
Jul 08, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Gee....I went to church this morning and I usually wear capris....well I dressed up and wore a dress.   I thought that one of my friends there was going to pass out.   She kept on saying "I have NEVER saw you in a dress".....now come on....I wear dresses to church....now not nearly as much as capris....it is summer time here in Texas ya know and it is HOT !!!!  LOL
Oh well....she also called me SKINNY !!!!  Now....that is the 2nd time in 2 days that I have been called that.   Geez.....If everyone keeps calling me that I might just start believeing them.   LOL   Not really....I will never believe that I am skinny.    Thinner maybe but NEVER skinny.    Gee...it is so funny how we think of ourselves.    Also how we think of our images in the mirror.   Isn't it funny that till I had my pannus removed and my LBL I looked as myself as still fat when I looked in the mirror even though my image with clothes on looked pretty small....I still didn't feel that way till that skin was removed.   Even now.....I look at the image in the mirror and I am so critical of the image that I see.....I guess that I will always view myself with "FAT" eyes.    I am working none the less trying to firm up my abs area so that I will be proud of my accomplishments even if I am the only one who sees those abs.   I am still very proud of my WL and every one who helped me achieve it....Dr. David Kim and Dr. Vishnu Rumalla ( my plastic surgeon ).   Have a wonderful blessed evening everyone !!!!


Jun 29, 2007

Hi....well I went back to Dr. Rumalla today for my 7 week check up and he finally released me to return to Curves to exercise.    I couldn't wait.   I went back and about died by the time I had gone around the circuit once.   LOL   Gee am I ever out of shape.   LOL  Then when I did the stretches....man did they ever hurt.   BUt it was  a good hurt !!!   LOL   I turned around this morning and went back ( I felt good and wasn;t sore at all or I wouldn't have returned again ).   Today I went around my usual twice and then did my stretches and NOTHING hurt !!!!  YEAH !!!!   I feel like I am finally returning to normal.  Now I just have to exercise my butt off.....or rather I should say my abs.  LOL   I am going to have to really work at thinning out that thick skin that I have so that I will have the tight flat abs that I want.   It will be worth it.   I did find out from him that the lumps that I now have on my lower abs that I thought were above my waist before my LBL really was skin that was ATTACHED to my ribs ( he said that he had to pull it loose from my ribcage ).  He reattached it just right above my pubic area.   LOL   I guess that now every time that I look at myself in my underware and see that skin I will think....gee....that skin came from under my breasts !!!!  LOL   How funny that thought is.   LOL ;  )

Oh well....at least all that massive skin is gone.   I don't really care where all the skin that I have now came from.....at least all the hanging stuff is gone.  Now I just have to concentrate on getting what I have now tighter !!!!   I am going to research the internet for abs exercises and start doing them.    I wish you all a wonderful weekend and a fabulous 4th of July !!!!


Jun 12, 2007

Hi All,

Well....I am feeling so good and not looking too bad either.    I went to the mall today and walked.   I made 2 rounds around the mall....that is about 3 miles.   YEAH !!!!  I feel so good to now be walking and doing some form of exercise.   Hopefully in about 3 weeks I will be able to go back to Curves.   I really miss working out there and I sure do want my inner thighs to tighten back up.     I also left the mall and went to get my oil changed at the Honda dealership.   My friend, Tanya...who works as a receptionist there ( I only know her from there ) she had lap band surgery a year ago said that she could sure tell that I was so much smaller now that I have had my LBL.   I feel so fantastic.   I feel so normal now that I don't have all that skin hanging all over the place.  LOL   OH well....I am just so glad that it is over.   I just wish that the misquitos would GO AWAY !!!!!   I have been bitten by the little critters under my binder and that is so miserable with those bites there where I can't get to them to scratch them.   Oh well....I will get over it.   Hope that everyone is having a great week.  


Jun 07, 2007

I can't believe that I haven't posted in a week.   Well....I went to Dr. Rumalla today and he cleared me to go walking at the Mall.   YEAH !!!!   I am thrilled.   Maybe I can get my jello inner thighs to firm up a little.  LOL He said that maybe in 3 weeks when I go back that he will let me go back to Curves to work out.   I am just so excited about the walking !!!!   I have grown to love to walk and exercise over the last 18 months since my RNY.   My incission is looking better and better with every passing day.   I feel so blessed that I haven't had any problems like some on this messageboard has.   Well....I am going to get off here and go to bed.   I am totally exhausted.
Blessings to you all till my next post.


May 31, 2007

Wow it has been awhile since I have posted.    I am doing great !!!   I have lost all my 5 drains now......I feel pretty good.   I will be so glad when I can go to the waist cincher garmet rather than this heavy hot binder. LOL   I am using scarguard on my scar now.   The scare isn't very big at all.   In fact everyone who sees it can't believe that it has only been 3 weeks since surgery and my scar is so small.   LOL   I guess skilled hands do that.   THe nurses at the hospital told me that he was a "artist"....I believe them !!!!   This hasn't been very bad at all....the worst part is me being so constipated.   I have gained weight due to not being able to have normal BM's.   Hopefully that will change real soon.   I have really added tons of fiber to my diet and I am taking fiber ( extra ) every day in my coffee.   I just want all the swelling to go down so that I will feel more normal and can hopefully get into my old clothes.  LOL   Everyone is so amazed by the 13.5 lbs of skin that was removed from my body.   I will post post op photos soon.


May 31, 2007

To all who don't know.....I had a LBL 4 days ago.   He opened up his office today....YES I do know it is a special holiday and so does he.   He called me about 11 AM and wished me a Happy Mother's Day and said that he was opening his office up just for ME at 3 to remove my pain pump and at least 2 of my drains.     I was shocked to say the least.   When I arrived at his office I told him that the drains and pain pump could have waited till monday.   He said that it was time for them to come out and that he thinks of his patients as FAMILY and that he treats them as such.   How AMAZING is that????   He also came to visit me no less than 2 times a day in the hospital.....and that was COMING into the room and staying a while and talking to me.   Most doctors just stick their heads in the door.   I know that God sent me to the right surgeon.   He is freaking amazing !!!!


May 31, 2007

Well.....I meant to post before now.....but life has been very busy trying to get ready for my surgery.   I had pre op last week and I wasn't too happy when Dr. Rumalla said that he wasn't going to make me a belly button.   I go in his office on the 8th to be marked for surgery.   I am again then going to disscuss the belly button issue.   That is very important to me.    I want to look NORMAL for once in my life.   LOL   He said that there is a chance that I will have 6 drains.   UGH !!!  What a horrid thought.  LOL  Oh well   I can deal with anything.


