
Aug 31, 2007

They are gone !!!!   Those 5 lbs. that I gained on the cruise last week are now totally history.   I wish that I could say that I will NEVER gain any weight again but I am sure that won't be the case.   I am so glad that they came off pretty quick.    I am a scale junkie now.   LOL  I weigh myself both morning and night.    I will only allow myself a 5 to 6 lb leway then I knuckle down and diet till it comes off.   I never intend to be morbidly obese again if I can help it.    And with God's help I won't.    This has been a pretty good week.....except last night my 21 yr.old son heard that one of his friends who he use to work with was in a really bad car accident and he went to see her at the hospital by our home at 1 AM.   I was against it but he was so very upset I told him to go on that way his mind would be at ease.    She fractured her hip bones and broke a leg and I am not sure if she has any other injuries  but at least she is alive.    Keep her in your prayers if you read this....her name is Arieanna.


Aug 27, 2007

What a glorious day that today is.   School started for my 2 sons....ages 21 and 16.    I got back from my first cruise yesterday and it was absolutely WONDERFUL !!!!  Except for one thing.....TOO MUCH FOOD EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK !!!!!  LOL   I did gain 5 lbs.  to tell you the truth I am a little surprised that I didn't gain more though.   I ate 3 meals everyday....and they were NOT small ones either.   My pouch was probably wondering what the HELL was going on.   LOL   But today it is back to my normal routine.    I got up ate my protein bar and was off to my monday morning Yoga class.    Life is good even though because of Hurricane Dean we didn't get to go to Jamaca....it is great and so was the cruise.   I would recommend everyone to go on one.   You feel so pampered.    I am so exhausted though.   I did work out 2 days of the cruise.   I just couldn't bring myself to go back into the gym anymore except to weight....that one day.....I had gained 4 lbs and said that was enough for me.   LOL   I put one more on but now hopefully tomorrow it will start to leave me.   Some of the weight could have been swelling too because I did that alot.   I loved it though and we do plan on going on another one....maybe next year.


Aug 17, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Gee Whiz....What a 24 hours that we have had.   We are leaving in the morning for a 7 day Carribean cruise.   Suspose to go to Jamaca.....Cozemel.....Grand Caymon islands.    Jamaca has been cancelled.   Maybe even Cozemel...due to That hurrican in the ocean.   WE may go to Bahama's instead.   I am so looking forward to getting away from here and all the pressures.   LOL   It will be so much fun just to relax and do whatever we want.   I just pray that the food won't be much of a issue.    I went to the Vitamin Shoppe today and got me some of my favorite protein bars....want to make sure that I get in enough protein....I am sure that I will !!!   Hope that the hurricane doesn't destroy everything in it;s path.   I will let ya know how it was when I get back.


Aug 08, 2007

Well tonight was our support group and Dr. Kim's Seminar.    It was so cool to have Dr. Rumalla do our support group.   He did a fantastic job.   I was extremely impressed and so was everyone else that was there.   Dr. Rumalla is such a talented plastic surgeon.   I really am pleased with the work that he did on me....even though I was having a bad day a few days ago and was all depressed about how I look.   It is just the heat making me swell so much.   Hopefully when fall comes things will be so very much better.    I feel so very blessed to have 2 fantastic surgeons that worked on me.   Both Dr. Kim and Dr. Rumalla gave me life back.   Dr. Kim...made me healthy by giving me my gastric bypass and Dr. Rumalla by removing my huge pannus and giving me back my pride and self esteem.   I thank God every day for giving these 2 very talented men such wonderful gifts of knowledge that they can do the fantastic surgeries on people like me.  

