What's on your Menu today (Tuesday) RNYers? DAY 2 of AMAW/CAMAW

on 1/17/17 8:21 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

yes to pork rinds!

on 1/17/17 8:20 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

yes to pork rinds!

on 1/17/17 8:16 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Step away from the peanut butter Mama! LOL  Back to CAMAW girl!

Hope you get some good sleep tonight!

on 1/17/17 8:40 am
RNY on 11/04/14

Good Morning, I think I did real good yesterday. My start weight was 119lb.

B- protein shake

L- chicken 2oz, cheese 1oz, yogurt Tb

S- yogurt

D- ham and cheese

S- yogurt

on 1/17/17 8:17 pm, edited 1/17/17 12:18 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Another great menu breck!  Glad you did so well on day 2, looking forward to your menu on Day 3!

How far out are you from surgery?

ETA: sorry now I see you had surgery 2014!  

on 1/17/17 8:47 am - NY

Good morning...  Day 1 went well... too much grazing, but, on track and calories around 900.  (don't have my journal at hand.)  Have to admit that last night was the first time in a long time that I didn't eat on the way to bed or in the middle of the night - horrible, horrible habits that have crept back in....

QOTD:  so sorry about your dad.  My mom had an 18" (yes, that's INCHES) thoracic aneurysm repaired when she was 68 y.o.  Tough surgery given her COPD issues.  But she recovered and went on to 'grow' another aneurysm that was watched for years.  Surgery was not an option at that time, because she ended up with a blood cancer that manifested in extremely low blood platelets.  I always expected the aneurysm to take her life, but, it was the cancer.

Regarding the weight... sigh.. so sad.. and I, after having wls and so enjoying the lower weight.... fitting into everything in my closet... exercising, and challenging my new body in so many ways now feel just like I did pre-surgery... desperate.  I'm glad to be back here.. thanks for the welcoming replies to my post yesterday!


Today's plan:

B - protein shake

L - Protein shake

S - hard boiled egg

D - grilled chicken and hard boiled egg salad (which I ended up having last night too)

S - ?

E - 30 minute minimum treadmill walking

Linda, Endwell, NY RNY 11/5/12

on 1/17/17 8:25 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

glad day 1 went well Linda!  great you were able to work on some of your patterns of eating on the way to bed or in the middle of the night, that's a win for sure! 

WOW on your Mom with the 18" TA! I am so sorry for your loss, that is a really sad story.  

We are glad you are back here too Linda, keep posting, make some friends, join in supporting others, its a great place to be!

Great menu, you got this! Look forward to your menu for Day 3!!

on 1/17/17 8:48 am
RNY on 06/03/15

yikes!  97 posts already!   I'd better get this up there and read later!

I hope they're right that this ice will be gone tomorrow.  My husband had a 7:00 endodontist appt that I personally would have re-scheduled due to the icy roads, but, him being him, he went.  Then we had a 9:00 am vet appt for one of the cats.  Main roads were OK - but the vet's parking lot was awful.   I saw a woman slipping and sliding while she was carrying her dog, so I had DH pull the car up to the door so the kitty and I could get out safely.  They were salting as we were leaving - too bad that salting/plowing place couldn't have gotten over there earlier, but I suppose they had a full slate of businesses to hit today.

QOTD:  the only times I was somewhat successful with weight loss ("somewhat" because I always eventually gained it back - but at least I dropped a significant amount of weight) were when I ate very nutritiously and lowered my calories (to around 2000).  By very nutritiously, I mean no simple carbs, no processed food, nothing fried - pretty similar to the way I eat now, but my ratios were different (I ate a lot more carbs then - but always the complex variety)...and also, I eat way fewer than 2000 kcal now.  I think it's because I liked eating this way, and even though 2000 kcal was pretty low at the time for me, it never felt like I was starving or super deprived or anything, so I could keep up with it for awhile.  But eventually I'd hit a brick a wall (probably a long stall), give up, and the weight would eventually come back on.   Grrrr.


19 months out

B:  plain homemade Greek yogurt with homemade cranberry sauce

S:  double SF pumpkin protein chai tea latte, 1/2 C grapes, coffee with half & half

L:   spinach/carrot/curry/coconut/chickpea soup, hard boiled egg

D:  leftover Thai-style chicken vegetable curry (homemade, so safe....) (and no rice)


maybe another Greek yogurt after work if I can afford the calories (working the evening shift tonight - boo!)



RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 1/17/17 8:26 pm - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

How is the ankle?

yes most of us if not all of us did the lose gain, lose gain.  It sucks.

Great menu!

(deactivated member)
on 1/17/17 8:59 am - CA

Good Morning!   Hope everyone is having a great start to their week and the AMAW/CAMAW Challenge!  

Breakfast:  Turkey Sausage 4 links. 

Snack: Jerky 

Lunch: 6oz of Shrimp with Lemon and ****tail Sauce 

Dinner: Baked Pork Chops

Snack: Turkey Pepperoni Chips

Water:  On track

Patches:  Forgot them this am, so will get them on tonight.   

Exercise:  30-60 mins 5-6 times a week.   

This will be interesting to see how my weight loss goes, since I am 16 years out.  I am not anticipating a huge loss, but any would be appreciated.  My boyfriend is thoroughly enjoying this challenge.  He loves to cook and he loves meat, so win/win for both of us.   

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