May 31, 2007

Hi All,

Gee.....I can't believe that it has been some time since I have posted.   I am so very excited .....14 more days till my bodylift.   I can't wait !!!  i sound like a kid on Christmas...but that is how I feel too.  I just can't wait to finally be rid of all this skin that has made me feel so bad for so many years.   Yesterday was 3 months since my Mom died.   Oh Gosh.....I miss her so much.    I hope that she would be pleased that I am doing this.   I had discussed it with her before she died and she told me that I couldn't help it because I had so much hanging skin.   She knew how much that it meant to me to look and feel normal.  I really thank that she would be happy for me.  I hope that the surgery goes the way that I am expecting and that I will be happy with the results.   I know that GOd led me to the surgeon.   His photos of his prior patients are AMAZING !!!!  He takes photos at 3 months and there are hardly any visiable scars.   I am so impressed with the photos.  

My Journey by Vivian Prouty

Oct 16, 2006

Get your own glitter and more at BlingyBlob.com

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Treasure Hunt
By: Ronald E. Blacklock
I've been around the world in my mind
Seeking treasures I did not find;
Chasing the rainbow on an endless trail
Just like a puppy chasing it's tail.

To the depths of the great blue sea
Seeking that which was hidden from me;
Just what is it I'm looking for?
When I find it, will I still want more?

What will fill my every need,
Turn my mind from ravenous greed;
What will satisfy my hunt for treasure?
What will overflow my life with pleasure?

Time flies by as I grow old
Still looking for that pot of gold,
Never once stopping to realize
It was always there before my eyes

A well marked trail in the form of a cross
Leading to treasures that will never be lost;
No sorrow, no greed, an endless life of pleasure,
The end of the rainbow with heavenly treasure.

I have been overweight most of my life. I have always been unhappy with my weight. I have tried too many times to count to loose weight from Weight Watchers to Diet Pills from a Weight Doctor......Only to fail and gain what I had lost back plus usually 10 lbs more than I started with. When I checked with my husband's insurance and found out that they would cover a RNY Gastric Bypass 100% I just about died from excitement. I am now in my 2nd month of 3 months of dieting for my insurance co.
( Aetna HMO ). I hopefully will have my surgery around Nov. It is the end of August now. I joined Curves and I am under the care of a Dietian and the first month I lost 12 lbs. I was so very excited when Dr. David Kim ( my surgeon ) praised my progress. I am on a 1600 calorie a day diet. I have given up drinking my diet sodas ( that was so very hard to do but I know that after my Bypass Surgery I won't be able to have them at all so I decided to give them up now.

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I have had lots and lots of people try to talk me out of getting my surgery. But I am sorry to those people. I am so TIRED of being obese!!!! I am tired of people stareing at me and watching me eat. I just want to be a NORMAL size and buy clothes anywhere that I want instead of going to a "FAT STORE" !!! My daughter in law just started medical school.....at first she was against the idea of the surgery. But I do believe that she sees my view now and she is supporting my decision. Life is no fun living in a huge fat body. I want this more than I have EVER wanted anything in my ENTIRE 52 yrs. of life. I want to be thin so that I will live to see grandchildren and be healthy. I am so tired of being tired and not being able to walk and do fun things. I have at least 120 lbs. that I want to loose if not more. I know that with God's help I will be successful in my looseing weight. I have gone to a phychologist and I went today to a Urologist. I passed a kidney stone 5 months ago and Dr. Kim wanted me to get checked out again to make sure that I won't have any future problems. Oh I forgot to tell you that I had stones in BOTH my kidneys in Feb. & March and I only passed the stones in my right kidney. That is why I had to go to a Urologist. Dr. Kim is a very kind and very knowledgeable man that is extremely qualified in this field. I did lots and lots of research before I chose him for my surgeon.

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His whole staff at the office seem to be great and very knowledgeable of what I am going through and telling me what is too happen in the future. I am so very excited about the future.....even though I am going to have to have another CAT Scan on my Kidney's ......I know that is for MY own good. If the stones are a risk I will either have to take medicine to desolve them or get them blown up. Anyway.....I know that things will be great when I get it all done. Please pray for me that all will be well with this process. Thanks so much for reading my entry.

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Well I go back to the dietician tomorrow, wednesday I go to the Urologist, and friday to Dr. Kim. This month has been extremely hard. I have not followed the diet as well as I should have. BUT still all in all I have lost weight. I have really had a hard time loosing though. I have to keep reminding myself that I only have one more month of dieting and then everything will go to Dr. Kim to submit to my insurance co ( Aetna HMO ). I pray that I am approved right off the bat. I bet that I will. My husband works for Bell Helicopter and they bought into the Gastric Bypass surgery for their employees and family members. Otherwise this would just be a dream and not a reality in the works. If anyone out there needs a Phychologist.....Dr. Toni Lombardi in Rhonoake is WONDERFUL !!!! I pray that all goes well this week with all my apointments. So far this month I have lost about 4 to 5 lbs. The doctor really wanted me to loose 8 a month. I lost 12 last month....maybe he will take that into consideration. LOL
It isn't easy staying on a diet for 3 months. I love Curves though. I work out there 6 days a week. For anyone out there needed to exercise....that is a WONDERFUL not real expensive way to go. And right now they have a join with a friend half off special. That is a really great deal !!!! Well...wish me luck everyone....that is.....if anyone is reading my entry. LOL
It is good for me to write even if no one reads it. Good Luck to anyone having surgery anytime soon. And if you need a good surgeon and are considering WLS check out Dr. David Kim at Noth Hills Hospital in North Richland Hills. He is the GREATEST !!!!! Till next time.....GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY !!!!

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Well Hello Again.....This has been a WONDERFUL DAY for me. I went to Dr. Kim's office today and my paper work will be turned over to Pam today and then she will submit it to insurance by tuesday of next week. YEAH !!! Seems like everything is falling into place. Well Dr. Kim said that he was extremely pleased with me and my progress. I have lost 28 lbs and my BMI has gone from 50 to 45 !!! YEAH !!!! I couldn't have done this without the help of my friends and NRH Curves. You ladies are the best at making me feel good about my progress even when I am not pleased. I love you guys !!! You are the best !!! I am so very excited about the future and what is yet to come. I know that this is in God's plan for me to have this surgery. Thank You God for sending me to Dr. David Kim !!! He is the ABSOLUTE BEST SURGEON IN THE WORLD !!! He is so careing about us and how we feel....he has never made me feel bad about my weight and there isn't many doctor's that you can say that about. His assistant Greg is great too. In fact ALL OF HIS STAFF are so very supportive of their patients. They are so encourageing !!!!

