
Oct 11, 2007

Well....we had a really good time at the SG last night.    We had a social.  We don't have those very often but the hospital is redoing their bariatric website and they had us all walk over to the helicopter pad and take the entire SG photos...both lap band patients and the GB and GS patients too.   It was alot of fun and man did we ever have a lively crowd at the Seminar.    People were sure asking the questions last night.   Sometimes at Dr. Kim's Seminars the people there won't ask us any questions at all.    I could tell that the bunch there last night were really serious about surgery.   They were asking really good questions too.    I don't know if I have posted this or not but I have started going up to the hospital almost daily and visiting Dr. Kim's new post op patients and asking them if they have any questions that they might want to ask a patient who has been there and done that.   It makes me feel good when I can encourage another person and make them feel at ease with the decision that they have had to have WLS.     It is scarey I know....because I was there where they are almost 2 yrs ago.    I feel that God has blessed me so much by allowing me to get my weight off and keep it off that now it is time for me to pay him back by encouraging others as they begin their journey.   I did talk to Dr. Kim about me doing this last night and he said that he thought that it was great that I would want to do that for other people.   I just feel so very blessed !!!!  


Oct 04, 2007

Hi Everyone.   Gee I have had a very BUSY week !!!  I have been at N. Hills Hospital everyday and sometimes 2 times a day visiting Dr. Kim's new post op patients.   I have really enjoyed doing that too.   I have gone into their rooms....talked to them and asked them if they had any questions that they would like to ask me about their surgery that they just did.   One in particular....asked me if I thought "What have I done" after the surgery.   I replied 'Of Course I thought that !!!"   I think that after we do something drastic to our bodies like that especially if we have had decades or years of failures with diets that thought does come to our minds.   I sat and spoke with her for probably close to a hour and when I left she was totally at ease with her decision.    I am so glad that I did that and did that for several others too.   It makes me feel so good like I am doing something productive when I do things like that to help out others.    I guess that I have just too much time on my hands.  LOL   Well....as long as Dr. Kim doesn't mind me doing that I probably will.   I love helping others out with their WL journey.   It kinda gives me purpose.   My husband said that I eat, sleep, dream and live to save the world from obesity.   Well....I wouldn't go that far but I do like to give back the same help that I received from others as I started on my journey.   Take care till next time.


Oct 01, 2007

Where has this year gone????  I am amazed how quickly that it has passed.   I was told that when you get older it flies by but I really didn't believe it.   I do now though.   Yesterday was kinda weird.  Over the weekend my middle son, Shawn decided that he thinks that he will go into the Air Force or some other branch of the military.   Well...he went over to one of his old friends ( he hasn't been on good terms with for about a year ) to tell him what he was thinking about doing and to make ammends.   Well...to make a long story short.....the guy opened his door....saw Shawn....pushed him......then shut the door.   Shawn lost his balance.....fell backwards and hit his head on the stairwell under the stairs that was metal and concrete.   To make a long story short....he busted his head open.   Had to have 7 staples in his head.   Then he got depressed about it and texted most of his friends telling them that he was going to do something that he should have done along time ago and told them all goodbye.   Well....this one girl told her youth pastor about it...they called the Police and then they called me.   Well one of his other friends called me to tell me about it....I talked to Shawn and he said that he would never do anything to end his life.   Then our city sent 2 Policemen out to talk to him.   Gee what a weekend.   Shawn has done this once before for attention.   He is the middle son and he does stuff like this sometimes for attention.    I truely think that if he went into the military it would be good for him.   But then who am I to decide his future.   Oh well....I went to visit Janet at the hospital tonight.   She is pretty sure that she has a stricture.....they are going to scope her tomorrow.   I pray that they find out what is making her ill.


Sep 28, 2007

I believe this has been one of the most trying weeks of my life.   My oldest son told his wife monday that he wanted a divorce....went back to her tuesday....then left again tonight and he said this time it is probably for good.   He is 26 so he should know what he wants.   Also one of my friends from our GB SG....had a freak thing happen.   She started hurting in her stomach and went to her PC.  They gave her medicine and sent her home.   The that night she started hurting so much her hubby took her to the ER.   Well.....it turned out that her small intestines had knotted up....Dr. Kim had to do emergency surgery on her and had to remove 2 feet of her intestines and then had to totally re do her GB.   She is in severe pain and her blood count has dropped.   I am praying that she will start to get better and that the pain will ease up.    I am doing the Walk From Obesity tomorrow in Dallas.  I sure do hope that I can do the walk in my tennis shoes.   I hate closed in shoes.   Well I will try to post more tomorrow.


Sep 23, 2007

Well.....I know that today will be a very difficult day for my oldest son, Jonathan.   He has been married for 3 yrs. to a lady that doesn't like me !!!  In fact I would probably go as far as to say that she "Hates" me.   I have NEVER done anything to her to warrent that....the only thing that I have said to her is that I didn't like the canister set that she picked out when they got married and that I was going to loose weight and get down as small or smaller than she was.  LOL  Now does that sound like something to make someone hate you about????   Oh well...no love lost I guess.   She made my 26 yr. old son move out of their apartment a month ago and he is telling her that he has decided that he wants a divorce today.   So if you are reading this....please remember to pray for him.   His wife....has never treated us well starting before and during the wedding and reception.   Mind you....we all fly to Ca. from Texas to the wedding and spent our entire tax return in order to be able to be there for their Big Day.   Not that I regreat one dime spent on that trip....I would not have missed it for my son but We have NEVER deserved the treatment that we have received over the last 3 yrs.   I have always treated her the same as if she was one of my children.   But birthdays, Mother's Day, Father's Day and all have gone by the last few years un anacknowledged....and then to find out that she didn't treat HER parents that way and that SHE put her parents before my SON !!!!   SHE IS A NUT !!!!  SHE DOES NOT DESERVE HIM AT ALL !!!!   I raised him to be a very loving caring person and to put others before himself.   He has been paying their apartment rent....even though he isn't living there....he is renting a room from a friend of his mother.   SO he is paying 2 rents.   She is in medical school and I guess she is getting the she is better than he is attitude.   Oh well...I am ready for Jonathan to come back home to Texas....he has been gone for 8 yrs and I miss him.   Please remember to keep him in your thoughts and prayers that everything will go well for him today when he tells her.   Thanks and have a fantastic week.