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Aug 04, 2007

Hi there....hope that everyone is doing great.   Well...i have been better lately.   Some of the swelling had gone down untill the heat set in today.   Tonight I am really swollen up.  LOL   I had to loosen my waist cincher and then I finally decided to take it off....put my surgical binder on and get my night gown on for bed.    I guess that I will more and likely stay swollen till the weather cools off in the fall.    I hope that I am wrong....but it sure doesn't look that way.   I just hope that I don't go on the cruise and swell up so big that I won't be able to wear my clothes.   LOL  That would be a nightmare.   LOL   I am sure that won't happen.   I am so ready to go.....14 days from tomorrow and we will be on our cruise.   I hope that we have so much fun on it.    My 21 yr old son lost his job and I went with him to TCC yesterday and signed him up for another semester of college.   I told him that if he messes this up...then he can just take out a student loan and put himself through college.   We paid for a semester about 2 yrs. ago and he never canceled, attended college or got a refund on the classes.   I could have KILLED him.   So we decided to give him one more chance.....and he better not blow it either.   Have a fantastic sunday tomorrow.


Jul 28, 2007

Gee  I love this website.   There are always such upbeat people on here.   I was so very down and depressed last night.   As you all know I am 11 weeks post op from a  LBL.   You can view my photos to the left if you dare.  LOL   I was swollen so big that I just sat and cried.   I felt like a failure.    My measurements were 39-39-38.   Talk about a board.   LOL  That is one if I have EVER seen one.    I was JUST having a really bad day.   I just joined a new REAL gym this week.   A real gym is one with Men and personal trainers and all the big equipement.   LOL   Well....I have done 2 pilates classes that were a hour long each......worked out with a personal trainer for 2 hours.....and did cardio 3 days.   Not counting walking at that mall too.   I have turned into a exercise junkie.  LOL  Well...I guess that my body is protesting.   I was so swollen that my waist cincher had to come off.    Well...I sat down and there it was.....this HUGE belly.   Well....I paid $11,000 for my LBL and all this skin was stareing me in the face.   I just cried and cried ....then I got on the messageboard and told everyone how depressed that I was and that I needed encouragement.   Well...I have been bomb barded with emails from everyone telling me that it was alright.   Well....I woke up this morning and had dropped 5 lbs.   I guess it was 5 lbs of fluid on my body.   It is hot here in Texas ya know.  LOL  I am happy today.   I guess that I just want tight abs so bad.   I have ALWAYS had a problem with having patience but gee.....I need to just get over it.   LOL   THanks to everyone who supported me in my time of need.   I really truely love all  you guys and you are the greatest !!!!  Hugs to you all and many many blessings


Jul 25, 2007

Well...yesterday I did it.   I went a joined a REAL co ed gym.   I did a 1 hour Pilates class and thought that I would die afterwards.   Then I turned around this morning and went back  ( I like to be punished huh?? ).  LOL   I worked out for about 2 hours that included being weighted and measured and being shown how to work all the machines and what they do for my body.   LOL  Like I will really remember that tomorrow !!!  LOL  But I am going back tomorrow.   Glutton for punishment I am.  Not really....I just want tight abs and I know in order to achieve that I am going to have to work...work....work and then more work.   I am maybe going to try a exercise class called Zumba tomorrow.   I doubt that I will be able to do it but I am going to try anyway.   It is a Latin dancing class.   Well....dancing and me just don't mix.   I was never good at Arobics either.   I can try though.   I am so glad that I really haven't seen that many men there.  I guess that most of them are out working during the daytime and I am so glad that there isn't a bunch of them in there.   Those who were in there paid me NO attention at all.    Glad about that too.   I am so pleased with myself and my decision to quit my comfort zone ( Curves ) and do something that will work for my body.    I just hope that I won't be sorry.....I know that I won't though.   I really should have left Curves when the inches and pounds stopped coming off.....although I was told that I wasn't working hard enough.....I don't believe that.   I just think that it was time for a change.   Now don't get me wrong Curves is great for someone who just does cardio or for beginners but when you want more....you really need to go to a full gym with a variety of exercise classes and many machines that will meet you needs.    I am so happy that I did that.   In fact I spent my birthday money that my husband gave me to go buy myself something with to join there.    I am so happy that I did.   I really didn't need anything any more than I do to be pleased with the person looking back at me when I look in the mirror.   And nothing will feel better to me than the day I look in the mirror and see those flat abs that is my desire.


