
Jan 16, 2008

Well here it is almost 2 weeks since I wrote on my profile and I am STILL battling getting off those 5 lbs I gained over the holidays.   Life is so stressful and it is so sad that YES.....I do still turn to food when I get stressed.     It is a shame that I let things get to me.   My middle so got a traffic ticket in Nov. and didn't tell us and 2 weeks ago he got a warrant for his arrest in the mail if he didn't pay it.    Well we went and paid it 2 days ago.   Talk about stress !!!  UGH !!!   I HATE it when my kids do that to me.   They know how things get to me and all the bad foods call me by my first name and sometimes I tell them to "take a hike" and sometimes I answer !!  LOL   I guess that means that I am "normal" and "human".    I want to NEVER gain back my weight.    A lifetime of being made fun of......called ugly names that are very unbecoming and being treated like less than human was more than enough for me.    52 yrs of that kind of abuse was ENOUGH for me.    I am still irritated at my SIL for the comments that she made to my precious hubby on Christmas Eve.    Whether he is 180 lbs or 400 lbs in none of HER BUSINESS !!!!   I don't know whether I told you all about this or not but what she did is she look a photo of him ( he weighs about 330 ) and made the comment in front of the entire family about how "good" that I look and how HUGE that he looks.   Then she told him that all she could see when she looked at his photo was his HUGE belly.   He told me that she really hurt and embarrassed him.    He said that he started to ask her if he could see her digital camera and take a photo of her BUTT !!!!!   LOL   He said then he could make a comment about her HUGE ( back part ) !!!    That was so rude of her to do that to him.   Yeah....he is pretty large ( I think that he found lots of the weight that I have lost but....no one can make him loose the weight he has to make up his mind that is what HE wants ) !!!!   I never really cared for her and now it is even less than before.   What a B !!!!   My hubby is the kindest....sweetest person on the earth.    How dare she treat him that way.   Ok enough said about that.   I am so sorry to be dumping that on you guys but even after almost a month it still hurts.   I remember those rude uncalled for comments that I use to get from people.   WHAT A PRETTY FACE YOU HAVE.......HOW RUDE !!!!    That is just a followup for but what happened to the rest of you.   I think that we have ALL heard that one.   I always try to treat others the way that I would want to be treated and if I EVER say anything to anyone otherwise.....I am probably saying things without first thinking them out.    I want to help eveyone to be successful.    Trust me......I battle my weight on a daily basis and I guess that I always will as long as God allows me to walk on this earth.   But I DO KNOW that the weight would HAVE NEVER CAME OFF without this surgery.    Sorry to have dumped negative things on ya'll.   I try to be a real possitive person but next week ( 6 more days is the 1 yr. anniversary of my Mom dying and it is killing me inside.....I miss her so much).    Please if you are reading this....say a prayer for me that God will help me to be strong and get though this month.    Then the first year of "firsts" will be overwith.   God bless you all.   If ever I can help any of you out or encourage you pleae send me a email and I promise I will answer you back.    God bless you all !!!!!


Jan 04, 2008

Well....hello everyone.   I ended up gaining 5 lbs over the holidays...that is my most that I will ALLOW myself to gain.   I have pulled about half of it off which isn't too bad considering that it has only been a little over a week since Christmas.   I am SO glad that it is over.   Although my NEW YEAR started out bad.   My husband put his cooler ( that is his lunch box ) on my flat top electric stove and then pushed it back hitting one of the knobs to the back burner....which yep...you guessed it....it turned it on and on HIGH no less.    Then he proceeded to go and take a bath and then our smoke alarm went off LOUDLY.   By the time my 17 yr old woke me up our ENTIRE house was full of smoke and when I walked into the kitchen....the stove top, floor and sink were all flaming up.  Talk about a rude awakeing that is it.   I was so scared I didn't know what to do.   Luckly my husband was on top of thing and he and my 17 yr old got the burning cooler outside on our patio and put the rest of the fire out ( mind you.....I have a Fire Dept 1 block from my home ) they choose not to call them.   Thank God that he was looking out for us and salvaged my house and we escaped with only minor smoke damage on my cabnits.     The rest of the year hasn't gone much better.   My 17 yr olds car died......I went down and bought him a really nice used Honda Civic at the local dealership....well......lets just put it this way....I THINK I BOUGHT A LEMON !!!!   LOL   I was told tonight that Honda's don't overheat....but Caleb's did !!!!!  Hopefully they will figure it out and cover it since I think that we have only had possession of the car maybe 2 days since I bought it.    It had lots of things that needed repairing.   I think that it will come out alright in the end....I am praying that anyway.   I hope that your year is going better than mine.   You guys have a WONDERFUL YEAR.  