I had looked at other surgeons....but I truely think that I have the BEST IN THE WORLD !!! THANK YOU DR. KIM FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT THAT YOU SHOW TOWARD YOUR PATIENTS!!!! YOU TRUELY ARE AN ANSWER TO MY OBESITY PRAYER!!!! Can't wait to see what the future holds for me......Thanks everyone out there for all the support. Hopefully my next post will be with a surgery date !!!! God Bless You ALL !!!!!

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Happy Halloween Ya'll !!! And what a Happy one that it is....my file went to Aetna this morning !!! I am so thrilled !!! Pam...Dr. Kim's bariatric coordinator said that hopefully we will have a approval before the day is up. It is a wonderful day....we are getting much needed rain.....my files went to insurance for approval and now all I need to make my day complete is an approval and surgery date. YEAH !!! I am so very thrilled even for a monday. LOL My goal is to have my surgery the week of Thanksgiving. This has been a long hard road with all the insurance has required of me....but I am so proud of all my accomplishments. I could not have done any of it without God's help though. I think God every day for giving these surgeons the knowledge and skills to help us to get out of this huge body that we are trapped in and help us to live life as a NORMAL size person. I can't wait till that happens. Please pray that I will get approval today....if not this week. Thanks so much and have a wonderful Halloween.

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10-31-05 I HAVE A DATE !!!!

I just knew that this was going to be a great day !!!! Pam called me this morning at 8:30 amd said that she had faxed my file to Aetna. Well I called Aetna at 4 PM and I was APPROVED !!! They said that all they needed was a date. SO I called Pam and got her voice mail. Then I called Dr. Kim's office and asked them if they could reach Pam quicker than I could so that I could get a date. They did and she called me back within a few minutes with a date. I am having my RNY surgery on Nov. 22nd ( yes that is the week of Thanksgiving....what better thing to give thanks to God for !!!! ) I will gladly give up turkey and dressing for my surgery and to be a thin person ( one day soon ) !!! I just had to share that with the world. I am so very excited that I have been crying for joy !!!!! Please keep me in your prayers as I under go this. I start my 2 weeks of Liquid Protein on monday the 7th. Thanks so much and God Bless YOU !!!

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Hi Again.....Well I have one more day till I start my liquid dieting. I am so very excited about that. I never thought that I would be excited about a LIQUID DIET !!! LOL I know what is coming after that....that is the reason that I am excited. I get my surgery in 17 more days !!! YEAH!!!! THat is so very thrilling. My only fear is being constapated !!!! I have NO major health issues so that thought never entered my mind....but I do have problems being irregular sometimes. It isn't pleasant now.....so I can just imagine how it will be after WLS. I have ready many entries on the messageboards about the subject and it seems like that is a subject often disscussed . Oh well......I will take what comes my way.....and DEAL WITH IT !!! LOL I am so very happy that the me that has been hidden in this big fat body is finally going to emerge !!!! It is going to be a dream come true....hopefully not a nightmare. LOL NAH.....That won't happen. I have faith that it won't. LOL Well.....just thought that I would update my journal. I am not nervious at all bout the surgery. Hope that I don't get that way either. Welp....I guess that I had better go. I am cooking a roast in the oven and I need to check it. One of my last REAL meals ya know.......Catch ya later !!!!!

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Yesterday was not a good day for me. I started my 2 weeks of full liquid dieting before my RNY on the 22nd. It was the pitts !!!! The vitamins made me ill.......I spaced them out like I was told to do......ate what I was suspose to do and still felt bad. Thank GOD that today is better. I was told that sometimes vitamins might make you feel sick till they get into you system. I am sure glad that I don't feel sick today. I was told at Curves this morning that I look a little pale. WHat do they expect.....I am very fair skinned. LOL Just kidding !!! I may have been a little paler than normal being that I felt so bad yesterday !!!! I just know that today is going to be better. I have already had vitamin with breakfast.....snack with liquid B 12 and now I feel like I am on my way. It is too bad sometimes that the devil has to throw a wrench into our joy and peace !!! I know that I will be victorious in this journey to loose my weight. Blessings to ALL and I hope that everyone has a great day.......13 more days and counting !!!!

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Well....I am so excited.....I have done one week of Full Liquid dieting and from last saturday till last thursday I have lost 7 lbs. That is really very good for 6 days. WOW I am just so thrilled and blessed to be able to have this surgery. I just hope that preop goes real good. I have that this thursday....then the tuesday before Thanksgiving is my big day !!! WOW......9 more days till my surgery !!! This week really hasn't been that difficult.....after I started eating enough that my vitamins didn't upset my stomach. LOL OH well...ya can't win them all !!!!
I think that my family is finally getting use to the idea that " I am going through with the surgery!!" They are just silly thinking that maybe I would change my mind or something like that. Oh well....that is their problem and not mine. I have done everything that Dr.Kim has asked of me and without grumbling. I will try to post more tomorrow. Good night all !!!!

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Hello All,

Gee Whiz this has been a long and trying week and it is just tuesday. LOL Yesterday my 81 year old Mother feel. She has a alert one necklace and thank God that she pushed the button. I went over to her house and I guess that God gave me the strength ..........I ALONE picked her up out of the floor and put her on her loveseat in her living room. My mom needs both knees and both hips replaced but she is not able to have the surgeries that she needs because she has so much wrong with her heart that she wouldn't survive the surgery. SO I was rather thrilled when her Hospice Nurse said that all she had was bruises. Thank you God for that !!!!

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Today I have been up since 4:30 AM. I wish that my body would stop waking up at that time. I would love to at least sleep till 6 !!! LOL Maybe I am just too thrilled about having pre op on thursday and surgery next tuesday ( 22nd ). I feel so badly for Jessica O.'s family. I cried this AM when I read that she had died. I guess that God needed her in heaven more than her family needed her here. I have had the worse time getting online today. I finally had to call OH and Thank GOD for AMY WILLIAMS !!! SHe was a live saver......seems the main computer reset my password and wouldn't send it to me. GUess that SOMEONE didn't want me on this website today...... LOL BUt you see who won!!!! Have a great everning everyone........5 more days till surgery ~~~~~~ HIP HIP HORRAH !~!!!!!!!!!

