January 2017

Jan 31, 2017

   The 16th January 2017 makes me 13 months PO and life after holidays is hard. I haven't been on OH, since I'm back at work and it has been crazy busy. I'm currently sitting at 162lbs and my weight gain is partly due to my indulgence of carbs over the holidays and I've been told part might be muscle since I'm a bit more defined than usual. However, I'm trying not to "trip" too much since I'm within my goal weight range and I'm still unsure how lean I want to go (Kinda want more muscle mass).

So January month was trying to decide what comes next in my life. I have all these things I want to do and I'm unsure what I should do first, so I took a minute to write down everything and go with what is priority for me. I felt when it came to "Living healthy" ( I'm trying to change my mindset from weight loss journey to living healthy), I still feel there's more to do when it comes to my eating, especially since I can eat more now. I still work out 5-6 days a week, but for the last month, I've significantly increased my weight training, starting to lift heavier. I find my self hungrier and I'm grazing more, so I decided for the month of February to really try and implement meal prepping. I'm a bit lazy with this but I found the weeks that I took the time to meal prep, I ate better and less, so it's a habit I wish to acquire and keep at it.

I also started back journaling. Every time, I give up this pastime, I find myself stressed or losing my way. I need to put pen to paper, so I've committed myself to journaling at least once a week.Therapy is a fantastic resource for any person with an addictive personality, but, my work schedule and where I work limits me to this option so, I need to find another outlet and journaling seems to work.

For me having WLS was like getting a head start. I remember as a kid I would run sprints with my neighbour who was a sprinter. He was fast as hell, so every evening I would be placed few yards in front so that I may have a chance to win. I never won, he was to damn fast, but I always believed I would one day:) I look at the surgery as my head start for my lifestyle change. 

This tool gave me the opportunity to become physically active, change my eating habits and now in my second year, I will have to make the choice to continue and evolve or return to the individual I was post surgery. The latter is not an option for me, but, thinking I'm a failure because I've gain is not an option also, it's an opportunity to learn and change direction. I'm extremely proud of how far I've come and I'm going to continue to work hard. Taking it one day at a time!


About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2014
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Before & After
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At my heaviest...
11 months PO

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