Dec 24, 2007

Well....it is almost over !!!!  That dreaded time of the year where there seems to be unlimited supplies of dreaded junk food and foods that are....well.....should I say NOT on our daily foods list to eat.  LOL   I love Christmas time but NOT the foods that are associated with it.   LOL   We went to my SIL's tonight for Christmas eve and she prepared some of the grossest sandwiches that I have ever had....ham salad, cucumber, and tuna ( but not like any I have ever had ).  LOL   There were also these dips.....UGH ~~~~   needless to say....none of MY FAMILY ate the food there....we left early and I came home and ate some decent stuff for me.   LOL   I am so glad that now I make good decisions....sometimes it is difficult but then my pouch reminds me to be good.  LOL   The main holiday that I dread is almost gone....Thank GOD !!!!!    The fudge is OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW !!!  I left it with my SIL.   LOL   Let her get fat.   The fudge knows my name.....I am I know that it is a temptation so good bye fudge for another year.   LOL    Hopefully tomorrow won't be too much of a challenge over at my sisters house.    I wish everyone a very merry christmas.


Dec 19, 2007

I think that I am FINALLY finished Christmas shopping.   LOL   Everytime that I turn around I think of another gift to get someone near and dear to me.   Well...this has been a very hard week.   One of the youth at our church died needlessly the other day.   He had gone to Walmart...took some cold medicine and had a bad reaction to it and died there in the parking lot.    He was only "19" yrs old.   My heart breaks for his family.   I also had to go to my PCP today.   I am sick with a sinus infection and friday I go to Dr. Kim for my 2 yr. check up.    I am so proud of myself that I have been so disiplined to not gain my weight back.   I am very very careful though.   I try real hard not to eat the wrong things and to get in my vitamins and protein.   I try to walk and exercise as I have been told.   Although I have kinda fallen off the wagon as far as my gym and exercise classes goes.   I am going to go back and get deligent again after Christmas is over.    I promise that I will.    I thank God everyday for my weight loss and him giving me the ability to maintain it.    It has been a hard road but with his help I WILL keep the weight off.    I had lunch with both my sisters today.   We also went to the cemetary and saw Mom and Dad's graves.    This will be our first Christmas and New Year without her.   It is kinda sad having no parents alive to call and give all the " good and bad news" to.     If I think about her and Dad too long I start to cry.  One of my friends sent me a poem called " First Christmas in Heaven" that made me cry too.   I know with all my heart that is where Mom and Dad are and I know that they are rejoicing to be together again but still we miss there love and support and seeing them.    All we have is each other and a few Aunts and one Uncle that really don't have anything much to do with us.   It is so sad.   I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.   I will be so glad when Jan. 23rd has come and gone then we will have a complete year of firsts behind us.    I know that God will see us through it though.   Thanks so much for reading my profile and God bless you all.


Dec 08, 2007

WOW I can't believe that it has been so long since I posted on here.   I am doing good.   I have just about finished Christmas shopping.    I am going on thursday of this week to Malvern, Pa. to visit with a friend who I have never met.   She is the Mom of my oldest son's best friend that he had while he was in the Navy.   I have become very close to her.   She was diagnoised over a year ago with throat cancer and she was over that but still having some problems so she went to the doctor and found out that now she has lung cancer and it is inoperable.   I am so sad about that.   She had invited me up to visit her so I took her up on it.   I am so very excited other than I have NO idea what to take.   LOL   We have WARM weather here in Texas and it is extremely cold in Pa.   LOL  OH well....I am sure that I will be fine.  I am taking some light weight things that I wear during the winter because I don't want to get sick ( and I hope that won't happen since I will be going from extremely hot to cold. ).   I told her that if we didn't get to go shopping that it would be just fine with me....I am going to visit with her and her family....NOT shop.   LOL  BUt it would be nice to do some of that too.   Everyone have a great weekend.