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Well I just can't believe that I have 4 more days and my surgery will be over !!! WOW this time has gone by quickly. Now I am going to work this weekend on getting my house in order for Thanksgiving ( which I should be coming home from the hospital then ). I have to bake my pies....and freeze them.....make my cornbread dressing ......and freeze it !! And bake pumpkin bread and things that my family can snack on while I am resting in the hospital. I am so looking forward to starting my weight loss journey !!! I just can't wait till my clothes fall off from loosing so much weight. I am going to be so very good at dieting and watching what I eat. Thank you Lord that you have allowed all this to happen to me. I am so very very thankful to him for that.
I am so thankful for all the people on this website who has sent me well wishes for my upcoming surgery. I just know that everything will go well. Thank you so very much for your support that you have given to me.

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Well.....I can't believe that tomorrow is the day !!! I NEVER thought that it would finally get here. Yesterday I went down for prayer at church. I am not scared about the surgery at all. God has given me complete peace. I am so thankful for that. I am just so darn anxious to get it over with. LOL I guess I am anticipating being thinner. LOL I think that my hubby is FINALLY coming around ( not that he had any other choice ). He told me last night that he thinks that he might like having a thinner me around. I think that maybe me telling him that nothing is going to change and that I am still going to love him and him alone. I just hope that his insecurities won't come out when I start loosing big time weight. If it does......we will deal with that then. I am praying though that God will ensure him that those thoughts are foolish !! LOL Well I have tons to do to get ready for my families Thanksgiving dinner....whether I am out of the hospital or not.....they still have to eat !! Take care and I will try to post here tomorrow before I leave for the hospital.

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Hi There I am back home. I am in a little pain but I am able to endure it. I am allergic to Vicatin so I can only take Infant Tylenol for any pain or discomfort that I am feeling. I am feeling lots and lots of pressure and man is my stomach and pouch mad at me !!!! LOL They both rumble and grumble all the time. I am hoping that they will settle down soon though. The surgery went well.....lasted 2 hr. 15 min. He did get to do it lap. I was thrilled when I woke up in recovery and they told me that he didn't have to do open. YEAH !!! I had a little minor setback. I had to stay in the hospital 3 days instead of 2. The barrium that I had to drink for the leak test made me so very sick that I had dry heaves ALL NIGHT LONG !!! That wasn't a very pleasant experience but everything else was just wonderful !!! Dr. Kim came in today and said that I could go home. I was thrilled at the thought. I did have my first pureed meal at the hospital before I came home. I think that it was turkey and yellow squash. I did tolerate it well. I am doing great but I am in quite a bit of pain and the gas...WOW it is unbelieveable !!! Hope that it goes away real soon. Not a pleasant feeling at all. The worse thing that I am having to deal with now is my JP Drain. YUCK !!! That thing is nasty and it hurts and I feel pressure when my husband and I clean it. Oh well.....hopefully it will come out on wed. IF I can get a appointment. I was thinking friday but Dr. Kim said wednesday.....so I am going by what he says !! LOL I am so glad that this is all behind me now and I thank GOd for bringing me through this surgery safely. Also for letting the pain not be greater than I can bear. I will try to update more tomorrow. Thanks so much for all the prayers.

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Well today is sunday. I had thought about going to church but I really had a pretty hard day yesterday. In fact this morning I washed dishes and then I felt that I should have just left them for my hubby to do. LOL Oh well....Next time is his turn. I thnk that I have been doing pretty good with my eating even though my stomach pouch has grumbled and gripped at me. LOL I never thought that I would hear such noises coming from my insides. LOL I have been eating not a whole lot of food. My hubby bought me a Taco Casa bean and cheese buritto on the way home from church today. I ate about half of the insides of it. It sure did taste good but I was sure worried that the mild sauce would make me ill but it didn't. I was sure thrilled about that. I am having to get use to constantly drinking and then eating things. I never did that before....but then I look at my food list for the day and discover that I really haven't consumed much food at all. I feel good though. I have been walking since I got home from the hospital for about 30 minutes each day. My son and husband have taken turns walking with me. Tomorrow....I will probably go by myself though. I get to drive tomorrow. Sure do hope that my ole van will start !! LOL I am sure that it will. I am so glad that I have completed all my holiday shopping. Now I can just sit back....relax.....get over this surgery and enjoy the holidays. If anyone is considering getting RNY surgery. It truely isn't bad at all. I wasn't scared about the surgery at all.......In fact the afternoon of the surgery .....I kept forgetting to push my morphine pump. I came home on NO PAIN MEDS at all. I have done just great. I have been up and around quite abit too. Let me tell you about Dr. David Kim. He is just a WONDERFUL, SKILLED SURGEON. He always has a smile whenever you see him. He is such a pleasant person to be around and he is so very positive !!!! He makes you feel good about the decision that you have made. Also....IF he feels that you are not ready to come home from the hospital when you are scheduled to come home.....then you stay till he feels that you are ready. I stayed an extra day due to dry heaves that I got from drinking the barrium from the leak test. The nurses in the hospital were the best..... Angie, DaNita, Jennifer,Kathy they were all WONDERFUL. Jennifer took out the time in the middle of the night not once but 3 times to walk with me through the halls so that I would get my exercise. Pam is the BEST coordinator that could ever be !!! She came to visit me in the hospital daily also and asked me if I had any questions. She is super !!! All in all this has been a extremely positive experience for me and my family.

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Well.....I went over to my Mom's house today and my oldest sister was there too. Gee they couldn't believe how much weight that I have lost. LOL I don't even know how much.....only that I had lost 13 lbs in the 5 days following me being released from the hospital. I go to my PCP tomorrow so then I will know how much I have lost. I have so much energy it is great !!!! I increased my distance in my walking today and I am just amazed that I didn't even get tired. I think about how I would have felt before surgery......I would have been worn out walking half the distance that I do now. I have sure lost inches. I am so pleased with my progress whether I have lost alot of pounds or not. I am so very pleased that I had this surgery. I think that my family will be too when I get all the weight off. THis is truely a miracle surgery. I thank GOD every day for allowing me to have this surgery.