Sep 17, 2007

Good Morning Everyone,

It is a beautiful day....I hope that I can still say that after my pilates class this morning.   LOL   I am beginning to see a little progress in my task to see my 6 pack on my abs.   LOL  or at least I am telling myself that.   LOL   Anyway....I am getting and staying fit by all the workouts that I do M-F.    I also signed up to do the Walk From Obesity in Dallas on the 29th.   I hope that I can do it.   LOL   I have been slacking off on walking.   I guess I really need to start going back to the mall and walking in addition to my classes to get into "shape" for that 3 mile walk.   Also to break in my tennis shoes.....LOL   I think that they might laugh me out of Tom Landry Park if I show up in my flip flops to do that walk.   Although .....that is how I am always walking.   I might just have to slip them into a bag and take with me to the walk in case my tennis shoes might start hurting my feet.   Since 3 miles is not just around the corner.   LOL   Well  I hope that everyone has a wonderful day and week.


Sep 10, 2007

Well tonight was open house night at Caleb's school.   I felt so proud and so good.   I ran into several ladies there at the open house that work at the school and they just kept telling me how amazing that I look now and how they didn't recognize the new tiny me.   LOL  That sounds so good.   Tiny me !!!  LOL  I never ever thought that anyone would call me TINY !!!!   I have never been tiny and still don't really see me that way.   It does make me proud and feel good to be refered to in that manner though.   What a great day that today was with all those compliments.  


Sep 08, 2007

Hi There,

This has been a really tough week for me.    I am so glad that tomorrow is the beginning of a new week.    I have been battling my weight all week long.   I have no idea if it is the heat or what????  It might be the fact that my oldest son and daughter in law have separated and that she has convinced him that he needs to have counciling.    I want him to come home to Texas if it isn't going to work out.   He has been out of Texas for 8 yrs now and to tell you the truth....I MISS HIM !!!!!    He was always Mom's baby boy and it hurts me for her to tear him down like she is doing.   I think that she is playing him like a violin.    He is paying for HER apartment and her bills while she goes to med. school and all.    He said that they have discussed what they would get were they to divorce and SHE will get almost everything except the Scion that is 2 yrs old and a little money.   Obviously they have quite a bit saved up and she said she will get MOST of it and all the furniture and such.   SHE really pisses me OFF !!!!   She hates me and I have NEVER done anything to her except treat her like I do my boys.   I even baked her 4 dozen chocolate chip cookies and sent her money for her birthday then 3 days later she tells my son that HE needs to leave and give her her space.   LOL  Sorry I am never like this....I am just so tired of my son being treated badly.   When I asked him WHY he was still paying her rent and all he said....Mom she is STILL my wife and you have always told me to treat people the way that you want to be treated and besides that.....He LOVES Her !!!   I just hope that she loves him and doesn't rip his heart out of his chest and stomp on it.   Please pray for Jonathan.   He needs lots of prayers.   So do the rest of us going through this with him.


Sep 02, 2007

Happy Labor Day to everyone.   It is just after midnight and I am NOT sleepy due to taking a long nap earlier.   LOL  SO I have been on the messageboards trying to answer some questions of others and sharing my experiences.    I love this website and reading about the victories that others have.   I am struggling at this time to keep my weight down and stay away from things that I shouldn't eat.   I have been having a somewhat hard time since returning from the cruise a week ago.    Life stinks sometimes.    I wish that when we had our WLS that we would have had to go through some counciling about binge eating and what is eating us and causing us to do this to ourselves.   Today has been a roller coaster of emotional eating for me.    I got up this morning and my weight was up and that made me down on myself and then the SF cookies that I bought were calling my name.   I need to just get ALL junk food out of the house totally so that it won't be around when I am wanting to graze.   I so want to weight in the 120's or even the low 130's but I guess I will have to settle for the high 130's.    I do work my buns off trying to keep the weight down.   And people think having WLS is the easy way out.  HUH !!!!  There is NO easy way out...we will always struggle with out weight till the day that we die !!!!!   Have a wonderful holiday !!!!


Sep 01, 2007

I did something differant this morning.....I went to the Fort Worth Support group breakfast that was at Rise and Shine Cafe.   It was so much fun to finally meet some of my friends here on OH.      It is nice to put faces to the names.    Everyone that I met when I told them who I was they couldn't believe that it was me.   They all said that I don't look like my photo.   That I look younger.....now I hope that they weren't just saying that.   LOL    I do think that I look younger now than I do in the photo that shows in the messageboards.   LOL   I kinda look old and wrinkled in that one.   I did have fun there and I do plan on going back.   We are going to have our SG Breakfast on the 22nd.   I may post it on the OH Texas Messageboard too just in case there are anyone in the Mid Cities area who need extra support and would like to come.   Everyone have a fantastic Labor day weekend.

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2005
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