Jul 23, 2007

Hi All,

Well....today was the 6 month anniversary of my Mom's death.  I miss her so very much.   Also today Curves should have received my letter telling them that I won't be back there.   SO much has changed since my LBL.   I called my surgeon's office the other day....since I have been back to exercising ( almost a month ago ) I haven't lost any weight nor inches.   When I mentioned this to my PS office they said that for me to see results I would need to change up my exercises from day to day.   Well...if any of you ladies have ever gone to Curves....that is IMPOSSIBLE !!!!   I knew that if I went into Curves and told them my problem they would talk me out of quitting....well.....I wanted to make sure that didn't happen this time.  LOL  
I am going to join a new gym tomorrow.  I am very excited about this.   I sure do hope that I will get the results that I am wanting to get with them.   They do have personal trainers there ( although I am sure that I won't be able to afford one ) LOL  That is alright though...one of them said that he would help me to get on the right track.  Hope that he does it for free.   LOL  Plus I am so very excited about the Pilates classes that they offer.   I just know that this change will be a good thing.   Pray for me that I will get the results that I am after.   I don't want a knock down georgious body....all I want is for my abs to tighten up.   I didn't pay $11,000 getting all that skin removed to have my ole thick skin get the best of me.   I will make it thin out if it kills me.   LOL   And that it might do.  NAH.....that won't happen.   I am planning on working my butt off though to make it happen.   I will have tight abs.  I will.   Hope you all had a great day....till my next entry....have a wonderful life....I know I plan on it !!!!


Jul 20, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Well yesterday was my birthday.   I am now 54 yrs old.   I must say that for being my age I now feel better than I did when I was in my 20's.   I also went and checked out Fitness 2000.   I must say that I was rather impressed with them.   They are about the same price as I pay monthly for Curves too.   SO I have just about decided that I am NOT going back to Curves.   I will truely miss all the wonderful ladies that I met there and worked out with for the last 2 yrs and the ones how cheered me on to loose my weight.   It is going to be bitter sweet.  OH well....I am sure that I will make new friends there.....if not oh well....I am not going there to make friends anyway.   I am going to firm up my body and abs.   I want to have tight abs and look good.   Please everyone wish me luck as I jump into this new adventure of working my a$$ off !!!


Jul 17, 2007

Hi Everyone,

Hope that life has been treating you good.   I can't believe that it has been so long since I have posted.    I am battling keeping my swelling down from my PS and trying to decide what to do about my abs.   LOL   I am currently trying to decide whether to keep going to Curves or not.   I really don't think that I am getting that good of a workout for what I need work on ( my abs ) since they only have 2 machines there that work on that area,   It will be extremely hard to leave there if that is what I decide.    I am just so tired of the management there chewing me out for saying what is on my mind while working out there.     I was gripped out the other day by the manager for talking to another member about other health clubs and their prices.   Well....whatever happened to "Freedom of Speech"?   I am really getting extremely tired of being treated and feeling like a little child being scolded for things that I do.   After all....I am OLDER than the manger/owner of the Curves that I attend.   GEE WHIZ !!!!   I am thinking seriously about quiting there and going to a place called Fitness 2000.   I have a neice and neiphew who go there and love it.   My neice has really tightened her abs up there by taking a pilates class.   She said that she absolutely loves it !!!!   Her abs are extremely tight and that is what I want.   I almost feel as though I am waisting my time going to Curves now.  Please.....Don't get me wrong....if you are in the beginning of your journey....Curves is GREAT !!!!  But when you are trying to tone up your skin.   I don't really think that it is that great.   My neice is a nurse and she said that Curves is mainly cardio.    What I need is for someone to help me with thightening up my abs and exercises to do so.   The reason that I would hate to leave there is to miss all the friends that I work out with on a daily basis ....I have gone there everyday for 2 yrs.   I have been extremely disciplined in my exercise program....but since I have had my PS.....it just isnt tightening up anything.    I guess that what I need to do is just go and check out the other places where I have interest in and just go and see what they have to offer me.   I just HATE change though !!!  LOL   Well...I will keep everyone posted on what I decide.

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2005
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