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Well....Hello again!! I went to my PCP on wednesday and I had lost 4 more lbs in a week. That is a grand total of 17 lbs in 2 weeks. That is pretty good !!! I am very proud of myself. I even baked my middle son a Birthday cake on the 7th and it didn't bother me at all. I am going to bake some cookies this weekend and mail to my oldest son and daughter in law. They live in Vallejo, Ca. She is going to medical school there to become a doctor. I am very proud of both my son and daughter in law. He works for Starbucks and has a interview in Jan. for a Assistant Manager Position !!! I pray that he will get it. He is such a good son....in fact all 3 of my son's are all good boys. I am going to do as I normally do with the baking and all during the holidays. I am looking up some sugarfree recipes for me.....but I really don't want to get all caught up in eating sweets....even if they are legal and all. I don't want to start craving them. I have come a long way both mentally and physically. I want to keep up the weight loss and not let anything get in my way of achieving my goal of loosing all this weight that I have carried around all of my life. Wish me luck and please pray for me that God will continue to give me the strength to keep up the good work. I am going to get off here and go for a walk now.

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Hi All....I can't believe that it has been over a week since I updated. Well....I went to my support group Christmas Party and it was alot of fun. My dish that I brought was a huge success. LOL I brought Pumpkin Mousse. It was very good. I go to the mall and walk every day for about 1 to 1 1/2 hrs. I am so very proud of myself. I have gone down 2 shirt sizes and one pant size. I have lost lots and lots of inches. I am really starting to feel very good about my appearance. ALthough I still have lots and lots of weight to loose....I have come a very long way and worked very hard to loose what I have. Even though this surgery does make things so much easier....we do still have to make the right choices of what we eat or I am sure that we could put back every pound that we have lost and possibley even more. I just want to be thin for once in my life. I sure do hope that when I get it off I will NEVER regain the weight. I have battled this battle all my life and I do intend to stop that battle with this surgery. I have finished my Christmas shopping and I am going to do some baking this weekend and get a package in the mail on monday to my son and daughter in law who live in Vallejo, Ca. THey love my cookies. I am so very thankful that they really don't appeal to me now!!! If I don't post any more before Christmas.....everyone please have a extremely blessed holiday.

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Gee....I can't believe that it has been so long since I posted. Well tomorrow I am 6 weeks post op....just can't believe that it has gone by so quickly. I go to my surgeon on wednesday for my 6 week checkup. I am doing fairly well....trying new foods and having lots of them NOT agree with me.....seems like I am spending lots of time in the potty getting rid of food that doesn't agree with me. LOL The holidays are almost over and I am so glad of that. I am so tired of rich foods and having to deal with the sweets. I send some of 2 kinds of pies home with my middle son today. I want them ALL out of my house !!!! I baked some real chocolate Chip cookies this morning. My 24 year old son is home for CHristmas but leaves tomorrow. I will probably send some of them home with him....but I need to keep some of them here for my 15 year old son. I am telling him that they have to be eaten by thursday when he goes back to school or they are going into the trash. LOL I have lots more inches that actual pounds. I have lost close to 25 lbs. I am very proud of my accomplishments with this surgery. If I had it to do again....even with me experienceing the dumping syndrome ......I would definately do it again. THis is a miracle surgery that is such a wonderful gift to anyone who is suffering from obesity. I feel so blessed to have been able to have it and to have such a wonderful surgeon. I will try to post after I go to the doctor on wednesday. Tomorrow is 6 weeks....it hasn't been a piece of cake....but it hasn't been horrible either. Tomorrow my son goes back to Vallejo.....I will miss him greatly. I wish everyone a Wonderful New Year and a extremely successful year too at loosing our weight.

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Hi everyone....I went for my 6 weeks check up at Dr. Kim's yesterday. he was real happy with my progress. He gave me the thumbs up to go back to Curves to exercise. He did tell me not to lift any weights over 10 lbs. He doesn't know that Curves has no weights there to lift. LOL My BMI has gone from a 50 when I started in July to 39.1 !!!! YEAH !!!! I also have lost 26 lbs. That might not be so much for some....but I have lost 66 lbs total since July. That is pretty good to me. I have gone from a 30/32 top to a 18/20 and some 22/24 and have gone from a 26/28 pant to a 22/24. I am thrilled with my progress. I am so very happy that I have gotten the go ahead to go back to Curves. I really missed all my friends there. I also and going to still walk for 1 hour at the mall. I want this weight to go bye bye forever !!!!

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Hi All.....Sorry that I haven't updated in a couple of weeks.....My computer had a Trojan Virus and I had to come up with money to pay Dell Computers to remove it. LOL We sure do get attached to these computers don't we. LOL Well...I am down to almost 200 lbs. I have not seen those numbers in more than 20 yrs. I feel so great about my progress....I can admit that I am getting a little frustrated about the ups and downs that I have had lately with reaching below 200. I have fought with the 203 and 200.5's for a week now.....I feel as though I am on a virtual see saw. LOL
I did start walking again today and working out at Curves also. Hopefully that will be enough to push me over into the 199's. Sure do hope so.

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I AM FINALLY IN ONEDERLAND !!!! Yeah !!!! I went to Curves today and got lots of compliaments about my weight loss.....I was a little dissapointed in myself. I have battled back and forth for the last week or more with 2 lbs. Well I got on the scale this afternoon and I am now offically in the 100's !!!! I have not weighed under 200 lbs in over 20 yrs. I weigh 199 but.....that is still less than 200 !!! LOL I am just so thrilled. I want to just keep on loosing. I feel so great about getting below 200. When I started searching out WLS I weighed 273.....so I have come a long way. Hope to get down to 118 or 120.

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Hi All,

Well last week I was wanting to be under 200 lbs and now I am at 195 !!! WOW What a differance a week makes. I am so thrilled with the weight loss that I am having. I went to Curves on thursday and got weighted and measured. This month I have lost 14 3/4" and 14 3/4 lbs. That is pretty darn good for one month. I was so shocked that I had lost that much. I am still having some issues with some certain foods but that is alright. I have really had a very very good day today with my foods that I have eaten. I have also done well with my vitamins and my protein. Hope that I do as well this coming week.

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Hello again......well today I went to Dr. Kim's for my 11 week checkup. Everything went great. He said that he is very proud of me and that I am doing great. I am still loosing slow in my opinion but he said that 12 to 13 lbs a month is good. He also gave me the go ahead to do the complete workout now at Curves....provided that it doesn't hurt me. I am so excited about that. My BMI has gone down to 37.6. I am so thrilled to see those numbers going down. That is alot down from 50. I am so thrilled to have had this surgery. I also had my blood work down today at the hospital. She flebotimast had to stick me 2 times. One in the arm ( till my vein decided that the blood was going to start clotting. ) then they had to go to a vein in my hand. I am just so thrilled that they got all the blood that they needed. Hope that I loose down to 193 soon. I have been at 194 for so long it seems like.