Nov 23, 2007

Hello Everyone,

Well....yesterday was Thanksgiving.   It was ALSO my 2 yr. Anniversary of my RNY GB.   I am SOOO  very THANKFUL for the surgery.   It has totally given me my life back although I never really felt that I owned my life in the first place.   I was morbidly obese my entire life.   How sad that it is that I went ALL the way through school as a fat person.   Ya know....it just wasn't fair to have that happen to anyone.    I have truely become my own person now that the weight is gone and I pray that it will be forever.   I do slip and go back into my old habits sometimes....like now.   I am trying to get a grip...it is hard with all the holiday foods around.   Although if it were only me living in my home I would toss it all out.....but then everyone would sure be upset with me if I did that.   LOL   I guess that I need to just stay away from home and spend money but then the bills come in.   What is a girl to do????  LOL    Oh well....I guess that I just need to again get the upper hand on all the foods in my fridge that don't belong.   If they aren't gone soon they will either get tossed or froze...so out of sight out of mind.   Hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.   Mine was OK.   Both my son's invited some of their friends over to eat and they sure did eat......THANK GOD for that !!!   LOL   Now if I can get them to come back and eat all the foods that know my name I will be thrilled !!!!!


Nov 16, 2007

I can't believe that Thanksgiving day will be 2 yrs. since my gastric bypass surgery.    Even more incrediable than that is that I have pretty much kept my weight off.    WOW I am so proud of that.   I work very hard at it though.   Not that I am at my goal yet.   I weight 9 lbs more than I would like to weight.......but that is so much better than 130 or 140 lbs more.    At this Thanksgiving I know what I am going to be so very Thankful for.   LOL  Bet you all could guess what that is too.   I never in a million years thought that I would ever be as small as I am.   I can't believe that I can just about go to any store and buy a size 8 jean if it has spandix at least 1 % in it.   And to be able to buy a size 4/6 pull on pant or size Small....that is just wild.   LOL   

I thank GOD every day for what HE has helped me to accomplish with this surgery and I know that it is HE who has helped me to be able to keep this weight off.    I truely don't know how people live their lives without God in their lives.    Thanks so much for visiting my profile.  


Nov 05, 2007

WOW I can't believe that my 2 yr. Surgeryversary is coming up.   Gee and on Thanksgiving day too.   You ALL know what I am so thankful for !!!!!   I am SOO VERY thankful for all my OH friends.   God has blessed me so very much with this WLS.   I have the BEST SURGEON ALIVE ( well....I am predjuiced ).  LOL   A super Bariatric Coordinator....and the best friends in the entire world that I have made because of this surgery.   I know that some of you guys have to be some of the most careing people in the entire world and I feel so very HONORED to be associated with you all.    I am also so very THANKFUL for the opportunity to be Angel's for people.    I am also so very Thankful that GOD has allowed me the opportunity to talk to Dr. Kim's Patients that are new post ops while they are in the hospital and encourage them.    I have been so bummed out because of all the things happening in my life at this time that I have absolutely no control over.   Please if you are reading this say a prayer for my son, Jonathan.    He is getting a divorce from his wife and she isn't being very nice and that is putting it mildly.   SO please remember to say a prayer for him.    Good luck to you all.


Oct 23, 2007

I have a very heavy heart today......It is the anniversary of my Mom's death 9 months ago.   Also my oldest son, Jonathan is going through a divorce or starting one anyway.   His soon to be ex wife has turned into a MONSTER !!!!   She is wanting EVERYTHING and wanting him to have nothing.   She even wants the car that HE drives....she can't even drive it because it is a standard transmission but she doesn't care....she doesn't want him to have it.   She even went so far as to put in the divorce papers that she is scared that he will leave Ca. in it and bring it to Texas and that her parents had given HER the money as a gift that paid for the car.   HEY then WHY did SHE have it put in both their names.   She is a NUT CASE !!!!  She doesn't even want him to have all his things from their apartment.   Oh well....it is only material possisions.   LOL  At least he found out how she was before they had children.   I would never get to see my grandkids if they had children.   Thank GOd for that.    Well...please keep us in your prayers.   I have a problem with turning to food when I am stressed out.   I have gained a few lbs.  and don't want to gain any more.   Love you guys....GOD BLESS YOU !!!!

DFW dinner at Mercardo Juarez 10/20/07

Oct 20, 2007

Hi All,

I had a wonderful time at the dinner tonight.   I met so many wonderful people there that I had not met before.   It was so good to get together with other people who understand what we all are going though trying to loose and maintain this weight.     I wish that I could have gone to the dance but on saturday night it is almost impossible with church in the morning.    It was so much fun and the costumes were just great.   When I got there I kinda wished that I had worn one.   LOL    Well...anyway it was a great day today.  I went to a garage sale yesterday and bought a Gazelle and I love it !!!!  I did it several times yesterday and trust me....I was sore this morning when I got up....I was wondering why then it hit me.....THE GAZELLE !!!!!  IT works !!!   Love you guys !!!!

About Me
Fort Worth, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 26, 2005
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