2010

So I just took another Disneyland vacation (go annual passes!).  I felt so much better there on the rides and walking around.  The challenge was about eating the right things, not my physical activity.  What a difference a couple of months and 80 pounds make. 

I just got my blood work results back and I had a Thiamine deficiency.  I couldn't believe it since I've been so regimented about my vitamins.  So I added a straight B-1 into the mix.  I am hoping to get my lab results in my own hands so I can adjust anything else that needs some work.  I'm really glad I had my labs done early.  And even though I didn't want a deficiency, it might be helpful now with my insurance issues.  They can code deficiencies instead of morbid obesity when I have my labs drawn again.  My glass half full moment regarding my health. 

I've still been spending a lot of time on OH reading what's going on.  I still have problems seeing myself as smaller.  I've been slowly getting some new clothes with my coupons and gift cards from Christmas.  I was really hoping to be down more this month but it's been slow.  So I will probably wait a little longer to buy some more clothes. 

Exercise has been every week at least three times a week.  I'm trying to make the intervals between work outs shorter but I also want to live my life a little bit.  Especially now that I'm feeling better.  Hopefully I'll find a good middle ground soon.  With my long commute it's hard to find extra hours in the week.  And certainly going to my support group is mucho important.  Until next month!


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Surgery Date
Jul 16, 2009
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