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Well I am thrilled to say the least this morning. I went to bed last night weighing 191 and woke up weighing 187. WOW I am so shocked. I went to the store yesterday and came home with some clementine tangerines, and fresh strawberries. Oh those stawberries were so sweet !!! I am so thrilled about that....I bought some cantalopes the other day and they were gross to put it mildly. LOL What should I expect getting summer fruit in the winter. LOL The strawberries must have come from Ca. where the weather is almost always nice. They were so awesome. It has been so cold here for the last couple of days. In fact we are suspose to have a ice storm this weekend. When I get off here I am going to call Curves to see if they are open....yesterday they didn't know depending on what our crazy Texas weather is doing. It was 85 day before yesterday and 45 for a high yesterday. Nowhere but Texas does the weather flip flop so much. LOL Oh well....I guess that I need to start my day.....I am so glad that I am starting it on a "lighter" note. LOL I still can't believe my over night weight loss. What a wonderful surprise. Thank you God for your many blessings and surprises in our lives.

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Hello again. Well....I am at a stall....I am still 187 lbs. I wish that my ole body would cut this stuff out. I get so very frustrated as much as I exercise and work out and still just stand still or gain a lb or 2 and then loose it. LOL Oh well....at least the inches are coming off. I felt so good at church last sunday morning. I had 4 people come up to me and call me skinny. That is a joke but still it made me feel soooo good !!! I know that I am still a far cry from skinny or thin but still it made me feel good. I bought some hand weights this past weekend and I am starting to workout with them. Hopefully they will help with firming up the loose skin on my upper arms. Gee....now if I could just come up with something that will firm up my inner thighs. LOL No such luck on that one. Or at least I don't think that there is. Oh well....I feel better than I have in more than 25 yrs.

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Hello again.....Gee where has the time gone???? Seems like I just updated my profile and here it has been almost a month. Well....this morning I got on the scale and I weighed 181. I am so thrilled that hopefully soon I will be in the 170's. It has been almost 29 yrs since I weighed that. I saw one of my old neighbors the other day and she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw me. She said that she never would have known that it was me if I hadn't spoken to her. That makes me feel so very good. I never thought that I could look as good as I do right now. This surgery has definately boosted my self esteem for sure. LOL My 20 yr. old son is telling all his friends about his mom who has lost 92 lbs. 92 Lbs....WOW that is alot !!!! Although I am not loosing as fastly as most....at least it is coming off. I guess that I can't expect it to fall off since I work out almost every day of the week. I wouldn't give that up though for anything. I love going to Curves and walking at the mall. I always hated going to the mall and now I actually look forward to going there and walking ( except when it is open and that pesty lady that sells the buffing cream won't leave me alone when I pass her booth in the center of the mall ). If she approaches me next week....I might just ask her what part of NO does she not understand. LOL I try to avoid her but somehow at least 3 times a week she approaches me and bugs me. Seems like she would know by now.....I don't want the product that she is selling. LOL I guess some never learn or just forget too easily. Well....hopefully next time I post here I will be in the 170's.

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Hello again....well today I was weighed and measured at Curves. I have lost a total of 62" since July 16th when I joined. That is more than I am tall. LOL I am 5'1". So as you can see I am short....but when you are taking about inches....that is alot. I also weighted 180 today. Maybe tomorrow will be the day that I drop down into the 170's. I am so thrilled with my recent progress. Hope that I continue to loose and don't hit a couple of week plateau again.

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Today was a milestone for me. I am now in the 170's....barely that is but none the less.....that is one number down. I have now lost a total of 94 lbs since I started dieting for my WLS. I am so very happy. Hope that I can keep up the good work.....but who knows the way that my body is working lately.

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Well....it happened....I plateaued again. I should be use to this by now. I have done this continuely since my surgery or at least it seems that way. LOL That is alright though. I know that it won't last forever. I have done very well and I do look like a totally differant person. I saw one of my neighbors down the street the other day and she hadn't seen me since right after my surgery and she didn't recognize me. LOL I couldn't believe that she didn't know who I was till I spoke to her. Gee....that made me feel so very good. Keep me in your prayers that my plateau will not last long.

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Well....it has been a while since I posted. I am now down to 175. I wish that I would loose quicker but I guess that I am just a slow looser. LOL I am 40 lbs from my tentative goal right now. I feel better than I have in more than 30 years. I have so much energy it is unreal......I love the new me !!! I just wiish that I didn't have so much skin around my stomach area. I know that I would wear at least a size smaller in clothes without it. Maybe one day I will be able to get a TT and be rid of it forever. LOL But then there are my thighs and inner thighs and legs to deal with. THose may just be something that I will have to live with forever. Even if that happens.....it is still alright. I don't have to wear shorts that are short. Well....enough of that....everyone have a great Easter !!!

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This day will go down in my history book as the day that I broke 100 lbs. LOL I am so thrilled. I am now offically down 100 lbs from when I started loosing weight for my surgery last July. WOW 100 lbs. That is ALOT of weight to loose. I took my flag shirt into Curves with me this morning. The one that I was wearing with those horrible shorts in the photo below. It swallows me whole. That makes me feel so good. And the photo at the end of my profile .....was 10 days before surgery......I had already lost 40 lbs there. I was HUGE before surgery. I don't know if I just didn't care then or what.....No I did care.....I just knew that I was a failure at loosing weight. I can't believe that I have come so far. I am so very proud of all my accomplishments. Although....I can't take credit for any of it really. I give all the credit to God first.....the Dr. David Kim.....he is the one who did the surgery on me and made this all happen....but without God giving him the knowledge.....he couldn't have accompished anything. SO GOD is the main one that I give praise and credit too. Thank you Jesus for this gift of weight loss and self esteem that you have given back to me. I love you so very very much. Sorry everyone....but I had to give credit where it was due. You have a fantastic day....I know that I will.....now on to my next goal of getting in the 160's. LOL

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Well.....I am almost there !!!! As of this morning I weigh 170. Hopefully in the next few days I will be in the 160's. I haven't been this small in more than 30 yrs. I am now down 103 lbs. I went to 6 Flags over Texas yesterday and I have been so tired all day long. I rode alot of roller coasters both old and new ones with my 15 yr. old son. I think that he was amazed by me. LOL Heck....I was amazed with myself doing that. I guarantee....I won't ride that many of them again. LOL It kinda made me fill sick. I guess that at 52 yrs old....you are just too old to ride all these rides that young kids ride. I was just so happy to be able to fit into the rides....ALL THE RIDES !!!! I can fit into everything. What a great feeling that is. Hopefully tomorrow my weight will reach a new low.

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Well last friday I went to Dr. Kim for my 5 1/2 month check up. I am now down to 169 !!! I am so thrilled to be down in the 160's finally. Now I am offically only 37 lbs overweight.....yes OVERWEIGHT not obese. LOL That is a great feeling. In 37 more lbs. I will have a normal BMI of 25. That is where I have tentaively set my goal at...then if my body wants to keep loosing that will be fantastic. I don't want to become bone thin though. I want to look healthy. I am beginning to have people tell me that I have lost enough weight...but I am NOT listening to them. I feel so great. Well....I am also teaching my 15 yr old son to drive. I am doing Parent Taught Drivers Education. He is doing pretty good. I let him drive on the street tonight and I only had to correct his driving a couple of times. I am so proud of his progress. Well that is all for now. Keep me in your prayers....weight loss and teaching drivers ed. LOL Have a great Mother's Day if I don't post before then again.

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Gee...isn't it amazing how time flies. LOL I have been down to 167 for almost a week now. I sure do wish that the scale would move down but I guess that it will when my body adjusts to the weight loss. I am now 35 lbs to normal BMI. I am so thrilled about that. I am getting so many compliments. I went to Curves the other morning and a lady that I hadn't worked out with in a couple of weeks yelled out OH MY GOD. I turned around to see if I could see what she was saying that about and she replied that it was about my weight loss. LOL She said that she couldn't believe her eyes.....that I had gone down so much since she had seen me last. I couldn't see it....but maybe she is right. It is so funny though....I look in the mirror and still see a "fat person"....but I look at photos of me....and I don't look that fat. I guess that it take a long time to get rid of the "fat eyes"....lol. Well....hopefully when I do another entry I will be in the mid 160's or smaller. I wish you all well....have a great week.

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Gee where has this year gone???? I can't believe that it has been almost 2 weeks since I have posted on here. Well....I was weighed at Curves yesterday. I only lost 6 lbs this past month. OH excuse me.....I LOST 6 LBS> YEAH !!! I didn't mean to sound so negative before. I just still view myself with "fat eyes" LOL That is.....when I look in there mirror I look fat to myself but when I see photos of me now.....I look pretty thin. How strange is that???? Pretty strange to me. I think that I need "eye" surgery for those fat eyes. LOL I lost almost 2" from my waist. I bought a acuhoop from Curves ( they saw them on ebay ) and it said that you would loose 2" from you waist a month. I doubted it...but not anymore. The acuhoop looks like a hoola hoop but it is wavy and weighted. Easyier to do that the original on and fun too. It is getting slower loosing the weight now....I guess that is to be expected though. I am 32 lbs from my NORMAL BMI !!!! YEAH !!!! I am so very thrilled about that. I have NEVER been normal. I have always been obese. Hopefully soon I will be normal. Well you all have a great week.

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Hello again....well....I thought that I haven't lost anyweight till I looked on here.....LOL. I guess since I last posted I have lost 5 lbs. or something like that. My BMI is now 30.1. I am now 159 ) 27 lbs from a normal BMI which is my goal or target weight ). I am still workiing out at Curves 6 days a week but man am I EVER frustrated. Not so much about weight loss ( although I would love to have lost more ) but I have been having car trouble for over 2 weeks. That frustrates me so very much !!!! It is terrible to be out running errands and have your car quit on you. I had that happen this morning and I finally got it started.....got it to the dealership.....only to find out that they couldn't look at it till monday and that they had NO DRIVER to take me home on saturday. Talk about getting upset. I was PO'd. LOL It all worked out though. They were so nice they had a guy that works at the dealership that moves cars around drive me home. My husband and youngest son were out with my mother in law doing stuff for her. Gee....I wish that he would have been home....but things worked out anyway. We find out in a couple of days if my husband's work is going to go on strike. UGH !!!! I pray that they won't. If they do we are going to really have a very hard time. Well....Please pray taht I will start to loose these last 27 lbs. I have always heard that the last of the weight is always the hardest to go. I am smaller than I have ever been in my entire life right now. Till next time...God bless you.

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Gee....I can't believe that it has been so long since I updated. Gee WHiz !!!! Well...I am now down to 155 and loving every minute of it. LOL My hubby's job didn't strike so I went out 2 weeks ago and bought a new car !!! WOO HOO I now own a 06 Honda CRV and I love it. I feel like I have a convertable. It has a Moon Roof. I roll that roof back....roll the windows down and feel as though I am in a convertable. LOL I know that is silly but I absolutely LOVE my new SUV. I am not loosing very much lately. It is coming of slower and slower now. I guess that it is because I don't have that much more to loose. It is STILL coming off though. THat is the main thing.....that the WL hasn't stopped completely. I pray that I will loose all that I want too before it stops. I think that would be extremely dissapointing to stop loosing before you want to. Best of luck to you all till next time.

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Well it has happened. I have just about stopped loosing weight. I am a little down about it but I have been told that it is because it is so very hot and I am just retaining fluids. I went to Curves on thursday and got weighted and measured and I had lost another 2 1/2" and some more body fat so that is good but still it is very dissapointing to not see the scales move down. I was eating some protein bars ( Body for Life ) and I found out that they had too many carbs in them......so I have switched to Adkins Protein bars. They are pretty good. Actually they are really good. The Peanut butter and chocolate chip ones are awesome. They have around 12 to 17 grams of protein each. That's not too bad.
We have also been out of town lots this summer. Twice to San Antonio and then on a 5 day vacation to Colorado ( which we just got back from this past thursday AM. ) It is good to be home. School starts for my 15 yr. old in 10 days. It will be nice to get back to normal and then I will increase my exercise and walking to where I use to be and then maybe that will help the weight to come off again. Hope that everyone is having a great summer. Mine has been pretty good. Till next time....God bless you and stay legal with your eating.....or it will show up on your body.

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Well.....Hello everyone. YAAAAAAHOOOOOOO I have lost 2 more lbs. Praise the Lord....Now I only have 21 more lbs till my goal and I am NO LONGER OBESE !!!!! I am now offically just overweight. I never thought that I would rejoice about that but gee whiz.....at least that is a accomplishment.....especially since I started out morbidly obese. I was so thrilled to see 153 on the scale this morning. That is a wonderful site. LOL I can't wait till I see 132 !!!! That is my tentative goal weight. I go back to Dr. Kim next wednesday. I was suspose to go tomorrow but Dr. Kim is not going to be in the office so they had to change my appointment. I am praying that I will have lost more weight when I go to him next week. Hopefully my plateau is over with and hopefully for good !!!! Hope that everyone is haveing a great summer. School starts here next tuesday and I can't wait to get Caleb back into school and get my life back to normal. Everyone have a fantastic evening.

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Hello and I hope everyone is having a great day. Mine is alright. Well.....I went to see Dr. Kim yesterday and I was so shocked !!! When I got there for my appointment he was running a hour behind so I got weighted in and then went over to the hospital to get some lunch since I hadn't eaten it yet. Well....when I got back to his office I couldn't remember my exact BMI so his nurse said that I would have to be reweighted. I about freaked out......I had lost 2 more lbs and that was AFTER eating my lunch !!!!! LOL I was thrilled to say the least. I am now 20 lbs from my goal weight and my BMI has gone from a 50 to a 28. I now weight 152. He was so thrilled with my weight loss. He told me that he wished that all of his patients were as good as I am and did exactly as they were told. I think that he give me way too much credit though. I am far from perfect. In fact we discussed me not drinking water......I am NOW drinking water and not so much tea since it isn't really all that good for me. OH well....I know that I will get use to drinking water....even though I don't like it. You do what ya have to do to get the weight off. LOL He did say that I am just fine at the weight that I am now if I never loose another lb. But I sure do want to get to my goal weight and I am still going to work toward that goal....even if I never reach it.....I will never know unless I keep trying. I did also talk about my roll of fat that seems to have gotten larger under my breasts. Well.....seems that it isn't fat at all but "skin". He said that it might shrink down some more but I wouldn't go away without surgery. He wants us to wait 2 yrs after our surgery though before we get plastic surgery that way we will have lost all the weight that our bodies are going to loose. I would have never thought last summer when I began this journey that I would be this small now. Even though I am not nearly as small as I would like to be....I do have to say that I am thrilled with my results. I would do this surgery again in a heartbeat "IF" I hadn't already had it done. SO if anyone is reading this and considering surgery....I is so AMAZING !!!! I urge you to research it and go for it....it will change your life....no....give you back your life. He told me that I probably wouldn't have lived 10 more yrs with the way that I was. I am so thankful to Dr. Kim and his knowledge of this surgery and his careing for giving me my life back. God bless you all and have a wonderful week.


Gee Whiz....where has time gone. It doesn't seem as though it has been 3 weeks since I updated my profile. I would like to thank Reba Carter for makeing my profile beautiful. Thank you Reba....you are an answer to my prayer. I would also like for everyone to pray for Jeff's family and sister Jennifer. Jeff was one of my surgeon's patients he had surgery on 12/13/05 and he took his own life almost 2 weeks ago ( we don't know why but we do know that he left 3 beautiful children and a wife behind to deal with all this ). His sister Jennifer had WLS 2 yrs ago and has done great and he lost all his weight in about 4 months ( 120 lbs ). He looked so good. I have no idea what happened to make him do such a thing but it has sure shook up our entire support group. He will be greatly missed by all. Please keep his wife and kids and Jennifer ( his sister ) in your prayers. They are good christian people. I bought a chicometrics DVD and I am going to start doing it this next week. I hope that it will help to firm up some of my loose skin on my body ( probably wishful thanking ). LOL Maybe it will help some. WHo knows???? Well....my WL is still a rollercoaster...up then down. Well I am going to sign off for now. Thanks everyone who remembers to pray for Jeff's family. I know that he would appreciate that. He was a special person who touched many lives with his WL journey and he will sure be missed by so many people.


Well....I finally went over to my friends house and she took new photos of me. Gee...I can't believe how thin that I look in them. Although when I look in a mirror I still look"fat". I guess that I always will or at least till my brain realizes that I am really no longer fat....I have lots of skin issues still and will till I can either afford Plastics or get insurance to pay for it. Oh well....any battle that we go into we will have "scares" I guess mine is ALL the excess skin that I have to tuck into my jeans. LOL I did start my Chicometrics exercise this past week and the first day that I tried it I hurt my back !!! I have been in some pretty severe pain all week long. Needless to say....I will take it easier with that exercise program next time. LOL My bloodwork up was perfect when I went to my PCP on wednesday. I was so thrilled about that. Hope that everyone had a great week. Our airconditioner had problems last night and wouldn't work....if you have ever had to sleep in 90+* weather when it is very humid outside you know what we had to deal with last night....not very pleasant. Thank God that my air conditiong man can right out this morning and thank God again that it was only $86. Have a wonderful evening.


Gee Whiz....where has this month gone....where has the year gone for that matter. LOL I can't believe that I have just had my 10 month anniversary for my WLS. I am down 120 lbs. I have lost over 81." I was weighed and measured this morning at Curves and I have lost more weight and inches than anyone else in my club. Gee....that makes me feel so good.....and I have worked out very hard for every lb. and inch. I have my support group breakfast tomorrow morning at 9. I will have to hurry


Oct 16, 2006

Well....I am pretty proud that I thought to cut and paste my old profile on here.   I did also figure out adding the photos to my new profile also.   Hope that everyone enjoys seeing my family and pets.   I wish that I could say that I am still loosing wieght but that wouldn't be a true statement if I said that.   But I really do think that I am still loosing inches.   I feel so good.   Well....hope you all enjoy my profile and want to be added to my friends list.


Well....I can't believe that it has been so very long since I updated.   I have lost another lb....yes...just one but I did loose 2 1/2" more also.   My son now has his drivers license ( that is my youngest one who turned 16 10/20.  )  SO you guys need to pray for me and Calvin.   LOL   My photo should be coming out anyday in the NCH North Hills Hospital newsletter.   I am working out at Curves and they are quoteing me on how the WLS gave me my life back.    I love the fact that now I exercise daily and walk too.    I truely am so very thankful to God for allowing me to have this surgery and such a wonderful surgeon.  Hope that everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving.....I know that I will.


I HAVE A PLASTIC SURGERY DATE !!!!   IT IS MAY 9TH.   I am having a body lift.   I can't wait to finally be rid of all this ugly heavy skin that I tote around with me everyday.   Please pray that all will go well with the surgery.   It will take 5 hours.   I can't wait to finally be thin,   LOL

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2005
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